I love you Jared Cameron

"miss me angel?"

Callie feels the bile rise in her throat and just stares at him. The pack watch as he walks towards her and goes to touch her but Jared stands in his way. A growl escaping his lips.

"get the fuck away from my girlfriend!!"

"aww how sweet my little angel has gotten herself a little bodyguard." He chuckles then looks at Callie his eyes menacing.

"listen bitch I only came here for what you owe me. Because you misbehaved I lost alot and now it's time to pay up."

Callie watches him in disbelief, after two years he still thinks she owes him money.

"Rogan, I don't owe you anything!! You..."

Rogan goes to lunge forward but Jared grips him by the throat taking Rogan by surprise. Jared's eyes are a dangerous colour and the pack know he is trying not to Wolf out.

" how dare you come here and try to intimidate her. She doesn't owe you anything. You groomed her, she was just a child. Now leave before me and her brothers do damage. "

Jared let's him go and Sam and Paul stand protectively by Callie. Rogan looks at them and his eyes finally land back on Callie a mixture of hurt and fury in his eyes.

"you know I wont stop Callie! I want a million by the end of the week or things will turn to shit."

Rogan leaves without another word, callie stood there in shock. Seeing him after all this time still hurts and as much as she tries to not let him get to her like he always did. She is a powerful guardian not a god damn silly teen. As she stands there her anger magnifies to a dangerous level. The boys watch in shock as her eyes change to a black, a ear splitting growl escapes her lips and she runs out of the door.


Rogan stops in his tracks and turns around looking at the woman in front of him. She isn't the same Callie anymore and that terrifies him. He smirks at her, trying his hardest to hide the fear behind his eyes.

"Finally grew some balls did you?, listen this is easy you either get me what i want or i start killing those you love. Starting with your boyfriend over there."

Callie suddenly lunges forward, everything happening to fast for the pack to even know what is going on. Jared feels a seering pain in his stomach and drops to his knees. Sam looks at him and then back to Callie and Rogan, Callie suddenly dropping to the floor blood leaving her wound in her belly. Rogan looks down at her and smirks.

"Or maybe I will just kill you and that child, either way you chose the wrong answer my angel."

Rogan suddenly jumps into his car speeding off, Paul goes to his sister followed by Sam, the rest of the pack staring in shock as their guardian and friend is led on the floor loosing conciousness and quickly. Jake goes to Jared and tries to get him up but Jared passes out moments later. Sam picks up Callie whilst Jake picks up Jared the pack racing to the cullen's. Embrey quickly phones ahead to Carlisle.


"Carlisle it is Embrey, Callista has been stabbed in the stomach and there is something wrong with Jared too."

"Bring them straight to the house."

Before Embrey could say anything Carlisle put the phone down, he looks to Esme who is stood there in shock. Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rosalie rush into the room, all looking at Carlisle.

"The pack are on their way, Callie has been stabbed in her stomach. Jared is down too. I need any of you not under control to stay away do you hear me."

Rosalie moves forward and glares at Carlisle.

"This is all Bella's fault, i will not protect her anymore."

The scent of the pack mixed with a tremendous amount of blood has everyone looking to the door. Paul rushes in followed by Sam cradling Callie, his chest covered in her blood. Jake walks in with Jared still out of it. Carlisle tells them to follow him and as they are going to the treatment room, Edward arrives with Bella. No one pays them any attention straight away right now they need to save Callie and get Jared to come back around.

Sam places Callie on the one table and Carlisle gets to work, the door to the room opens and Edward steps in followed by Rosalie.

"Carlisle you need to get the babies out of her, the sack has been pierced."

Carlisle looks to Sam and Paul for confirmation. The two brothers tell him yes without no hesitation.

"Save them please Carlisle I can't lose my family. "

Carlisle looks to Paul shocked by how sincere he is being. Quickly shaking it off Carlisle gets to work on getting the kids out of Callie. Sam and Paul wait outside not wanting to see there sister in this state. Rosalie goes to Jared and knows he needs to wake up to be here for Callie and the kids.

"Jared you need to wake up. Callista needs you and so do the twins. Come on Jared get over it and fast."

