Return of the cullens

Today the pack and the imprints are having a family day at the beach, just wanting to have one day with no crap from Bella and those leeches. Jake and Callie are not really talking, Callie still not over him choosing to tell Bella the one thing they all as a pack agreed that should stay between them. Bella assured Jake that Aro in fact couldn't read her mind what so ever but that didn't put Callie at ease as the once sweet and innocent Bella has only one thing she wants to live for and that is Edward. Callie is led on her towel catching some sun with Jared sat beside her talking to Paul, she hears some girls giggling and when she opens her eyes she sees a few fakers smiling and waving at Paul and Jared. Callie tries to stifle a giggle as she sits up causing Jared to look at her and pull her close to him.

"you okay baby?"

"Yeah. Seems you two have a little fan club?"

"They are some girls from school that's all. Don't worry as of tomorrow your going to be the hottest girl at La Push high."

Cellista groans forgetting that she has to transfer to La Push. The only saving grace is that all the pack go there too. As she sits cuddled against Jared she reflects on how much her life has changed in the last few months. One minute she has a twin and then she has two brothers instead. Embrey can't wit to see the looks on everyone's faces when they realise that not only is callie Paul and Sam's sister but also Jared's girl. One girl in particular at the school isn't going to be happy and that is his ex Kim.

Sam looks to his sister and asks if she is ready. Sighing she stands followed by Paul and Jared. Last night they decided to tell the Cullen's exactly what and who callie is. Also to see if Bella was truthful in what she said to Jacob. The four of them head to the woods and Callie watches as the three boys phase and then she climbs onto Jared as they set off to the cullen's house.

They arrive ten minutes later thanks to Wolf speed and Callie waits as the phase back to human form. The four then approach the front door, callie silently praying that Bella isn't here as that is one girl she doesn't want to face right now. Carlisle answers the door and is momentarily shocked at the change in Callie but he quickly composes himself and invites them all in. As they walk to the living room Rosalie makes a comment about the wolves smell.

"At least we don't smell like rotten corpses barbie."

Rosalie looks to Callie and doesn't say a word. The fact that they don't know what she is exactly terrifies the Cullen girl. Plus she has been beaten by her once already and that was bad enough. Carlisle asks them to sit and offers them a drink. They decline politely not wanting to be there longer than they have to.

"So Callista how are you feeling?"

"never been better thanks Dc. Yourself?"

" Can't complain. So what can we do for you today?"

" Carlisle we came here to explain to you exactly what Callie is. First of all she isn't Bella's sister, she is mine and Pauls. Second as you know she is Jared's imprint and she also imprinted on her making their bond even stronger. Lastly she is what we call a guardian Wolf."

Carlisle gasps as soon as Sam says that and he looks to Callista.

"what are your powers?"

"That is of no concern yet Carlisle. We only decided to tell you what i am as Jacob seems to think telling Bella was a good idea just before she leaves for Voltira."

Edward hears her thoughts and smiles.

"Callie Bella was telling the truth. Aro doesn't know your secret is safe. "

"Thank you. Also one more thing I wont stand for Bella using Jake and his feelings anymore. Before any spouts crap about her not knowing remember i have known her all of her life i know how she works so i would appreciate it if you keep her from La Push."

Edward nods that is something he actually agrees with Callie on. As the four stand not wanting to be there anymore Callie tells them one last thing.

"Remember if any of you bite a human willing or not the treaty is broken. I don't care if Bella begs you, you bite her on our land I will have you all begging for mercy and Carlisle knows the legend well enough to know that i am not lying. You are only living here peacefully because of Ephraim Black but any treaty he had with you i can overrule in an instant so think wisely."

With that said the four leave, Edward looks to Carlisle fear evident on his face. At least they know what she is now. Well he does any way. Rosalie looks to Carlisle confued.

"What legend?"

Carlisle turns to his family and tells them the legend of the guardian angel.

"It was said that when the first shifter was born one of the elders foreseen that some time in the distant future a shifter would be born to have the ability to end all cold ones as they knew it. This shifter would have a special gift, they would be higher than the alpha and the legend also says that she would always have a connection to the pack even before she phased and became what she was meant to be. Callista is more powerful than they thought. She is the sister of the pack Alpha and Omega, she is the imprint of the pack Beta and she is close with the great grandson of Ephraim black. Guys when i say she is not to be messed with i mean it. The Volturi is nothing compared to what she is so don't think of her as weak as you will be pleasantly surprised of her strength."

Jasper stands his eyes black, the Cullen's know that the major has now taken control. This means that it is serious enough for Jasper to give him the reins.

"Carlisle her powers are no match for any of us put together. She is a copycat of some sort. If the power exists she has it. She has an unlimited power source. Also Jasper and I felt the bond of her and her brothers but the bond of the imprint is stronger than anything i have ever felt before. I think it would be wise to not rile Sam, Paul or Jared either as we don't know exactly what the guardian bond can do."

"I agree. So from now on no riling the wolves and Edward make sure Bella stays away from the reservation. The last thing we need is to give them an excuse to deminish the treaty what with this newborn army and the volturi."

"Carlisle what does this mean for Bella? The volturi wont allow her to not be turned?"

"Alice when Callie was saying that she made sure to say that on this land she cannot be turned. Callie knows that Bella is wanting to be one of us that is why she said it in a certain way."

Edward looks to Carlisle and then back to his family, things never seem to ease up lately and in all honesty there is a split second every now and then that he wonders is it worth it. Sure he loves Bella with every once of his being but when she is also in love with Jacob it makes him feel used. Like Bella is only with him for fear of her life. Not that he blames her if she is, come on they have only been together about a year but already she has been attacked by James, then Jasper, Victoria, Laurent and now there is a new born army in the area which puts him on edge. If Bella had any sense she should of run the very first moment they met. He should of fought harder and stayed away because so many life's have been ruined and Callie has had the most out of all of them. Either way Edward isn't sure that coming back to Forks was the best idea after all.