new beginnings

It has been three months since Callie attacked Rosalie and she has been spending all her free time in LA Push. Her and Jared are back to their usual selves, much to the disappointed Bella's wishes. Bella is convinced Jared is just using her twin and has made her feelings about their relationship quite clear. This has caused a somewhat massive rift between Callie and Bella. neither girl liking their choices in men. Charlie is at the end of his tether as he is living in a house where two teenage females are not speaking is not the most comfortable situation for any male. Let alone Charlie.

"Dad I am heading to Sam's. Do you still need a lift to Billy's?"

Charlie smiles at his daughter and quickly grabs the case of beer from in the kitchen . As the pair leave Bella stops Callie and asks her to give Jake a message.

"Ask Dad. Thanks to you Jacob, Embry and Quil don't talk to me anymore."

Callie leaves the house Bella looking confused and then remembers what she said to Jacob and the boys a few weeks ago. Charlie looks at Bella questioningly but she simply shrugs and goes up stairs. Charlie sighs and leaves the house he has to do something about the rift between his girls. Before it is too late.

Callie and Charlie are driving through Forks heading to La Push the car filled with silence. Charlie deciding now is the time to get the truth out of his daughter.

"So what is going on with you and bells?"

"Dad Bella doesn't like Jared and I don't like Edward it is that simple. "

"Why doesn't she like Jared? "

"Your guess is as good as mine. At the end of the day we have always been different sometimes i wonder if one of us was adopted."

Callie laughs and looks at her Dad, when she sees the look on his face however she stops laughing. Charlie is sat there looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights, he doesn't know what to say or what to think.

"Dad. Your trying to wind me up right? "

"Look Callie I.... we....."

"Dad seriously this isn't funny. "

"I am sorry honey."

Callie realizes that Charlie isn't joking, one of them is adopted. Question is though who. Callie doesn't say a word she simply puts her foot down wanting to get him out of her car and fast. By the time they get to Billy's Callie has worked out which one it is, in all honesty why she didn't see it before was beyond her. Charlie goes to get out but Callie says the one thing he was dreading.

"It's me isn't it?"


Callie looks to the man she called Dad for her entire life with hurt and anger. How could he not tell her sooner. Why didn't he want this to be known?, Callie feels her anger take hold of her, her body starting to shake.


Jake and Billy rush out of the house followed by Embry and Quill, when Billy sees the state of Callie he tells Jake to quickly go and get Jared, Sam and Paul. He gets Embry and Quill to get Harry Clearwater and Jensen Lahote. Old man Atera walks over to Charlie placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Come inside Charlie, let Callie cool off."

"Princess I am sorry."


Her anger starts to bubble, Billy hoping someone arrives soon to help. So when he see's Jensen he sighs with relief. He points to the car and Jensen looks at Billy with a smile on his face.

"About time this happened."

"I know can you go and help her out of the car. Take her into the woods, you know what to do."

Jensen simply nods his head and walk over to Callie. He opens the door and she snaps her head towards him. Her once Blue eyes are now a vibrant purple. Jensen looks at the girl for a moment before smiling at her and holding his hand out. Callie takes his hand and follows him to the woods. He stops in front of her and tells her to focus.

"Listen princess you need to let the anger consume you. Think about all the times Charlie and Bella have lied to you. Your whole childhood was a lie."

Callie starts to shake harder, steam rising off her. Sam, Jared and Paul arrive to see a very angry Callie. Jared is about to go to her when they hear an ear splitting scream and see Callie lunge forward and turning into a pure white wolf. Nobody moves or utters a word for a moment as none of them can actually believe what is happening. The three boys then go and phase.

Callie: Oh my god what the hell is happening? I can't be a wolf how the hell is this possible.

Sam: Callie it is Sam listen everything is going to be okay. We will head back to mine and then find out what is going on.

Callie: Why did he lie to me Sam?

Jared: Babe who lied to you?

Callie looks to Jared's wolf and as soon as their eyes meet she sees their life before her very eyes. The two of them on the beach holding hands, their wedding, their family. Suddenly it is like everything revolves around Jared and only Jared. She drops on to her stomach and whines. Jared going to her and lying down in front of her.

Jared: You okay baby?

Callie: What the hell just happened? I saw images of us two.

Jared: Babe you imprinted on me.

Callie: Thank god for that. Babe why did my dad lie to me?

Callie's wolf starts to cry and Jared goes to comfort her in his wolf form. Right now she needs him more than ever. What ever it is she is going through he knows that it isn't good for her to cry over.

Paul: Coco lets go back to Sam's we can get you some clothes and then you can tell me who i have to bitch slap okay?

Callie simply nods and stands following the guys to Sam's house. Once they get there Sam howls before phasing back and going to see Emily. Emily leaves the house two minutes later with some clothes for Callie. Her heart breaking for the poor girl.

Jared: Babe go behind that tree and picture yourself as a human okay. I will quickly go phase and meet you there.

Callie: Okay. I love you.

Jared: Love you too baby.

Callie goes to the big oak tree and does as Jared tells her. To her surprise she is fully clothed and when Jared meets her with the clothes Emily gave him he is shocked to see her fully dressed.

"Babe how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Change back fully clothed?"

Callie looks at him like he has gone mad before she shrugs and walks to Sam and Emily's. Once they get inside Jared hands the clothes back to Emily, Sam giving him a look.

"She phased back fully clothed."

"How is that..."

"Because she is not like you guys. Callie is a special kind of wolf."

Everyone turns to see Billy, Harry and Jensen stood in the doorway. Billy wheels himself to Callie and places a hand on her shoulder.

"I am so sorry angel. We would of told you sooner but we couldn't risk the wrong people finding out about what you are before you were trained properly. I can now tell you everything you need to know."

"Okay first thing who the hell are my real parents."

Billy sighs and then looks at Sam before turning his attention back to Callie.

"Your mother was Jennifer Lahote and your father Joshua Uley."

"Wait who the hell are those people?"

"Jennifer was Jensen's wife and Paul's mother and Joshua Uley is Sam's father."

"Wait so Paul and Sam are....."

Paul and Sam look at Callie a feeling of pride, anger, family and love running through both their veins.

"Your Brothers. Your birth name is Callista Larentia Uley Lahote. You are the chosen one."

Callie looks at Billy like he has lost his marbles. What the hell is she chosen for?

"Chosen one for what?"

"You are the most powerful being known to man now. You are what they call a Guardian Wolf. The only one of your kind."

Callie sits back in her chair dumbfounded. In the last twelve hours she has gone from having a sister to having no sister, becoming a wolf, imprinting on the love of her life, to having two brothers and now she is some powerful wolf. Without thinking she pinches herself, a little pain shooting up her right arm. Yes Callista this is definitely not a dream.