Don't mess with my pack

The past six months have been quiet on the reservation apart from the pack having to chase the red head vampire. Sam told Callie to stay in doors as they couldn't risk her being known just yet as they are still figuring out her powers. Over the past few months they have realized that she has an unlimited power source. She is like a copycat but with a twist, you see Callie doesn't have to be near a gifted vampire to get that power, if it simply exists then she has it. Billy and the council have had her on house arrest for the last few days so she doesn't get to angry chasing the red head and end up exposing herself. Then there is Bella, now that girl knows how to be bloody dramatic. She hadn't't left her room for six months no matter how much Charlie tried to get her out. The only time Bella spoke was when Callie went there to see if she could get her too move. That plan soon backfired when Bella blamed Callie for them leaving, saying it was all her fault and that she was glad that they weren't really related as she hated her. This was also the day the boys found out she can control the weather, it was the wettest day forks and la push had ever seen. The other cool thing they have learned is that Callie has the power to heal. Callie has taken to her new role surprisingly well and the guys for one are glad to have her on their side. Also in the past week Jacob has phased and has been told not to go near Bella, him and Callie are like their old selves. He was shocked about the whole Sam, Paul and Callie sibling thing also the fact Callie is the most inferior one of them all even him.

"Oh my god Paul you took the last muffin, you absolute animal."

Paul looks to Callie fear on his face. Paul is not ashamed to admit it but he is scared of Callie, they all are. She growls at Paul and walks to get her car keys without saying a word she goes to walk out of the door before Sam and Jared stop her.

"Babe you know you can't go out. "

"This is bullshit. "

Callie throws her keys and runs up to her room telling everyone to leave her the fuck alone. Emily looks to them and then gasps. Sam looks at her.

"Guys i think i know whats wrong. I will be back now."

Emily goes up to Callie's room and knocks the door.

"Callie its me can i come in?"

"Yeah sure."

Callie is on her bed scrunched up in pain, Emily goes and sits down on the bed and smooths back her hair.

"What do you use?"

"The list is on the side. Can you go and get me some please I cant stick this pain."

Tears fall down Callie's face and Emily feels sorry for her, she puts a throw over her and then gets the list. Walking down the stairs she looks at the four boys.

"Don't piss her off. She is extra emotional if you catch my drift."

The boys look momentarily confused and then twig to what Emily means. She leaves to go to the store not wanting Callie to be in anymore pain. Jared goes up and cuddles her in telling her it will be fine, he hasn't't got a clue what else to say to her other than that. So when Emily arrives an hour later with supplies he sighs with relief and leaves them to it. When he gets down stairs they all head to get Jacob. Leaving Callie and Emily to have a girls day.

Emily and Callie are sat in the living room watching magic mike when they hear a truck pull up. Callie growls Emily looking at her shocked.


The two stand and make their way out to the kitchen just as Embrey, Jared and Bella walk in. Jared going straight to his girl and kissing her.

"How are you feeling baby?"

"Better now your home. What is with the visitor?"

"Paul kinda wolfed out in front of her but she slapped him causing him to wolf out."

Callie starts to tremble Embrey saying your in for it now. Jared tells her to calm down and pulls her to the table with him taking a firm grip onto her hand whilst kissing her shoulder. Callie sits there listening to Bella bang on about her precious vampires.

"Not that special since they left you here for dead. Why are you here exactly? You mess with my pack there will be consequences."

"It has nothing to do with you. Just cause your Jared girlfriend."

Callie laughs evilly and Sam walks in just as Bella says they aren't the first monsters she has met.

"Jake was right you are good with weird."

Callie is trembling at this point and after Sam kisses Emily he looks to his sister and frowns.

"Who pissed her off? I thought i told you not to wind her up. Tink outside now."

Callie stands her eyes a pulsating purple, Jake and Paul walk in and gulp.


They don't argue with her instead they walk out with there heads down.

"Are you two completely fucking stupid. You are going to get us bloody exposed. How did she find out Jake and don't say she guessed because she isn't't that fucking bright. Was it worth it? Did you imprint on her?"

"No Callie. I am sorry...."

"Sorry!! Jake this goes far beyond sorry and you phasing in front of her are you completely mad. You both need to pull your heads out of your ass and learn that this is not just about you anymore it is about all of us. Now you two are on graveyard duty for a month."

They both go to moan but the look on Callie's face has them knowing that she is pissed. The three walk back in and Sam kisses Callie's cheek.

"Graveyard shift?"

"Yep for a month."

Jared and Embrey laugh whilst Callie tells Jake to get Bella out of here.

"It is not your place Callie so why you acting like it is."

Sam and Paul stand beside Callie a look of pride emitting from them.

"Bella you don't walk into our home and disrespect her. Callie is my sister and also Paul's sister she is more to us than you are so either show her respect or leave?"

Bella then watches as Jared, Emily, Embrey and Jake all go and stand by her. Bella jealous of her in that second more than she has ever been in her entire life. Jake takes Bella away not before giving Callie a kiss and saying sorry once more. The guys then go and sit in the living room just wanting a peaceful night. After an hour though they don't get that when Billy rings to say they need to be careful in the woods because Charlie has a search party looking for them. Easier said than done when the get the scent of leech and all rush outside well except for Callie and Emily.

"God this is stupid. If anyone gets hurt don't fucking bitch to me about it."

Callie goes up to her room and lies down not wanting to talk to anyone right now. Even as the hours pass she doesn't calm down. When the boys finally return nothing could prepare Callie for what they have to say, she walks into the living room to see them sat there in shock.

"What happened?"

"The red head got Harry he died of a heart attack. "

"I bloody told you. Oh my god those poor kids and sue. "

"That's not all."

They all look to Jacob who puts his head down.


"Bella jumped off the cliff and when Jacob took her home Alice was there. Long story short Edward thinks Bella is dead and is going to some people called the Volturi..."

Callie suddenly lunges at Jake knocking him off his chair, Jared and Paul try to pull Callie off him but she is stronger than them.

"You Idiot Jake. Does she know what I am?"

Jake nods and that is when Callie trembles like she has never trembled before. She grips jake and throws him outside.


Jake looks at her and says no. Callie says fine and runs at him and punches him full force in the face.

"You have fucking signed my death warrant. The leader of the volturi can read your every thought from a simple touch so thanks to you i am screwed."

She punches him once more causing his noise to split before heading inside. She can't believe that Jake loving Bella is going to cause her to become Aro's greatest prize. She goes to her room and lies on her bed, she doesn't want them to find out about her. Every thing that she has worked for has literally been ripped away thanks to her best friend. Will he ever see anything other than Bella or is this how it will always be. As she lies there Sam and the boys look to Jacob and tell him to fix what ever it is that he has done. Jared can feel the pain he has caused the love of his life and he is close to killing Jake.

"Do you even care about anyone else? Bella has proven once again that that leech is more important to her than you will ever be. Yet you choose to throw the one person who actually cares for you under the bus for what?. If anything happens to her Jacob i promise you i will kill you."

Jared goes inside wanting to be with her and only her. He will protect her no matter what. They all will as Callie is the light of all their lives even if she doesn't realize it yet.