The birth of the half breed

"Jared Cameron if you don't get your butt here I will put you on a sex ban for ....."

As soon as Callie utters the words Jared is in front of her. He gives her the puppy dog eyes and Callie can't help but laugh. Jared puts his hands on his wives hips and pulls her into him. He kisses her plump lips with so much want and passion that it drives Callie wild with desire. The door knocking and then Paul shouting has the two pulling away.

"Your brothers are cock blockers you know that right?"

Callie bursts out laughing and looks to her husband.

" Babe we literally just had a six hour sex session. Any one would think you were deprived. "

" I can't help it that my wife is hot as hell can I."

Callie kisses him once more before turning and leaving their bedroom and heading downstairs to find Paul in the kitchen. He smiles when he sees the two and Rachel smirks at Callie knowing exactly what has gone on. The sound of Nevaeh and Hunter crying has Callie turning back around Paul saying he will help her. As the two walk up the stairs Paul turns to his sister a smirk on his face.

"Are you happy with Jared?"

"Of course. That guy is my entire life. Why?"

"I want to ask Rachel to Marry me but i am too scared."

"Paul that is amazing and Rachel would say yes in a heart beat. "

"You reckon?"

"Paul you need to stop putting yourself down. You made mistakes when you were younger but you have grown up so much especially since finding Rachel. Your not a bad guy. You are an amazing son, awesome boyfriend, wonderful brother and the best uncle in the world."

Paul embraces her and kisses her cheek. The two carry on walking to the twins bedroom and then get them out of their cribs. By the time they get down stairs the rest of the pack and imprints smiling when they see Paul and Callie with the kids. 

 Sam goes to his sister and kisses her cheek, then takes Nevaeh out of her arms so he can hold his niece. Jared and Emily start laying the table whilst Callie gets the babies bottle ready. Once every thing is ready she sits down at the large table they bought especially for these meetings. Everyone starts to dig in and they all talk amongst themselves, Sam asking Callie if she is still free to help him out. 

"Sure what time do you want to go?"

"After this?"

"Yeah sounds good."

"Where are you to off too?"

"Seattle. Sam needs to pick something up and i have to go there too."

"Can i come with you two?"

Sam looks to Paul and then to Callie who nods yes. Jared looks at his wife and sulks.

"I have to spend a whole day without you?"

"Yes but look on the bright side you get to clean the babies dirty nappies. If your a good husband and father and you and the kids survive the day i will get you a treat."

Jared smiles and kisses his wife cheek like a crazy person. The pack and imprints laugh, Paul saying he is wiped. 

"Do you blame me my wife is awesome. Any way babe me and the twins have a date with my mom and bree."

"That should be nice babe. I know Bree misses you."

"She misses the twins more than me these days i have been replaced."

"Babe they are cuter than you."

Jared pretends to sulk making Callie laugh even more. Embrey looks at Callie and Jared and asks if he can have a word in private. Sam looks to Embrey and shakes his head.

"Not now Embrey."

Callie looks from Sam to Embrey different things going through her head but then she bursts out laughing. 

"Embrey don't panic I already know what your going to say."

"What? How?"

"We felt it when it happened. Just remember that what we say goes."

Embrey smiles and nods. He is just glad that the two already know. They all finish there food and once everything is cleaned away Sam, Paul and Callie jump into her car and head for Seattle. 

"So brothers of mine it seems you both have the marriage bug and i am going to help you choose the perfect rings for your betrothed."

"Paul your going to propose too?"

"Yeah. With everything that Callie and Jared went through it shows that time is precious even with being supernatural and i don't want to waste a moment."

"Same. Plus if Callie and Jared can make it through everything then there is hope for me and Emily."

Callie looks at her brother and knows he is on about the scars. It is the main thing that plays on his mind. It doesn't bother Emily as much as Sam thinks it does if anything she doesn't think of it at all. Sam just plays it over and over again in his mind. 

"Sam you need to stop feeling guilty. Otherwise you will be causing problems that aren't there. Emily doesn't think about it at all Sam, she needs to know that when you sees those scars you don't feel guilt if anything you need to not see them. Yes they are always there to remind you but why should they devine you two as a couple."

Sam looks at her and smiles.

"Thanks Tink you always know the right thing to say."

"Pleasure. Now enough of the soppy shit you two and lets get this brother/sister bonding day on the road."

Callie turns up the music and speeds to Seattle just loving the fact they can spend the day as a family. Even though Sam and Paul aren't related they see themselves as brothers through Callie.

