newborns and heartbreak

Callie and Emily are sat at the kitchen table making a list of things they will need for the twins. Callie is now three and a half months pregnant and has been throwing herself into baby things to take her mind off the up and coming newborn battle. Jared, Paul, Sam, Quill and Embrey are in the living room playing on the xbox when they hear a car pull up and not just any car, Bella Swans car. Callie growls just as the boys walk passed Jared kisses her and chuckles.

"Baby keep calm. She is not worth it."

"I know but why is that thing here."

Jared sits down and pulls her to him he knows how much Bella gets to Callie these days, especially since she is the reason the new born army was created. The door to the house opens and Jake and Bella walk in laughing and joking. Jake goes to Callie and kisses her head and hands her a paper bag.

"Jacob Black this better be what i think it is?"

"Open it."

A smirk grows on her face and when she sees what's inside she pulls Jake down for a hug. Jared growling slightly. Callie looks to him and cocks her eyebrow up.

"He got me red vines chill your tits old man."

"Babe i would of gotten them for you."

"You were out on patrol when i had a graving for them so Jakey said he would get them for me."

Seth and Leah walk in and both go to Callie handing her a box each. Callie looks at them and smiles even wider. The two have been weirdly protective over Callie and the twins lately, Callie literally having it from all angles. Bella looks at how much they all care for her and jealousy rocks through her body. Bella knows they all hate her and she doesn't like it. Everyone likes her.

"Hey Callie Mom also said to give you these. She was in Seattle yesterday and picked them up for you."

Leah hands Callie some baby magazines and Callie grins. Jared chuckles besides her and takes one of the magazines to have a look at. Sam sits at the table next to Emily and looks at his sister.

"So Jared said you have come up with names?"

"Yeah if it is a boy and a girl it is going to be Hunter Paul Cameron and Nevaeh Samantha Cameron."


Paul looks at them excitedly.

"Yeah bro you two are the most important people in our lifes besides us. "

"What if it is two boys or two girls?"

"The other boys name is Carter Jacob Cameron and the other girls name is Nova Emily Cameron."

Bella looks at them in shock.

"Your pregnant!"

"Yes Callie is three and a half months pregnant with twins. Have you got a problem with that?"

"Does dad know?"

Callie looks at Bella and snorts. Things with Charlie have become more strained and she can't forgive him for lying to her.

"Billy told him."

Bella looks at her angrily.

"You bitch. Dad and Mom brought you up your entire life when your real family didn't want you and you treat him like that."

Callie gets out of her chair and walks to Bella her eyes menacing.

"Listen to me and listen closely. You are only here because you need protecting whilst your leech is hunting. Don't ever come onto our land and speak to me like that again or it wont be that bloody army that will kill you it will be me. Do i make myself clear."

Bella smirks and steps closer to Callie.

"You can't hurt me."


Bella suddenly screams out in pain and falls to the floor.Jake begging her to stop. Jared and the others just watch a smile on there faces glad that someone is putting Bella in her place.

"Remember the pack are putting their lives at risk for you, something i can easily stop. One more disrespectful remark out of you and i will hand you to Victoria myself."

Callie stops the pain and then turns to the others winking before sitting back down. She suddenly feels a sharp kick and gasps.

"Baby whats wrong?"

Callie grabs his hand and places it on her Belly. The babies kicking again causing Jared to smile from ear to ear. One by one the pack feel the babies kick Jake using the opportunity to get Bella away from the place. Bella is still in shock that Callie is pregnant, she thought that her and Callie were closer than that.

"I can't believe she didn't tell me?"

"Bella do you blame her. You haven't exactly been nice to her the past months. She was there for you when he left you and you turned on her. How do you think she has been the past year, she has literally found out her whole life has been a lie and then you and Charlie turn on her. "

Bella stops walking and suddenly feels like a bitch, Jake is right. Her and Callie were always close and when her sister needed her the most she turned her back on her instead of being there for her. Bella breaks down crying, Jake pulling her into his embrace.

"I have screwed up haven't I?"

"Yep. Hopefully you can change it. Tell Charlie the truth and then give Callie time."

Bella nods and the two go to Jake's garage to hang out. Bella knowing that she has to make it up to her sister.

(The next day)

Callie is on her way to the Cullens for her check up, Jared and Jacob are with her as they are the only ones who won't wolf out. As they get there the door opens to reveal Carlisle, he smiles when he sees Callie. The two have gotten closer over the past few weeks and Carlisle has been working non stop to help her and make sure she is comfortable.

"Callie you look glowing."

