Nobody hurts my babies

The Cullen's, Jake, Leah and Seth are sat in the living room not sure what to do about the impending doom that is Callie and Jared. Bella is shocked at how scared they all are of someone she knew growing up. 

"Jake you don't understand we have just pissed off the two people who could set the whole wolf world after us. We are screwed."

"I didn't ask you to do this Leah you two chose. The fact that you have know got the bloody wolf royalty on your hands and the bloody first daughter i might add is your problem."

Seth puts his head to the ground and knows he has made the biggest mistake of his life. Alice and Jasper look at each other knowing that this is going to cause an even bigger rift between the two species. 

"Would Callie really hurt them if it meant hurting her kids?"

"Bella you really don't know how powerful Callie is now and Jared. They have not only four lines of quilette wolf in them but Callie is a pure wolf. She has an unlimited power source at her finger tips. This isn't your usually wolf politics."

The sound of a car pulling up as them all looking towards the door, Carlisle saying he will get it. Before any one can register exactly what is going on Callie and Jared are stood in front of Leah and Seth their faces like thunder. Leah goes to stand but Callie growls menacingly at her causing her to sit back down. Now Leah is usually the toughest out of the pack but right now she is scared. 

"What do you two have to say for yourselves?"

"Callie we didn't mean to it just happened."

"Bullshit Seth!!! Not only have you gone against your pack brothers for a fucking bitch who puts us all in danger you deserted my daughter and i will make you pay. You will pay as well for hurting my son. You two had the nerve to make me feel worthless when i first came back and now you ditch MY KIDS. I WILL END YOU BOTH!!!"

Callie dives at Leah whilst Jared grabs Seth. They take the two outside followed by everyone apart from Alice and Bella. Callie throws Leah to the ground, Jared doing the same to Seth. They then stand next to each other and join hands, Jared looking to his wife.

"You ready baby?"

"Bring it on sexy."

The two have evil glares on their faces and then face Leah and Seth. They close there eyes and start chanting calling forth Taha aki and there ancestors. A ring of fire forms around them and in a moment or two the ghostly figures of Taha Aki, Ephraim Black and Levi Uley. Jared and Callie open there eyes and when Taha Aki sees her he smiles.

"My beautiful girl it is good to see you alive and well."

"Thank you father. It is good to see you too."

"This must be the fine wolf that is your imprint?"

"Yes sir this is Jared Cameron my husband."

Jared bows down to Taha Aki and then looks to his wife.

"What have you called us forward for my dear?"

"We want to know if there is a way you can strip our children of there imprint bonds as they have been rejected and abandoned by two of our own."

In an instant Taha aki takes on an evil stare. If there is one thing he can not abide is a shape shifter not following there heritage.

"Explain my dear."

"Three members of our pack have decided to abandon ship to protect a human impregnanted by a vampire. Two of those shifters had imprinted on our kids."


"Leah Clearwater and Seth Clearwater."

Callie points to them and Taha Aki looks to them thunder raging in his eyes. How dare they do this.

"You two are a disgrace to the quiellete tribe. You do not side with the enemy over your own. No matter the conciquences. Callie my dear what do you suggest."

"I want Hunter and Neveah to find new imprints and for Seth and Leah to be abolished of the right to imprint but live with the guilt of what they chose."

Taha Aki looks to Ephraim Black and Levi Uley who both nod in unison. 

"You have our blessing to perform the ritual needed to strip them of there imprinting rights. Who was the other shifter that went against our tribe?"

Callie looks to Jake who steps forward.

"It was me sir."

Ephraim looks to his great grandson with disgust.

"You chose to protect the people i set a treaty with. For what?"

"Sir I couldn't let them kill Bella."

"You couldn't let them kill someone who has chosen to become one of them? You are a disgrace Jacob Black and have no right to have my name. You should be ashamed of yourself because i know i am."

As soon as he says those words Ephraim Black disappears. Callie looks to Taha Aki who simply shrugs then bows, Levi Uley bowing also before the two disappear. Jared and Callie walk towards Seth and Leah who are now on there knees. 

"Seth and Leah Clearwater you have broken one of the most important heritages of the shifter world. You chose the enemy over your own imprints therefore you will be striped of the imprinting bond, your inner wolves set to live without the love of there chosen mates."

Callie walks towards them followed by Jared she raises her hands and a ring of fire goes around the four so as to stop anyone from entering and stopping them from doing what is needed. Callie takes Leah's right hand and turns it to expose the inner arm. 

"This will show to ever shifter who sees it that you have gone against your rightful path and that you are no longer under the protection of Jared and myself."

Callie moves her hand slowly down Leah's forearm, Leah suddenly screams in pain. Seth watching as a new tattoo or mark appears on his sister. Once it is finished Callie simply looks at her with disgust and then turns her attention to Seth.

"Callie please I am sorry...."

"No Seth you chose Bella over Nevaeh. That is something i don't take to easily. You should of thought of how much this would effect my baby but you didn't."

Callie takes his right arm and then does exactly the same thing she did with Leah, Seth trying his hardest not to show how much it is hurting him but after a few seconds more he can't stick it and lets out an ear splitting scream. Once the mark is finished Callie lets go off hist arm and looks from him to Leah.

"I hope you two are happy with what you did, You could of been there for your imprints but this is the pah you chose. "

The fire dies down and Jared takes Callie's hand and smiles at his wife.

"Lets get home baby. We have our home to get ready."

Callie smiles at him and in all honesty she feels a little happier knowing know that her kids are safe and not in harms way because of the imprint bond. The couple walk towards there car not giving the others a side glance, right now they just want to be normal and have a night to themselves getting things ready for the twins. As Leah watches them walk away she knows that she has made the worse decision of her life and it all started because of Bella Swan. Thanks to Bella. There is no doubt about it that Seth and Leah Clearwater have chosen the wrong side and all for what?