When he doesn't move she does the one thing she didn't expect to with Jared, she slaps him hard across the face. Jared shoots up into a sitting position and growls.

"You can shout at me later. if i didn't do that you would have missed the birth of your kids."

Jared looks to the side of him and see's his sweet Callista out cold, Carlisle fighting to save his kids. He gets off his bed and goes to her taking her hand.

"Baby if your there please don't leave me. I need you and so do the twins please baby fight."

Tears are streaming down his face as he silently begs her to come back to him. Carlisle pulls the first child out of her and although they are only supposed to be nearly five months gone the baby looks full size of a newborn. Carlisle hands the baby to Rosalie so she can quickly clear it's airways as soon as she does the baby lets out a cry. Jared turns to see Rosalie walking towards her with his first born in her arms.

"Congratulations Jared, you and Callie have a baby boy. "

She places the baby in his arms and Jared looks at him in awe, he then looks to Callie.

"Baby, Hunter has arrived you need to be here baby please stay with us."

There is another crying sound and Jared turns to see Rosalie with his other child wrapped in her arms. She smiles and places the baby into his left arm.

" little Nevaeh. "

Jared smiles down at his two kids and is filled with over whelming love. The babies snuggle into him and Jared looks to his beautiful girl, the mother of his kids.

" Baby please open your eyes and come back to us. I need to propose to you baby. I need to make you my wife."

Carlisle, Edward and Rosalie all share a look if sympathy for the Wolf. He has been through so much with Callista the past year they just wish they would get the peace and quiet they deserve. Carlisle nods to Rosalie to get Jared and the twins out of here so he can work on Callista. Jared goes to argue but he knows that if Callie were here she would want him to put Hunter and Nevaeh first. He stands and looks back to Callie.

" I love you baby girl. Please fight "

He leans down and kisses her forehead before standing up and going outside. Rosalie smiles at the two bundles of joy in his hands, she couldn't help but think of her best friend who was fighting for her life thanks to Bella. Rosalie didn't like the fact that these two could grow up with no mother, just because some human was jealous of her sister.

They walk into the room and all eyes turn to the two babies in Jared's arms. Sam and Paul rush to him and look at their niece and nephew. Paul picks up Hunter whilst Sam has Nevaeh.

"They are perfect just like you and Callie. No matter what happens I will protect you four with my life. I promise you that."

"thank you Sam it means alot. I just hope and prey that Callie makes it through this because I can't lose her."

They all look to a teary eyed Jared and wish there was something they could do to make it better for him. The door to the Cullen house closes and when they pick up that familiar scent and see Bella walk in. Jared starts to shake when he sees her. He tells her to go to him, Bella tries to resist but Rosalie suddenly grabs her and zooms her to Jared.

"Look at those to precious babies who had to be born early because there mother is up stairs fighting for her life. That stunt you pulled with Rogan got her stabbed. I hope your happy with yourself."

Rosalie lets her go and Bella sinks to the floor tears falling down her pale face. Edward walks into the room looking shocked and upset he looks at Jared.

"Carlisle needs to see you, Jared I am....."


They all look at Edward shocked as to what he is implying, surely this isn't the end for Callie. Edward follows Jared upstairs and when he sees Jared crumble the sound of the heart monitor flat lining filling the room, he knows that any treaty with the wolves is over. The door to the room opens and Paul, Sam and the pack stand there shocked. Paul screams no and falls to the floor, whilst Sam races to his sister begging her to not go the tears falling down the alpha's face but he doesn't care. Edward reads Callie's mind and repeat what she is thinking.

"I love you all you will always be my family. Look after my babies and the love of my life for me. I am sorry guys, i can't fight anymore. To the love of my life Jared, you have made me so happy this part year I really couldn't ask for a better soul mate. I will love you for eternity, i am sorry i can't stay baby but you need to look after the twins for me and make sure Paul doesn't corrupt them. I love you Jared Cameron always and forever."

The pack all stand there in shock this can't be it this can't be how she goes. Jared looks to the love of his life and his heart breaks into a million pieces the love of his life gone.