wedding bells & Heartbreak

Jared and the pack are sat in the house talking, the babies being the centre of attention. It has been three weeks since Callie woke up and she has slipped into mother hood easily. She also found out that the pack had been effected badly by her three day death. Callie walks down the stairs and looks at the way the burly guys are under the babies spells. Jared sees his fiance and smiles sweetly at her, he has been waiting for all this to be a dream and that he will wake up soon. Callie has told him plenty of times that there is no way she is leaving him again.

"You nearly ready baby?"

"Yeah just got to get the babies milk and then we can head out. Have you put the pram in the car?"


Jared puts Nevaeh's onesie on her and places her in the car seat whilst Paul puts Hunters on him and puts him in his car seat. Tonight they are going to Billy Blacks for a celebratory BBQ, after all there is a lot to celebrate. The twin's birth, Callie and Jared's engagement and Callie rising from the dead. Once everyone is ready they head to the car and Callie jumps in the drivers side whilst Paul sits in the back with the twins, Jared sitting up front. The rest of the pack walk or more like run over to Billy's.

When they pull up Callie spots Charlie and is about to scowl but Jared takes her hand.

"Babe just hear him out okay."

"If it was anyone else asking i would tell em to fuck off but been as it is you I will this once."

Jared kisses her and then gets out of the car followed by Callie. Once Jared has gotten Hunter out Paul gets out and goes to the boot and puts the pram up for his sister. Paul has been really protective lately and as much as Callie loves him for it, she needs him to stop worrying.

Charlie watches his daughter get out of the car and sees Jared getting one of the babies out of the back. Billy is beside him making sure his intentions are good. In all fairness Charlie was told a lot of stuff by Bella. As soon as he found out from Edward and Alice that Callie had been stabbed by Rogan and that she was also pregnant with twins and was in a coma for three days he was devastated. The thing that broke him was when they said Bella had brought Rogan to Forks out of spite.

"Remember Charlie she has been through hell this past month. She has every right to be pissed."

"I know. I have let her down so much and i am going to make it up to her and the twins."

They watch as the three walk towards them with the babies. Callie stops by Billy and kisses his cheek. She then looks at Charlie and kisses his cheek, she steps away and looks to Billy.

"Is it okay if i use your house a sec. Hunter has the bowls of his father."

Jared playfully nudges her causing him to laugh.

"Of course princess you don't have to ask."

"Thank's Uncle Billy."

She unclips Hunter and picks up the baby bag. When she walks away Jared looks to Charlie.

"Charlie she knows you want to make peace just don't make me regret it. Bella has caused me and my family way to much pain. I won't have you do the same."

"Jared I feel awful for turning my back on her. When Edward and Alice told me the truth and what Bella had done i was disgusted that i wasnt there for her. For any of you. I am sorry Jared."

Jared smiles at Charlie and holds his hand out.

"Don't sweat it Charlie besides you know what Callie is like she will most probably chew you out for the both of us."

"Still a little fire cracker then?"

"Yep!! She nearly beat Embrey to a pulp yesterday because he called her a milf."

Charlie laughs and smiles happy that Callie is the same as she has always been. They watch as Callie walks out with Hunter in her arms and they all smile. Charlie watches as she stops in front of him and eyes him up.

"Would you like to meet your grandchildren?"

"Of course Princess."

She places Hunter into his arms and then Jared unclips Nevaeh. Charlie holds the two babies and feels tears falling down his face. He looks to Callie and feels like a failure.

"I am so sorry. I should of been a better father to you and grandfather to the kids."

"Dad its fine. The past year has been kind of crazy I am as much to blame as you are. I should of been more persistent with you. I am sorry i let it get as bad as it did."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You are a fighter and have given me two gorgeous grankids I will make it up to you baby girl i promise."

"Dad it is fine honestly."

Charlie kisses the top of her head, he then kisses Hunter and Nevaeh. Jared wraps his arms around Callie's waist.

"Proud of you baby."

"Thanks babe. "

He kisses her and Charlie then looks at Callie's finger. He smiles and is just glad that he can have her and the kids back in his life. Jake shouts that the food is ready and they all make their way towards the table that is laid up. Callie takes Nevaeh whilst Charlie keeps hold of Hunter. She gives her dad his blanket and takes Nevaeh's with her. Seth and Leah are bouncing with excitement when they see them walking towards them. Callie looks at them and then gasps. She looks to Sam who goes pale.

"Jared take Nevaeh please. I need a chat with Seth and Leah."

