Callista Larentia Uley Lahote

The sound of the boys laughing downstairs has Callie groaning. She throws her duvet off her tanned body and gets out of bed, grabbing her LA Lakers hoody as she makes her way down stairs. When she walks into the kitchen she goes to the coffee machine and pours herself a nice hot cup of coffee. Emily nudges her and laughs when Callie grunts.

"Boys wake you up again?"

"Yeah. Are they always this loud?"

"Yes but we also have a new member."

Callie looks over to the table and sees Embrey sat there looking at her confused. Jared calls her over and she goes straight to him, sitting on his lap and kissing him like they do every morning. Sam looks to Embrey and then too Callie.

"You explain I have just got up and i am not focused for that kind of convo."

"No problems. Embrey one more thing. Callie is Jared's imprint, she is also Paul's sister and mine. One last thing she is what we call the guardian wolf. What ever she says goes and don't get her angry as it won't end well for you."

"Yeah and don't get Jared angry either. Their bond is more stronger than Sam and Emily's. "

"Okay. So is Bella your sister too?"

Callie growls and Sam and Paul quickly try to defuse the situation before Callie kills Embrey. Since the whole Callie was adopted thing, her and Bella have fallen out and Callie moved out of the Swan house and into Sams. Nobody apart from the pack and the elders know of Callie's true identity and that is the way it is going to stay until the time arises when they need her to become supernatural knowledge.Does Callie feel sad she has lost her family?, No because she knew deep down that the reservation is where she always belonged. She was always at peace here. The fact that she is now dating a werewolf, have two werewolf brothers and is the most powerful supernatural creature there is, is and added bonus. She is even starting the reservation high school in the new school year so there is no need for her to see either Charlie or Bella. Which sits well with Callie, after all she is not a Swan, she is a Uley- Lahote.

The funny thing is that she is a lot like Sam and Paul in many ways. She has Pauls fowl temper and flirty nature and Sams stubbourness and leader skills. Jared thinks she is more like Paul than Sam but Emily is on team Sam thinking that the girl is a mini Sam. The other thing they have learned over the past two months is Callie's power. It was only found by mistake when she got so angry at Paul she nearly made him BBQ wolf when a fireball appeared in her palm. Hence why no one is to make her angry. Plus you would have Sam, Paul and Jared breathing down your neck if you did. No body messes with their girl and gets a way with it.

"So what is the plans for today?"

"We were thinking that you need to be trained in battle so that is what we are doing today."

"Awesome I get to kick your guys ass. Don't worry boys I will take it easy on you I swear."

Callie gives them her devilish grin Embrey gulping. He has known Callie for a while and they are good friends, but Embrey knows that once you piss her off it is like a bomb has gone off. Angry Callie is never something you would want to experience.

"Callie you need to remember these training sessions are more for your benefit than ours. We need to make sure you can fight if you need too. Plus Billy said that your powers are more than a fireball so we also need to get them under control so you don't accidentally cremate someone."

"Sam that was along time ago plus Paul was fine. "

"If you say so Tinkerbell."

"Watch is Sammy boy or your ass will be on the wrong end of one of these."

Callie holds her palm out and a fireball sits on there, Embrey staring in shock. Callie closes her hand the fireball distinguishing instantly.

"That was cool. So what happens now?"

"Well first of all no one knows what I am and it stays that way. Second you need to break ties with anyone outside of the pack. Also you need to get your tattoo done."


"The tribe tattoo. Then my young rebel we are taking you cliff diving."

Embrey has a mixture of feelings running through him, fear and excitement the two main ones. The fact that he is now a supernatural creature is something that he has to get his head around and fast.

It is late afternoon and the pack are in the forest training. Paul and Callie are currently battling in human form as Sam wants them to be prepared in both forms just in case. Jared is stood by Sam and Embrey watching the two hot heads go at it if he said he wasn't uncomfortable watching his mate get hit he would be lying. Paul goes to punch Callie in the face but she block it and in one swift move has Paul pinned down on the floor. They are about to go at it again when Emily calls Sam.

"Billy just phoned Bella has gone missing. The Cullen's have also left."

Sam looks to the pack and most importantly Callie. Before he can say anything Callie is on her way through the woods looking for Bella. No matter what has happened between them she can't see Bella get hurt. Besides Bella would do the same for her right?.

Callie is sprinting through the forest in her wolf form, the night drawing in when she picks up on Bella's scent.

Callie- Sam her scent is getting closer.

Sam- We are right behind you Callie.

Callie carries on running followed by Sam, Paul, Jared and Embrey. In a moment or two Callie comes across Bella lying on the ground sobbing saying one thing over and over again. She quickly turns back to human and kneels down beside her.

"Bambi have you been clumsy again?"

"He left me Callie. He said he didn't love me anymore."

Callie touches Bella's cheek and tells her it will be okay. Sam arrives and looks to the swan girl. Sympathy on his face. Carlisle had told them that Bella was in fact Edwards blood singer, his mate, so for him to leave her will literally be tearing her heart out right now. The fact he could do this to her when he could of just left her be winds Sam up no end. Why would Edward go to all that trouble of exposing himself to her if he was eventually going to leave her.

Sam picks Bella up and takes her back to the house followed closely by Callie. Jacob is the first to spot Callie, Sam and Bella and immediately tells Charlie. When he see's his daughter he rushes straight to her, taking her out of Sam's arms and heading straight into the house. Whilst Sam talks to Billy Callie goes into what was once her family home to check on Bella.

"Da...Umm Charlie is there anything I can do?"

Charlie looks to Callie and without warning he goes to her pulling her in close.

"God Princess i have missed you."

" Ummmm do you want me to do anything before i head back to La Push?"

"No i got it covered, Callie you know you are welcome here any time. This is still your house."

"Thanks Charlie, I will see you around. If you need any help with Bella just give me a ring."

Callie quickly turns on her heal and leaves not wanting to be sucked in to the Swan family again. Sure what Charlie and Rene did was thoughtful but the one thing Callie cannot stand is liars. In her mind they should have told her a long time ago so that she wouldn't be feeling like she was living a lie. She runs passed Billy and Sam heading straight for the woods the boys watching after her.

"How is she doing?"

"She is a hell of a fighter and she is learning to control her anger. She will be fine Billy. Paul, Jared and I will make sure of it."

"I know. Hey listen Jake won't be long he has started to change a little so be ready."

"Will do. I am going to head back to La Push see if Callie is okay."

Sam runs to the woods and phases once out of sight. He hears Paul, Jared and Embrey trying to make Callie laugh. He finds his pack near his house all on their belly's. Sam lies down beside Callie.

Sam- How you doing tink?

Callie- I am good Sam. Just annoys me looking at Charlie.

Sam- I know but remember you are one of us now. Hey we need to get back to the house.

The pack stand and race back, quickly phasing before going inside. When they do walk inside Callie gasps. In front of her is a banner saying happy birthdays Callie, white and pink balloons, a cake in the middle of the kitchen table, presents surrounding them. She looks to everyone confused.

"Guys what is this?"

"Well been as me and Sam missed 18 years worth of birthdays we thought we would do you a party as today is technically your real birthday."

Paul embraces his sister followed by Sam.

"You mean everything to us Callie we are just sorry we couldn't be there for you before now."

"I love you guys."

"Love you too tink."

Sam and Paul say at the same time causing Callie to laugh. Once they pull apart the others embrace her. They spend the night showing Callie just how much she means to them. Paul and Sam bought her a charm bracelet with both their wolves on and a sister charm. As Callie sits there she can't help but smile. This is it this is her family. This is where she truly belongs.