"Thank you Carlisle."

They walk inside and the Cullen's all look at her and gasp, Rosalie stands and walks to her a smile on her pale face.

"How far along are you?"

"Three and a half months with twins."

"May I?"

Callie nods and Rosalie places a hand on her stomach Callie sighing in relief. Jared looks at her and cocks an eyebrow up.

"Babe i love you and all but right now Rosalie is like a giant ice cube so chill the fudge out."

Rosalie cant help but laugh and Callie takes her hand and places it on her head, Rosalie laughing even more.

"The heat that bad?"

"I have three wolf lines growing in me times two. The heat is intensified so right now i could easily kidnap you."

"Here take a seat, Alice."

Callie sits down and rose and Alice sit either side of her Callie sighing in relieve. Jared looks at her and laughs.

"Babe you okay there?"

"Peachy baby, just bloody peachy. You know we seriously need to get an ice bath going one of these days."

"Babe i told you yesterday you cannot sit in the bath tub all day whilst everyone fills it on the hour with ice."

"And why not?. Do you have any idea what it is like to feel like a god damn walking sauna. Of course not all you had to do was stick your magic stick in me and let your little guys swim. Wait till you have to shoot two humans out of a hole that is small one minute then expands like a KFC family bucket the next."

The Cullen's and Bella laugh as Jared rolls his eyes and kneels in front of her. When Callie looks at him she starts crying.

"For god sake Carlisle can't you give me something for these hormones."

"Sorry Callie that is the joys of pregnancy. Yours is magnified so yeah.."

"Jared Cameron your getting castrated. If you think that happy stick is going near me ever again you can do one."

Jared looks at her and smiles. He leans forward and kisses her softly on the lips, he loves her so much that he can't imagine his life without her.

"Babe we both know that you don't mean that."

"I know baby. God your so handsome."

Callie pulls him to her and kisses him with so much passion the others look away. When they do pull apart Jared can't help but laugh.

"You really are all over the place today."

"Yep. Carlisle can we get this show on the road i have a wolf to violate."

She stands up and follows Carlisle whilst Jared and Jake follow her. Rosalie looks at her and can't feel slightly jealous the one thing she always wanted was a child but instead she was damned to an immortal hell.

(Time skip three days)

Emily, Callie and Claire are in the house trying to take their minds off the fact the boys are currently battling a new born army. Callie mindlessly rubs her belly hoping that the boys make it all back in one piece. She wishes she was there with them fighting but she wasn't about to risk the lives of her unborn children for no one. As she sits there a sudden pain rocks through her entire body she lets out a piercing scream and falls to the floor. Emily darts up and quickly rings sue.


"Sue it is Emily, there is something wrong with Callie."

"What do you mean?"

"She is on the floor screaming in pain. What do i do?"

"I am on my way."

Emily puts the phone down and kneels down to take a look at Callie, Callie has tears streaming down her face. Emily take hold of her hand and tries to soothe the youngster even though she doesn't have any idea what is going on with her. The door to Sam and Emily's opens and Sue rushes in with Jenson Lahote. Jenson kneels down and checks her over. He touches her stomach and Callie screams again.

"We need to get her to the hospital and fast, otherwise..."

No other words are needed the women getting the idea of what he means. Jenson carefully lifts Callie up and carries her out to his car. Sue telling Emily to go to Billy's with Clare so they are safe. Callie cries out for Jared and Sue feels her heartbreak. The fact that she wants him here and he is fighting to keep Bella alive is bitter sweet considering his kids are on the brink off death.

They get to Forks hospital in no time at all, Jenson picking Callie up and racing through to A&E. He asks one of the nurses for a cubicle and then races Callie to it. A couple of nurses come in to see what is going on.

"Callista is three and a half months pregnant with twins and is experiencing stomach pains. We need to get fluids and an ultra sound done asap."

Jenson gets to work attaching the ECG to Callie who slips out of consciousness. Jenson looks to her and he has tears fall from his eyes. The machine starts to beep as the door to the room flies open and Jared stands there with Paul in shock. The sound of Jared screaming and then racing to Callie fills the room.

"No baby please. You can't leave me baby i need please baby wake up."

Tears fall from Jareds eyes and Paul has to drag him away so that his dad can get to work. He takes Jared to the waiting room where Sam, Emily, Embrey, Sue, Leah and Seth are. Jared sits there in complete shock, he can't loose her or the kids. How the hell did today go so shit and so fast. As they all sit there waiting on news their hearts silently break hoping that the three of them survive what ever it is.