saving grace

The sound of the beeping machines is the only thing that can be heard in the hospital room, Jared just sat there staring at his imprint silently pleading with her to wake up. It has been two days since Callie was rushed into hospital and he hasn't left there side. Bella and Charlie heard what had happened and even came to see her, Charlie devastated for the way he had treated her and to think he could lose the chance to make things right with her. The door to the room opens and Paul walks in, he goes to Callie and kisses her head before taking a seat.

"Jared you need to eat. You are not helping her by making yourself ill."

"I will eat when she wakes up."

"Dad said she will any day now she is just adjusting just like Ja....."

Jared growls at the sound of his name, when Jenson told them why Callie had been in pain it took Sam, Paul and Embrey to stop him killing Bella, the Cullen's and Jake.

"Don't ever mention that morons name to me again. Because he is infatuated with that leech lover we had to fight and then he gets hurt causing Callie to be in pain. Because of him i nearly lost my family."

Jared suddenly breaks down his heart breaking even more, he cant live without her there is no way. She is everything to him and if she doesn't make it he will gladly die to be with her for all eternity.


Jared snaps his head up at the sound of her voice and when he sees those gorgeous purple eyes looking back at him he stands up and kisses her like it was the first time. Paul goes to get his dad thankful that his sister has finally woken up, the past two days have been hell on him too. Callie never realized just how much she means to the boys and the people on the reservation. She is literally the light of there life, there was never a dull moment with Callie around.

"Babe I am so glad your awake, You scared me baby please don't ever leave me."

"Jared the twins...."

Jared looks down at her the tears slipping from his eyes Callie reaching up and wiping them away. Paul and his dad enter a minute later, Jenson asking for a moment to check her over. The whole time he does Callie sits there staring ahead to scared to look down just in case her worst fears are confirmed. Once Jenson is happy with her vitals he calls the boys back in Jared going straight to his girls side.

"Jared are the babies okay?"

Jared takes her hand and places it on her stomach. Callie holds her breath waiting for the flatness to be there but when she feels the bump she immediately looks down. When she sees her growing bump she cries tears of joy. If anything had happened to the twins she wouldn't have forgiven herself. Jared cuddles her in and holds her whilst she cries consoling her the only way he knows how.

"Baby there both fine. The pain in your stomach was from Jacob being hurt not the babies. Carlisle said you must of put a shield around them without knowing."

"So all this is because of Bella and that Army?"

Jared nods and lowers his head his own shame and guilt eating away at him. He should of been there for her not fighting for that leech lover. Paul takes his sisters hand and she looks at him with tears in her eyes.

"I promise you neither one of them will come near you again. I am sorry I wasn't there for you."

"It's fine none of us were to know that this was going to happen. Where is Jake?"

Jared and Paul look at each other then to Callie.

"Babe he is at his house. We have told him to stay away,"

"Why?. None of this is his fault it is all Bella's and those god damn vampires. Get Jake her and now!!"

"But babe"


Jared stands up his body trembling he can't believe she is forgiving him. Jake has proven time and time again Bella means more to him than anyone.

"Can't you see that he doesn't care about any of us...."

"Jared pull your God damn head out of your ass and think back to the fight. What happened when Jake got hurt because Paul's memory of it shows he was protecting Leah not Bella. If anyone is to blame for all this it's Bella and those leeches. Now either calm the fuck down or go away, I don't need you breathing down my neck when your only acting out of anger."

The door to the room opens and Sam walks in with Emily the couple looking at everyone in confusion. Jared looks at Callie and then says the one thing he knows he will regret for the rest of his life.

"it seems you are choosing them over your own babies. Some mother you are."

Callie looks at him in pure shock, the fact he could think that hurts her more than finding out she is adopted. Tears silently fall from her eyes and she hangs her head, everything she has done over the last few months has been for her kids. She has spent all of her time focusing on them and Jared that Jake, Bella and the whole army she has left for Sam to deal with. Jared pulls her to him embracing her instantly.

"Callie i am sorry i didn't mean to say that. Baby please forgive me. I am just angry at Jake because he spoils everything. The time when we are supposed to be concentrating on us and the kids has been over shadowed by Bella and her problems. If the Cullen's had just changed her by now then she wouldn't need protecting all the god damn time."

"Jared you need to know that you and the kids mean more to me than anything in this messed up world. Your the only good to come out of all this. I can't have you thinking you mean nothing to me. You three mean more to me than my own life."

Jared kisses her and Callie instantly kisses back. No matter what Jared says or does out of anger she knows that deep down he needs and wants her just as much as she needs and wants him. There is nothing in the word that can tear them apart especially Bella and Jake.

Jared is cuddled up in the hospital bed with Callie as they watch a film on her laptop. Sam and the others left two hours ago after the nurses threw them out. The two were silently glad that they did as all they want right now is to be alone in each others company.

"So Jenson said we can find out the sex of the babies tomorrow if we wanted to?"

"I don't know part of me wants to keep it as a surprise but then the other is like hell no we need to organize."

"It is up to you babe. I am happy either way."

"Let's find out. I actually don't think i could handle any more surprises."

Jared laughs and cuddles her in more just happy to have her back. Thinking he could lose her and the kids over the last few days has been hell for him. It is something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy. As they cuddle in to watch the rest of the film they both get the stench of death the two look at each other and then to the door just as it opens to reveal Rosalie and Emmett. To Callie's surprise Jared smiles at the two.

"I wondered how long it would be before you two came."

"Sorry Rose was dying to check on Callie and the twins."

"Don't apologize, come on in and take a seat."

Jared pauses the film Callie just looking at him in shock.

"Okay have i missed something?"

"What? I like these two it is Bella i can't stand. No offence babe."

"None taken she isn't exactly on the top of my Christmas card list either."

Rosalie laughs and then takes a seat Emmett standing behind her leaning on the back of the chair.

"So Callie how are you feeling?"

"I am okay. Just glad the munchkins are okay too."

"I am so sorry you got effected by all this especially the babies."

"Rosalie it isn't your fault. I know out of all your family your not exactly fond of Bella so it is not like you have chosen this path either."

"Yes well it isn't like we will be getting rid of her anytime soon either. Her and Edward are engaged they have gone to see Charlie to tell him. That is what set Jacob off at the battle. By what Edward told us Jake had over heard the two talking and Bella chased him to stop him. The two kissed and then Jake went to fight.I may not have much fondness for Jake but i don't think it is fair the way Bella is treating him."

"I know what you mean. I can't believe she woud do that. Why can't she just pick one and leave the other alone."

Rosalie and Emmett shrug but agree with Callie one hundred percent. As they sit there talking the four of them know that whatever is going on with the Bella, Jake, Edward love triangle, it is going to end in misery and Callie knows that it is Jake that is going to suffer. She can't let her best friend go through that and she won't. As of right now Bella Swan is banned from the reservation.

Once Rosalie and Emmett leave Callie gets her phone to text Sam. She will not have anyone else be brought into this madness.

Callie: Hey Sammy I need you to call a council meeting tomorrow. We need to discuss Bella

Sam: About time. Are you done protecting her like i am?

Callie:I was done from day one. love you x

Sam: So are we all. Love you too x

"You okay babe?"

"Yep babe never been better."

Snuggling into Jared more Callie sighs with relief knowing that come tomorrow Bella Swan will be out of their lives for good. That is the one saving grace she has right now.