bye bye bella

The following day Callie is stood in front of the council and the pack ready to give her speech on why Bella Swan is no longer allowed on the reservation. To some it may seem like Callie is jealous of Bella but she is far from it. Bella has caused to much hurt to too many people that Callie cares about, the twins being the last that it happens to. Jared is sat by Paul and Sam smiling up at the woman he will be spending the rest of his life with, he has never been more proud of her than he has been the last few days. To go through what she has and come out of it fighting is an amazing thing to him. Callie and Billy finishing talking about the twins and once Leah and Seth finally take a seat they start with their meeting.

"As you all know the reason you have all been called here is to vote on whether or not we carry on protecting Bella. Everyone will get their turn to voice their opinion and vote. If at the end we are fifty fifty I will decide on the route we take. You all know that I am fed up of our lifes being put at risk to safe Bella when in the end she IS going to become one of them. I don't see the point in continuing to fight or at least fight with each other over that girl. What ever is decided today sticks for life. So I vote against protecting Bella. Sam?"

Sam stands and takes a breath,

"I know that we are supposed to protecting humans against the blood suckers but Bella has made it clear on more than one occasion now that she is and always will be with the cullens. I wont stand by and watch her tear this pack apart anymore so i vote against protecting Bella."

They all go around and one by one vote, the last two to talk are Seth and Jacob. Jacob stands angry that they have all voted for Bella to basically die.

"Callie how can you stand there and do this?, she is your sister?"

Callie zooms to Jacob and grips his throat lifting him off the floor.

"Listen and listen carefully you little fuck boy. That bitch has done nothing but cause a nuisance since the day she got with that bloody fang boy. Do you think Bella cares about you? because if you do your wrong. She only cares about her precious Cullen's. My children nearly died because of her so DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY."

Callie throws Jake towards Sam, Jared and Paul her anger rising immediately.

"If any of you have a problem with me protecting not only you but my children speak now or i swear down i will rip you all limb from limb if you bring it up another time."

Everyone quickly shakes there heads no, to scare to piss off and already pissed off Callie. They don't know whether it is the hormones or the shit Callie has been through the past year but she has gotten a lot more angrier lately.

"So it is decided. Bella Swan is no longer our problem. "

With that said Callie simply walks away Jared chasing after her. He doesn't want Bella causing trouble for them anymore but little did they know that things were going to get worse.

Every one is at Emily's when Paul walks in smirking like an idiot followed behind him is the infamous Rachel Black. When Callie sees her she smiles and dives out of her seat pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Rachel can't help but laugh at Callie, truth be told Rachel was never fond of Bella but was a fan of Callista.

"Hey trouble whats this i hear about you being a lahote uley?"

Callie pulls away laughing and shrugs.

"What can I say I am a greedy person!. I can't believe your back Ray. Is it for good? please say it is for good."

"Yes it is for good. I am the new midwife at Forks Hospital."

"Wait so you can take over my care right?"

Rachel smiles even wider. When she found out that Callie was pregnant she told Billy to tell Carlisle that she would be taking over the daily care for her as she knew Callie would feel more comfortable than having a blood sucker as her doctor.

"Yep. Carlisle will still do the scans and that but i am your personal midwife."

Callie hugs Rachel once more tears falling from her instantly.

"Hey i thought you would be happy."

"I am. Thank you Ray Ray . "

"Anything for you Callie. So come and fill me in on baby names the lot."

Jared pulls Callie onto his lap as Paul does the same with Rachel. Emily looks at them all happy that all the imprints are here and they can all get back to normaility. Well as normal as things can be but she knows it won't last that long as Bella isn't going to be pleased that Callie has shunned her from La Push.

******Time skip a day*******

Callie and Sam are currently stood in the Cullen living room with the cold ones eyes set on them. Rosalie and Emmett are smiling at the two wolves. They have grown close to Callie and see her as a good friend and someone who they can trust.

"So Callie what's this i hear about Jared being all romantic?"

"Emmett you know how it is, that boy is whipped."

Emmett laughs and zooms to Callie and high fives her. Rosalie looks at them smiling and then tells Callie before she leaves she has something for her. Callie looks to her with raised eyebrows, Rosalie and gifts are not a good thing.