By the time the three get back to the reservation they are laughing and joking having spent the day having fun and letting loose. The three know that there is bad things on the horizon but for the day they wanted to forget it all and just be siblings out shopping. Callie even got three knew tattooes. Paul and Sam making her laugh the whole time she was having them. They walk into Sams house to see the pack already there with the Imprints, as soon as Callie sees the twins she goes to them giving them kisses.

"Did Daddy look after my two babies today."

Jared goes up behind his wife and wraps his arms around her.

"Yes Daddy did and he did an awesome job too. See no scratches and no smelly nappies."

"Aww well done babe you have managed for one day with out me. "

Callie turns around so they are face to face and kisses her husband with all the passion she has inside for him. The others talk amongst themselves unil Quil and Brady come rushing in.

"Bella has gone into labour."

Quil is panting and in a heartbeat the pack are out the door Jared kissing his wife one last time. Callie looks to Emily and Rachel and shrugs.

"How about we go to mine and get the kids down and then have a girls night?"

Emily and Rachel smile both shouting yes yes yes. Callie laughs and starts to get the babies bag and other things together. Within two minutes they are going tfdho Callie and Jared's house, Callie needs to keep Rachel and Emily safe as well as the babies. She sends a mind link to Sam and the pack so that they know the imprints and her and the kids are safe. 

 *Thanks TInk*

 *Keep you and the kids safe baby*

 *Be safe boys. Love you Jared*

She walks into her house and locks the doors and then Rachel and Emily follow her upstairs where she gets the babies bathed and ready for bed. When the kids have been fed she places them in their cribs and puts the monitor on and the girls head down stairs. Callie orders some Pizzas, getting extra for when the pack get back. Then she grabs the wine and three glasses and the girls sit in the living room. 

"Callie do you think the boys will be okay?"

"Girls i promise they will be fine. I have been thinking alot lately about the whole Bella Jacob thing and think there is another reason why those two are drawn to each other. What it is though i am not quiet sure. Although i would prefer the bitch dying for everything she did to me out of spite."

"How you haven't done anything by now is beyond me. I would of beat the hell out of her."

"Rach believe me i have wanted to for so long but then what does that gain. She would just play the victim and i would rather concentrate on other things. She is banned from the reservation so "What about Leah and Seth?"

"What about them? They are no concern of mine now either. They chose the enemy over there imprints. Emily you know better than anyone how much it hurt you ignoring Sam."

Emily looks to Callie and nods. She remembers all two well about the implications of ignoring the imprint bond so for Nevaeh and Hunter to have gonethrough that would of surely killed them.

"Cal we all agree with what you did. You could of done alot worse but you kept your dignity but protected your kids that is the main thing."

"Thanks Em that means alot. I did for a split second think that Sue was going to be a problem but then i thought of what the kids would of gone through."

"How is your friendship with Rosalie and Emmette?"

"They are focused on Bella right now. I was actually thinking about returning the cheque. I know it might seem childish but i tried reaching out to her a few times and she didn't reply so..."

"I am shocked. I thought that Rosalie hated Bella."

"She did before she got pregnant. Bella knew Rosalie would be the one to help her no matter what the others said."

"How the hell can anyone think Bella is a good person. She killed you and nearly killed the kids."

"There is no point in dwelling on her at least she can't come near any of us."

The three girls raise there glasses and drink to the fact Bella is far far far far away. For the next hour they laugh and drink and eat the pizza when it gets there. By the time the pack arrive they stop to see the three girls twerking and laughing. Paul, Sam and Jared can't help the smirks on their faces forming. Callie notices her husband and runs to him, Jared holding his arms out causing Callie to jump into them. She kisses him and he pinches her bum.

"Hey baby. How did the battle go?"

"Lets all take a seat around the table."

"Fuck sake can't you just keep it to yourselves and me and Rach and Em can just drink more wine."

"No baby its important."

Callie unwraps herself from around Jared and goes to the kitchen and gets the boys Pizza and another bottle of wine. They all sit around the table and nothing could prepare the three girls for what they have to say. When Sam tells them what happened Callie stares at him in shock.

"Your joking right?"

Emily and Rachel look at Callie and are just as shocked.

"You said there was a reason Jake was so besotted with Bella what if this was the reason."

"Rach that is impossible. He couldnt of felt the connection through Bella no way."

"Yeah but if he is the descendant of the....."


Callie leans back and sighs. She puts her head in her hands.

"Babe what is wrong?"

"If Jacob has imprinted on Renesme it could mean that any treaty in place becomes null and void."


" Meaning that no matter what Bella fucking wins again."

Callie stands and takes the bottle of wine and walks outside. Jared goes to follow but Rachel and Emily stand saying they have got this. They know that Jake imprinting on Renesme has once again changed everything, and not for the better.