"Paul grab Nevaeh I don't want Callie going on her own."

Paul quickly takes his niece and Callie looks to Billy.

"Can i borrow your house to have a word...."

"Go for it and don't break anything."

"Can't promise anything Billy."

Billy laughs and then Callie points to Leah and Seth then the black house. The two gulp but walk in, Jared and Callie following behind. Once inside Callie growls at the two.

"You fucking imprinted on my kids?"

"Callie I was going..."

"Let's get a few things straight. As of this moment you two are nothing more than a brother or sister to my kids understand. You don't utter a word to them about this until i say so. If they get a relationship when they are older you don't interfear. Finally and this is the most important rule. If my kids shed one fucking tear or you put them second i swear down i will find away to make the imprint bond disappear. My kids are your imprints therefore you will protect them but what Jared and I say goes. Do you understand?"

"Yes Callie. We was going to tell you but we didn't want to put to much stress on you."

"Stress! Your kidding right, Listen i know that you think that being their imprints gives you the right to make decisions on their behalf but remember we are their parents. Don't fuck me off or hurt them cause i swear down i will kill the both of you."

Callie walks out of the house. Sure she knew that they were going to be imprinted on or imprint themselves one day but she has only been a mother for three weeks and already feels like other people are claiming whats hers. Jared rushes after her and stops her just before they get back to everyone. He turns her to him and he places a hand on her cheek.

"Baby i promise you those two hurt our kids i will kill them. No matter what they are ours."

"I know it is just...."

Jared pulls her to him, he knows what she is thinking because he is thinking it too. All he wants is him and his family nothing else. He kisses her softly and then they walk back to the others Sam looking to his sister with concern.

"You okay tink?"

"Peachy Sammy. Now who has my babies?"

Embrey passes her Nevaeh and Hunter is passed to her by her dad. She sits down with them whilst Jared goes and gets them both something to eat. Paul sits besides her and kisses her head.

"I won't let them two hurt them either and neither will Sam."

"Thanks Paul. I am glad they have you and Sam."

She smiles at her brothers and then Jared joins them. Right now she just wants to be able to concentrate on mundane human things. She also knows that is too much to ask for.

The next morning Sam, Emily, Paul, Jared, Callie and the kids are in the house having a family day when Rachel walks in looking upset. Callie looks to her worry marring her face.

"Rach whats wrong?"

"That bloody Bella. She fucking sent Jacob an invite to the wedding, he has gone Callie."

Callie starts trembling and looks to the boys.

"Watch the kids."

Before they can say anything Callie is out the door and phasing instantly. Sam, Paul and Jared right behind her. They race to the Cullen house Callie phasing just before she gets their. Sam tries to stop his sister but when she looks at him he gasps her eyes are pure white.

"Don't Sam!"

She walks from her brother and Jared looks at him, his eyes also pure white. Rosalie and Emmett are the ones to open the door and when they see Callie and the boys they step aside. Callie walking into the living room her anger at boiling point. She spots Bella and growls.

"I think it is time me and you had a chat. Outside now."

Edward puts Bella behind him and Callie growls louder.


She swishes her hand and sends Edward flying over to the otherside of the room. Callie grabs Bella by the hair and drags her outside. She throws her onto the ground.


"Callie listen i...."

"NO! You are becoming a real pain in my ass. I spoke to dad last night and found out all about your little games you played. Then you brought that fucking ass hole here not just putting me in danger but my kids. Now you fucking send an invite to Jake knowing full well he is in love with you. You have messed with my pack to many times."

Callie closes her eyes and raises her hands. Edward goes to walk to them when Jasper looks at him his eyes black.

"Don't you dare move."

"That is my mate."

"Who can get the treaty void and us all killed if you move one more inch.

Edward looks back to Bella and can see Callie looking up to the sky just as the wind picks up.

"The anchestors hear me now. Grant us protection from Isobella Marie Swan. From this day forward Isobella Marie Swan shall no longer be able to step one foot onto Quilette land. If she does she will be break the treaty and put her coven in danger. Hear my words and make them known."

The wind gets harsher and then there is a clap of thunder and a streak of lightening. When Callie looks at Bella her eyes are still white.

"You no longer have the pack protection. You are here by banished from La Push for all eternity."

She walks to Bella and lowers down.

"You fuck with my family once more and i will take immense pleasure in killing you."

Without another word Callie stands and phases heading back to La push to be with her kids. Bella is no longer a problem for the pack.