When wolves and Vampires

"Someone help me she is going to kill me!!!"

The boys watch as Callie chases Seth out of the house causing them to laugh. They watch as she rugby tackles him to the ground, Paul and Jared saying that's my girl at the same time. Callie picks Seth up by the scruff and drags him back into the house.

"Now now Seth don't be a sore loser and fucking play the rest of the game. I told you Juventus was not the team to go for but no Seth knows best just because he has a willy and Callie doesn''t."

"Callie you have beaten me enough on the bloody thing...."

"If you win you don't have to the graveyard shift for a month I will do it instead."

As soon as she says that Seth races to the living room saying come on Callie your wasting time. Jared kisses her as she passes telling her to kick ass.

"Wait what if you win?"

Callie looks to Paul a smirk on her face.

"You will see."

Twenty minutes later they can hear Seth begging Callie to not let him do it but Callie is having none of it. Jake walks in just in time to see Callie pulling Seth into the kitchen in a dress with make up on. The boys all laugh and Paul pulls Seth on to his lap.

"Hey beautiful you come here often?"

"oh my god Paul let me go. Callie I am sorry i take it all back pleaseeeee."

"No can do Seth, you snooze you lose."

Callie walks to Jared and sits on his lap whilst Paul holds onto Seth and when Leah walks in and sees her brother she falls on the floor laughing. Seth growls and when Jared takes his phone out to take pictures Seth tries to fight out of Paul's grip, even looking to Jake for help.

"No way. Everyone knows A) don't play Fifa against Callie and B) Never bet the damn game."

Callie and Jake pump fists Sam just glad to have them all back to normal. Paul lets go of Seth after a moment or two but then Embrey pulls him onto his lap causing Seth to frawn even more. Callie makes him stay like that for an hour before letting him go and change back to normal. As Callie sits there she watches her family, a big smile on her face. There is no better feeling in the world than there is right now. Jared kisses her cheek causing her to look at him. The love the two have for each other is awe inspiring.

"I love you angel."

"I love you too baby."

Callie is about to kiss him when she goes stiff, the pack knowing instantly what it means. They also know her true gift. As she stares off Jared takes her hand and comforts her he knows that seeing events take place before they actually happen doesn't sit well with Callie. When she zones back into the room the pack look at her expectantly.

"The red head is back. She is going to be in the woods in two days."

Sam calls an emergancy pack meeting and he goes to his sister kissing her lightly on the head, Paul following suit. The newer members Seth and Leah look to them confused. Callie looks to Leah apologeticly, Leah going to her friend instantly.

"Hey don't worry about me and Seth we have an awesome guardian to guide us."

"I just hate you too having to go against the bitch that caused you so much pain."

"We do it for dad okay."

"For harry."

As the two hug Jared tightens his grip on his girlfriend. Even though she is the all and mighty guardian wolf he cant help but worry about her. She is his imprint after all but she is also his sole meaning of existence without her he knows his life wouldn't be what it is right now. Once Leah goes outside Callie stands and goes to Sam she can hear his thoughts loud and clear.

"Sam why don't i take Emily away from here tomorrow? You know she will be safe with me and plus we can wedding shop to keep her occupied."

"You would do that for me?"

"Sam your my brother and Emily is like my sister. If me protecting her is what i have to do to take part then so be it. Besides it won't end in a battle."

Sam hugs his sister and then tells Emily that her and Callista are wedding shopping tomorrow. Jared goes to his imprint and fights with himself. He knows that she is doing the right thing by taking them both out of La Push but the thought has him on edge.

"Babe you two would be safer here you know that."

"Jared I love you for caring but if Emily stays here she is a sitting duck. In public I can conceal her more. Baby please trust me on this."

Jared puts his forehead against hers and sighs. He knows that if anyone can protect Emily it is Callie and he knows why she is doing it.

"Okay but babe please be safe for me?"

"Like you even have to ask."

The two share a kiss and Seth and Leah groan. They hear Leah say do you ever get used to that and then Paul saying after the thousandth time yes. Callie looks at her brother and raises an eyebrow, Paul immediately saying sorry causing Callie to laugh. Jared looks to his mate and his heart just bursts with pride, she is everything he could ever ask for and more. How he got so lucky to have a girl like her he will never know but he is glad that he has her. His mom and sister are even in love with Callie but then again who wouldn't be. Jared puts his hand in his pocket and feels the bracelet that he made especially for her. He kisses Callie's neck and then whispers for her to follow him. He takes her to the beach where they had their first date. He pulls Callie to him and looks into those gorgeous purple eyes.

