The return of Bella

Callie is sat in the kitchen with Paul, Sam, Rachel and Emily whilst the kids are having a nap. The past two weeks have flown by since becoming Mrs Cameron and they have been the best two weeks of her life. She can't help but wonder how long the peace will last what with Bella coming home at some point. Sam looks to his sister and smiles, there was a time he would of given anything to have her back here and now she is. Callie is flicking through a catalogue when Jared comes back in and goes to Callie giving her a kiss on her head.

"Hey babe Mom said that she can have the twins tonight so we can decorate."

"Baby that is brilliant, I don't want the house smelling of paint when we move in with the kids."

"Do you two want a hand with the decorating?"

Callie looks to her brother Paul and smirks. 

"That would be amazing thanks Paul. I am going to have to head in to town today to grab the paint and that."

"Babe we can do that once the twins are awake. Mom said she will have them straight away because there is a lot to do."

Callie looks at her husband and smiles. She doesn't know how she got lucky to have the family she has but she wouldn't change it for the world. Callie is about to give her husband a kiss when her phone rings. She sees Rosalies name and answers straight away.

"Well hello blondie what can i do for you today?"

"Callie can you come by the house on your own please. We need to talk?"

Before Rosalie can say anymore Seth, Leah, Embrey and Jake rush in. What they blurt out has Callie shocked.

"Bella is pregnant and still human."

Callie looks to Sam and then to Jared before regaining the power to speak.

"Rosalie tell me this isn't true?"

"Callie please let us...."

"I will be there in five."

Callie puts the phone down and races out of the house heading straight for the Cullen house. Jake hot on her tail. By the time they get there Rosalie and Emmett are stood outside waiting for her. They take Callie and Jake into the living room and when Bella sees her sister she panics.

"Callie listen..."

"Save it Bella whatever you have to say right now means nothing to me. All i want to know is what is the baby?"

"We are not a hundred percent sure."

"Well judging by the fact that she looks like she is about to pop when four weeks ago she was as skinny as a rake i would say it is either half and half or more vampire. So where is the father?"

Bella and the others put there heads down. Callie looking at them confused.

"Callie he doesn't want....."


They all look at Callie and see her eyes like fire. Edward walks in and goes to speak but Callie stops him.

"What is your problem?"

"It is killing her but she doesn't see that."

"Listen and listen closely because i am about to school you on something. It doesn't matter whether she is carrying a god damn squirrel inside her all that matters is that right now she has a BABY growing inside her. Half of you, half of her. You men think it is so easy to just get rid of a baby but it isn't. Even if you make her get rid of it she will sink into a depression and believe you me she will grow to hate you. None of you have no idea what it means to carry a baby inside you, to feel that baby grow, kick and move around. If Bella has chosen to keep the baby that is her decision and you all need to grow up and get over it. As for what the baby is we can cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Why are you so happy about this?"

"Don't be mistaken Edward i am not happy about it one bit but that Baby growing inside her is innocent it didn't ask to be created that was down to you two morons. Now you have to live with the consequensis. Now if you will excuse me I have a house to decorate and twins to get ready for a sleep over at their nans."

Bella asks Rosalie to help her stand and then she calls Callie.

"I am sorry for what i did, I was just jealous and i didnt..."

"Bella save it because no matter what, you did mean it otherwise you wouldn't of brought Rogan back here. Make no mistake i hate you and i will always hate you but like i said that Baby no matter what it is is the innocent. Now like i said i have alot to do i will be in contact about the new treaty once the baby has been born."

"What about the pack?"

"Carlisle I am not speaking on behalf of the pack. They have there alpha i will only interven if necessary."

Callie walks out of the house and heads back to the reservation. No matter what Bella and Edward will have to deal with what ever backlash themselves. Callie isn't about to fall out with her family over bloody Bella Cullen. When she gets back to the house Emily is the only one there Callie doesn't need telling where the guys are.

"Right i need to get the twins ready then head over to Melody's."

"Callie are you okay?"

"Emily i am fine. They can sort it out between themselves ."

