miss me angel?

Jared was sat at the kitchen table at Emily's and Sam's not knowing what he could do. Since her and Sam got back from the Cullen's she has been quiet and went straight to her room not wanting anyone near her. Sam was just as confused as Jared was to her sudden mood change. They needed answers and fast. The door to the house opens and Paul walks in followed by Rachel. He takes one look at Sam and Jared and knows instantly it is to do with his sister.

"Where is she? What's happened?"

Sam sighs and Jared puts his head in his hands. Neither one knowing exactly what to say. This only angers Paul more and his body starts to shake. Rachel puts a hand on his shoulder and he stops slightly but his wolf is telling him to protect his sister at all costs. Paul is about to shout at them when he hears her sweet voice.

"I am here Paul,I am fine. "

Rachel looks at her and can see she has been crying, she leaves Paul's side and pulls Callie to her.

"Callie what's wrong?"

"Bella has signed my death warrant. She told him Rachel, she told him where i am."

Rachel feels Callie break down even more and knows there is only one person that can affect her like this and if he is coming there isn't anything anyone can do to stop him. The guy is like a dog with a bone.


Callie nods and cries harder, Rachel's heart breaking into two. Stray tears fall silently down her russett skin causing Sam, Paul and Jared to worry even more. This is serious what ever it is!! Rachel looks to the three and know that they need to know everything. She pulls away from Callie slightly and lifts her chin up.

"They need to know, I will be with you as you tell them but they need to know."

"I can't they will look at me differently. I can't have them knowing that Rach."

"You listen to me Callista, what happened was not your fault. You were under aged and was corrupted by that vile human. You are stronger than him now and those three behind you will do everything in there power to protect you and the babies. They need to know!!."

Callie looks behind her and sees the three most important men in her life looking at her with sorrow in their eyes. She knows that the whole pack will have to know too not that she wants this secret out there. Bella has taken that away from her and she will never forgive her for this. Callista walks over to them. Jared pulling her onto his lap slowly running his fingers through her hair. He can never get over how much he loves her. He literally would give her his last breath.

"Baby what ever it is i am here for you okay. I love you baby so much and i want you to remember that I am not going anywhere."

Callie looks into his eyes and sees nothing but love and adoration, she silently wishes that after he hears what happened he won't look at her any different. Taking a deep breath she looks away from him and Rachel takes her hand, Emily comes in and takes a seat next to Sam.

"I just want you to know that the person i was before i moved here was a different person. I am not that person no more, so please don't see me differently. When i was living in Jackson with my Mom, Phil and Bella we were around Phil's team mates a lot. I was always more bubbly than Bella and loved meeting new people, Phil would take me to all the training sessions and the coach even taught me how to play baseball. Any way a year and a half into Phil's contract they signed a new player who had just got out of Uni and was trying to make his way up the minor baseball league ranks hoping to make it big. His name was Rogan Taylor and i thought he was the most handsome guy i had ever laid eyes on. Over the next few months we became close and he would message me at night saying that he missed me and that i was all he thought about...."

The tears fall down her face as she takes another breath but she can't continue. Rachel gives her hand a squeeze and then nods at Callie as she continues were she left off.

"Rogan carried on pursuing her, sending her expensive gifts. Renee and Phil had no idea. Well until a year later when Callie turned sixteen and Rogan showed up at the house drunk. He barged in demanding to see Callie or he would kill them all. He had seen photos on her facebook page of her with one of her best friends Taylor out that night and got jealous. Callie came down the stairs to see what all the commotion was and saw Rogan with a knife up against Phil's throat threatening to kill him if she didn't go with him that instant. Guys you need to understand he was five years older than her and he had groomed her."

As soon as Rachel says those words Callie stands and leaves not wanting to hear another word. She is basically sitting there feeling like an idiot. Jared goes to follow but Rachel stops him.

"You need to listen to this Jared. She will be fine just give her a moment."


"Jared seriously sit down and listen. It gets worse."

"How? That sick fuck groomed my imprint, the mother of my kids."

Sam looks at Jared and feels his pain, he looks to Emily and nods towards the door. Emily kisses his cheek and goes to sit outside with Callie. Jared sits down and Rachel continues.

"What Phil and Renee didn't realize is, is that Rogan had other plans for Callie and him. He drove her out of the state and headed to his home town so that he could keep her all to himself. Callie at that time believed he truly loved her and wanted to be with her forever, he had completely brain washed her. Over the next few months things went from bad to worse and Rogan moved them around so that they wouldn't get caught. One day Rogan had gone out when Callie turned on the t.v and found out just exactly who he was. She saw his name on the screen of the news and then heard a young woman explain the relationship she had with Rogan, the exact same relationship she was in with him. Callie knew that she had to leave there and then and quickly rang the hotline Charlie had set up. When she got through she simply gave them the address of the motel they were at and Rogan walked in just as she put the phone down. He asked her who she was calling and she refused to tell him so.... so... he..."

By now Rachel is crying and wiping the tears from her eyes.

"They didn't recognize her when the police burst through the door. She was out cold on the floor black and blue. The called and ambulance and quickly got her to the local hospital, whilst she was there the police searched through the belongings Rogan had left behind. There was papers inside, contracts. Turns out Rogan was going to sell her to some guy nearly three times her age and he was going to pay heavily due to her being a virgin. Rogan had made her believe that he wanted to wait until her honeymoon before they had sex saying he wanted it to be special. Once Callie was in hospital we thought she was save from him but Rogan found ways of tormenting her. He would send her pictures of him with other girls saying that they were prettier than her and that she was nothing but a fat whore. He was sending other vile stuff too saying that Callie owed him a million dollars because he didn't get to sell her to the guy. It took months for the psychologist to get Callie to see what Rogan was but the biggest kick in the teeth was when he got away with it due to the grounds of the evidence simply vanishing into thin air. Guys you need to protect her, that guy will stop at nothing to get her. I can't believe Bella would do this to her."

By the time Rachel has finished Sam, Jared and Paul are shaking violently. The three men stand and are about to head out the door when the rest of the pack walk in laughing and joking. They stop instantly and all eyes fall to Jacob, Sam's anger and his alpha mode getting the better of him.


Emily and Callista rush in and Callista goes to her brother her eyes red and blotchy from the tears. She places a hand on his cheek and Sam looks to her tears welling up in his eyes.

"Sam please don't i need you right now. Please I need you three I can't face him alone."

Sam lets the tears fall not caring who sees. He pulls his sister into him and kisses the top of her head and closes his eyes.

"I promise you that he will not harm you or the babies. That is one human who is going to die for hurting you Tink."

Paul goes to her and Sam can see he is close to tears too. He lets go of Callie and Paul immediately pulls her into him repeating what Sam had said moments before. She then looks to the love of her life hoping that he would not look at her differenetly.

"Jared, do you hate me?"

Her voice cracks and Jared is in front of her in an instant. He pulls her into him like she was fragile china. Callie breaks down and Jared soothes her as best as he can.

"Baby i don't think any less of you. If anything i am so proud of you. That guy is going to pay for hurting you baby mark my words. I will never hate you I love you too much always and forever."

The sound of loud applause has the pack, Rachel, Emily and Callie all looking to see a stranger at the door. They all look around and Jared notices that Callie is looking at him in pure fear. The stranger notices too and smirks, he then looks down and sees her growing bump. When he looks back up he says the three words that cause her nightmares,

"Miss me Angel?"