"Callista you know i love you more than anything in this world. You really are the love of my life. I can never get enough of you and when i don't see you for even a few minutes i feel like my heart is going to break. I love you so much baby and i promise that i will be by your side till my last breath. I love you baby."

Jared pulls the bracelet out of his pocket and places it on her right wrist causing Callie to gasp. It is beautiful, a gorgeous pleated leather detail with Jared's wolf attached to it and a heart with their initials on them. Callie dives on to Jared kissing him like a woman possessed causing Jared to smirk. Making his mate happy is what it is all about.

(Time Skip One Day)

The pack are on there way back to Emily and Sams with a pissed of Paul, Sam couldn't believe things escalated the way they did especially since they had a common enemy. As they walk in the boys try to calm down a very angry Paul but nothing is working. The sound of Callista car pulling up has the pack looking to the door. Emily and Callie walk in two minutes later laughing and joking with bags on their arms and some wedding magazines. Sam goes straight to Emily whilst Jared goes to Callie. The two wolves glad that their mates are home safe and sound. Callie can feel the tension and then looks to see Paul shaking with anger. She pulls away from Jared and drops her bags on the floor. Putting her hand on Paul's cheek the pack notice that he stops shaking instantly.

"What happened?"

"Emmett jumped over the line so i knocked him back. That leech is pushing it."

"Well done for protecting the tribe and the treaty Paul. Now i think the Cullen's need a little reminder as to who the ones in charge are. Jake fancy a little trip tomorrow?"

Jake smirks and nods yes. Callie then looks back to Paul a smile on her face.

"Now do you want to see what your awesome sister got for you all today?"

Paul smiles and then looks at Callie. She nods to a bag and Paul picks it up and looks inside and then screams no way. Emily and Callie laughing at his excitement.

"Paul what the hell?"

"Sam she got us an Xbox One. A freaking Xbox One."

"Baby girl you didn't have to do that."

"You guys have been working alot lately protecting that leech lover so i thought you deserved a little treat. Plus I get to kick all your asses on it."

Sam and Paul pull her in for a hug and Callie can't help but smile. For the last few days she has been feeling off, something inside her doesn't feel right. Even as she is cuddling her brothers something inside her is wrong and part of her knows there is only one person who can give her the answers. She pulls away and kisses them both before getting her bag, Jared looking at her confused.

"Babe where you off?"

"I have an appointment. I won't be long."

She gives him a kiss and goes to leave but Jared stops her.

"Babe i am coming with you. No arguements."

"Babe i am going to see Carlisle I don't need to have you wolfing out."

"If this is about the pains in your stomach then i am coming."

Callie looks at him in shock, how did he know?

"Babe the bond. I feel your pain too."

"Jared... i ..."

Callie feels a few stray tears fall down her face and he pulls her closer to him.

"Baby i am here for you. We will go and see what is wrong okay?"

Callie nods and the two set off for forks hospital. Callie trying to stay calm the whole way but in all honesty she is scared. Wolfs are supposed to have a healing process but her stomach has felt off for the past four weeks. As Jared parks the car he takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. The two walk into the hospital and straight for Carlisle's room. The knock the door and Carlisle quickly opens it and lets them in.

"Callie can i first apologise for what happened between Emmett and Paul, I can assure you that it won't happen again."

"Carlisle I am sure you and Sam can discuss that between yourselves."

"So what can i do for you?"

"Callie has been experiencing stomach pains for the last four weeks. She is worried because she should be healing from whatever it is"

Carlisle stands and asks Callie to jump on the bed, he sarts to examine her stomach and then a smile spreads on his face.

"Callie when was your last cycle?"

Callie starts to work it out in her head and then she looks at Carlisle.


"Yes. I will do a scan to confirm it but I can hear three heartbeats in this room."

Jared looks at them confused and then he jumps up like a mad man smiling like an idiot.

"We are having a baby. Oh my god we are having a baby."

Callie looks from Carlisle to Jared in complete shock.This can't be happening!!