I now pronounce you man & wife.

Bella and Edward are now married, Jake has returned to La Push and once again things are normal. Today the pack are at the beach with their imprints and the kids. Callie is sat with the twins who are now six weeks old and still the centre of attention. Callie is happy that her kids have such a loving and supportive system around them. Sam, Jared, Paul and the rest of the boys are playing football whilst Emily and the girls have there usually talk.

"How did the meeting with Renee go?"

"That was the most awkward moment of my life. Dad was there with me but damn walking into the house with her and Phil there and i walk in with the twins. There faces were a picture."

Callie laughs and Emily smirks.

"Did Charlie tell them everything?"

"Yeah about what Bella did. When they found out Rogan had turned up Phil went bat shit crazy and then Charlie said about the stabbing and that the twins had to be born or we would of all died."

"At least your mum knows why you didn't go to the wedding."

"Yeah not that she really cared though. She brought up the fact i know i am adopted and thats when things got worse."


"Basically she sighed with relief and said at least i don't have to play grandmother to kids that are nothing to do with me as well."


"It's okay i broke her nose and got the kids and left."

By now the girls are laughing. Jared comes over and sits by his fiance and his kids. A couple of people from school are on the beach and the girls are trying to get Jared and Paul's attention. The one girl walks towards them and stops by the boys. She puts a hand on Paul, who moves away from her and goes to Rachel.

"Why don't you boys come and hang with us. Leave the uglies and teen moms to themselves."

Callie looks up at the girl and smirks.

"Wow, you really think your hot don't you. Well listen closely sweetcheeks because all guys see when they see you is the head cheerleader who has her legs open like a twenty four hour conveinient store. I may be a young mum but the difference between me and you is I have only slept with one guy in my life and he is the father of my kids and my fiance."

Callie stands and walks to the girl so they are face to face.

"All you will ever be is that easy bit of gash that guys entertain so they can get what they want. Before you come over here and spout shit about my family take a long look in the mirror and realize that you may be the queen B for now but what happens when school ends and all your minions leave you here alone. If you didn't spend so much time on your back you would have decent grades to go and get into college. So in two years time when your on this beach and you see us and your a washed up tart you best keep on walking. Now leave the guys alone and the girlfriends or i swear down the only thing you will doing tonight is picking up your teeth off this beach. Do i make myself clear?"

The girl looks at her in shock, she looks to Paul and Jared but they aren't paying her any attention. The girl walks away and Jared stands pulling Callie to him.

"I think we need to change one little thing on your rant."


"Fiance. i think Husband sounds so much better,"

Callie turns to face him confused.

"What do you say baby. Lets get married now. I don't want to wait babe i want to make you my wife"

Callie smiles at him and nods. He pulls her to him and kisses her like a man possessed. Emily and Rachael cheer glad to have something good to look forward to. As they sit there talking about dates Sam can't help but think that there is something going to happen that could tear the family unit apart. He shrugs it off and goes to his sister and congratulates her. Any bad feelings can wait for another day.


*Time skip Two weeks*

Today is the day that Callie honestly thought she would never see coming, her wedding day. As she sits in her room staring at her wedding dress there is a knock on the door and Rosalie walks in smiling at her best friend. Callie stands and embraces her.

"How are you today?"

"Not going to lie I am nervous as hell. What if he changes his mind?"

Rosalie looks at her with a slight smile on her face. She touches Callie's cheek and moves a stray piece of hair out of her face.

"Now you listen to me Jared is besotted with you and there is no way in hell he is changing his mind. Now sit yourself down and lets get you ready for your wedding day."

Callie smiles and does as Rosalie says, Emily, Rachel and Leah walk in to get themselves ready as well. Rosalie gives Callie a natural make up look and her hair in a sleek up do. Leah, Rachel and Emily all have there hair curled.Before long the girls are ready and Charlie is stood by the door waiting for Callie.

"You nearly ready princess?"