"Don't look so scared. Jared asked me to get it for you to wear tonight."

"Damn that boy has really covered everything. Although that kinda scares the shit out of me too."

"He wants to spoil you. It is your first year anniversary."

"I know that and i love him for it but i think he forgets i just like to go home put my pj's on and spoon with him. I really haven't got the energy to do my make up and actually get dressed up."

Rosalie laughs and Callie feels a sharp kick in her stomach.

"Jeez you two will you stop doing that! I ain't a football i am your mother."

"They said they are sorry."

Everyone turns to see Edward there with Bella. Callie looks at him confused and then clicks.

"You can hear their thoughts?"

"Yes. They really are sorry they don't want to hurt you. They love you and Jared and the pack."

"Yeah is that why they dance on my bladder."

Edward laughs and shakes his head no. Sam takes a hold of his sisters hand and helps her stand and the two go into guardian and alpha mode.

"The reason we came here today is to speak about Bella. We can't risk any more of the pack getting hurt for someone who has clearly chose that she will eventually become our enemy. What happened to Jacob was bad enough but Callie and the babies being put at risk is something i will not tolerate and neither will Paul or Jared or the rest of the tribe. We think it is best if Bella is banned from the reservation so Jacob can get over the obsession he seems to have with her. It is obvious that you know he is in love with you but don't care who gets hurt as long as you get that extra protection."

Bella panics and looks to Callie her eyes silently begging her.

"Don't bother Bella it was my idea to have you banned. You but my kids at risk by being involved with Edward and i won't allow that to continue. You mess with Jacobs feelings even though we protected you knowing that one day you are going to be one of our enemies. You need to take account for your actions and realize that all this is not everyone's main priority. Do you even care what your doing to Jacob?, he still thinks he has a chance with you and you are keeping that going by keeping him holding onto something that is never going to happen."

"I never told Jake that he had any chance..."

"Bella you kissed him. He is younger than you and you know that you are the only girl he has ever loved. You know that when it comes to your first love you will do anything no matter what it is. You literally become a totally different person."

Bella looks at her sister, a sinister smile marring her face. Her eyes taking on an icy glare. How dare she abolish her from the reservation.

"And you should know all about that. Don't act like Jared is the only man you loved. Are you forgetting about Rog....."

Before Bella can say another word the house is filled with a loud crack. Everyone looks to Callie in shock, her body is shaking violently.

"DON'T YOU DARE!! That is different to playing with two guys hearts Isabella. You ever bring him into it again i will end you do you understand me?"

Callie turns and leaves before she wolves out followed by Sam, Bella watches as she goes and then pulls her phone out. The Cullen's watch as she dials a number and hear a male answer.


"Hello Rogan. It's me Bella, Bella Swan."

"Bella Swan. Want can i do for you? I take it this is about my sweet Callista?"

"Yeah it is. I know where you can find her if your interested?"

"And why would you be telling me this?. Have you and your sister had a little spat?"

"She isn't my sister!! She was adopted. Do you want to know or not?"

"Of course I do. Now where is my angel?"

The cullen's listen as she tells him where Callie is, Rosalie and Emmett watch in shock but both know they have to warn Callie because who ever this Rogan is, Callie seems mad at the mere mention of his name. Emmett pulls out his phone quickly texting Callie to warn her. No one realizing just how much danger Bella has put Callie and the twins in. Bella puts the phone down and looks to Edward, after a moment the realization hits her and she falls to her knees. What has she done?

"Oh my god! What did i just do?"

"Bella who is Rogan?"

Bella looks to Rosalie and gulps. This is just going to make her hate Bella even more and as she tells them who Rogan is and why Callie hates him so much, she can see the exact moment Rosalie wants to kill her. Emmett knowing what his wife is like and also wanting to kill Bella himself, puts Rosalie in a bear hug and tells her to calm down.

"I swear down Bella if any harm comes to Callie and those kids I will kill you myself. You have literally just put her in danger out of jealousy. You are a spineless human being and you don't deserve half of the loyalty people have given you."

Bella watches as one by one the Cullen's leave the room disgusted by what she has done and the danger she has put Callista in. Bella knows she has screwed up but now there is no turning back. Rogan is going to come for Callie and there is nothing she can do to stop it.