Callie walks to the bedroom where the babies are and starts to get there things together. Something is not right about this whole half vampire baby and until she knows exactly what and why she is getting these weird feelings Callie is going to remain impartial to it all. Surely the baby can't be dangerous?, What if the boys kill it and Bella in the process?. Okay so Bella dying is not exactly the main priority right now but the baby is innocent right?.

 Half an hour later Callie has the twins things ready and has them dressed and in their car seats ready to go. As she makes her way down the stairs with the two car seats the boys have returned. She puts the twins down and then goes to get there stuff before heading out to the car putting their changing bags in. The pack all look at her and Callie can feel them all unsure on what to say. Jared sat there with a face like thunder. When she reads his mind she growls.

"Jared for god sake!"

"Sorry Sam can't turn it off. Besides they chose to leave over staying with their imprints."

Callie starts shaking and Sam asks Emily and Rachel to take the twins into the other room. Jared goes to her and takes her hands.

"Baby look at me."

Callie looks at her husband her eyes flickering different colours, her emotions all over the place. It is one thing to leave the pack but to leave their imprints, her children is another thing. 

"Jared don't give me any shit about those two chicken shits. They have left knowing that it could hurt our kids. I am not letting this slide."

"Babe i am not either. Let's get our beauties to my mom then we handle this."

Callie nods at Jared and then he places a kiss on her sweet lips. Callie calms instantly in his embrace he is the love of her live in all meaning of the word. Jared goes to get the kids and the two set off for his moms house. On the way there Callie's phone rings showing Rosalie's number.


"Hey look i am sorry."

"Rose you have nothing to apologize for besides right now i have better things to worry about than Bella and bloody Edward Cullen."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Leah and Seth have left the pack with Jacob."

"Wait what about Nevaeh and Hunter?"

"I don't know either way those two are going to pay for this."

"You know where i am if you need me."

"Thanks Rose."

"No problem. I will speak to you later. Give those beauties a kiss from me and Emmett."

"Will do. Bye."

Callie puts the phone down and turns to the back and looks at her sleeping babies.

"Babe what's going to happen to them now?"

"I don't know baby once we have dropped them off we will head to Billy's and see if he has any ideas. You never know there maybe a way that we can break the bond being what we are."

"I hope so I can't have them getting hurt."

"That won't happen. I am not about to let it, neither is Sam, Paul or any of the pack."

Callie turns to her husband, tears brimming her eyes. If anything happens to her precious kids because of Bella, Edward or anyone it would rip her apart. As they pull up to Melodies Callie takes a deep breathe before getting out of the car and getting Nevaeh whilst Jared gets Hunter. As they walk into the house Melody is sat and the table talking to Sue, Billy and Old man Quil. When they see the couple walk in with the twins Melody smiles sadly, Sue looks guilty.

"Guys we are so sorry about what our kids have done."

"Billy right now the only thing i care about is what the hell is going to happen to my kids because their imprints don't give a shit. They may only be babies but no one makes them a second choice."

Callie walks to Melody and kisses her cheek.

"Thank you for watching them it is helping alot."

"Of course besides i miss my grandbabies. Now you and Jared go and sort out what you have to sort out."

"Actually you have just saved us a trip. Billy is there away me and Callie can break the bond between the kids and Leah and Seth."

"There is but it means that Leah and Seth will never imprint on any one again."

Callie looks at Billy her eyes a pure white. They all gasp, seeing Callie go into this mode is still new to them. 

"And i care because?. They chose to leave not only the pack but also my children Billy. I will make sure that my children still have a chance to imprint and them two don't and have to live through life knowing that they chose this. So excuse me if i couldn't give to rats ass if they never get to imprint. Melody i will ring you later."

Callie leaves the house quickly followed by Jared. They get into the car and head for the Cullen household. Jared telling Callie exactly how they have break the bond. When he tells her she looks at him.

"Seriously its that simple."

"Billy said because of who we are that things like this are pretty simple. It would be harder if it wasn't our children but as it is it is that simple."

As they continue driving to the Cullen's house Callie can't help but get more riled up. Leah and Seth have knowingly put their kids in danger and that is something neither Jared or Callie will let go unpunished.