"Yes dad just the dress now."

Callie stands and goes to the bathroom followed by Rosalie. Everyone waits patiently for her to return and when she does they all gasp. The dress is a stunning white slim fit wedding dress with front lace detail.

"Do i look okay?"

"Princess you look breath taking."

Callie smiles at her dad and then Sam walks in saying its time.

"Callie you look beautiful."

"Thanks Sam. Right lets get this show on the road."

Everyone smiles and one by one they leave the house and make there way to the beach. Billy and the council made sure they had the entire beach especially for the wedding. When Callie and the wedding party show up she feels her stomach do somersaults. Sue and the others have done an amazing job making the usually dreary beach look like a tropical wedding venue. As everyone takes their place Callie cant help but feel the nerves hit her. Ed sheerans perfect starts to play and Emily and Sam walk down the aisle, followed by Rachel and Jacob, Leah and Seth and then Rosalie and Emmette. Then everyone stands and turns to look as Charlie takes Callies arm and walks her slowly down the aisle. Jared turns to see her and the tears start to fall from his eyes as he watches the most beautiful woman in the world walk towards him. When they reach each other they smile and Charlie kisses his daughters cheek and then looks at Jared.

"Take care of her cameron I am a cop remember."

He winks at Jared and then goes to sit by Sue and Billy. Jared takes Callie's hands into his and the pair look at each other with so much love that the guests coo over them. Old man Quill clears his throat and starts the ceremony, before long the couple get to the part of there vows, Jared going first.

"The first time I saw you at Billy's telling Charlie off I looked at you and knew you were the woman for me. Your funny, way to sarcastic, Beautiful, thoughtful and the meanest right hook i have ever seen. You fight for those you love and i promise to fight for you with my every breath as i love you more than anything in the world. You have changed my life so much and it has been for the best. Not only have you brought me two beautiful children but you have brought the tribe and everyone around it together. you are an amazing woman Callie and i am lucky and grateful that i have you by my side now and forever. I love you so much and nothing will ever change that."

Callie looks at Jared with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She truly loves him and there is nothing that is ever going to change that.

"Jared when I moved here I didn't think that I would not only meet my best friend but my lover and my life. Every minute that i spend with you is better than the last. You make me laugh, you make smile and at ties you make me cry with laughter. You are an amazing dad to the twins and i couldn't ask for anything more in my husband to be. I promise to spend every minute of every day making sure you know how much i love you and how much you mean to me. I promise to be there when your down or when you need someone to mess around with. I promise to love you no matter what even if you get old and grow a beer belly. I love you Jared Cameron until my final breath and even then i wont stop loving you."

By now the whole wedding party have tears of happiness rolling down there face. Old man Quill asks for the rings and then tells Jared to take Callies left hand.

"Jared repeat after me. I Jared Cameron take the Callista Larentia Uley Lahote to be lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health till death do us part."

"I Jared Cameron take the Callista Larentia Uley Lahote to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold in sickness and in health till death do us part."

"Callie now you."

"I Callista Larentia Uley Lahote take thee Jared Cameron to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold in sickness and in health till death do us part."

"Jared place the ring on Callies ring finger. Do you Jared take Callista to be your wife?"

"I do."

Jared slides the ring onto her finger perfectly.

"And do you Callista take Jared to be your husband?"

"I do."

Callie slips the wedding ring onto his finger and the two smile at each other.

"It is my great honour to now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Jared wastes no time and pulls Callie to him and places a loving kiss on his wife's lips to seal the deal.

"Ladies and Gentlemen i give you Mr and Mrs Cameron."

The wedding party all cheer and applaud for the newly weds. Jared and Callie turn to everyone the two smiling from ear to ear. Jared takes his wifes hand into his and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"I love you Mrs Cameron."

"I love you too Mr Cameron."

They share one more kiss and the guests all cheer once more for the future of their tribe. The royalty of the wolves. Mr and Mrs Cameron.