Chapter 1.1: An Eccentric Saber


Sydrial, that bastard. He sent us here to ask for help, seeing what just happened to us all... little did that innocent little shit know, one of us --Aneka, to be exact-- belonged to a certain group of freedom fighters... the very same group that targeted this city's tyrannical but utterly idiotic Monarch. Of course, by that idiot's convoluted sense of justice, I was a terrorist by association.

And now I'm sitting here, in this damn drafty cell, waiting for this stupid ritual that those court mages performed to take effect. 


...damn. damn, dammit. Why did I volunteer for this job, again? ...ah, that's right. it's cause of that innocent bastard's assistant... she was too damn hot, man... how was I supposed to refuse that?! ...whatever...

...I'm here now, I suppose. The idiot bird-man is in the other cell next to me, the one I started adventuring with... I think he's retarded... damn, damn, damn... why, oh why, couldn't I have at least been arrested by someone hot??? oh, what I'd give for someone to talk to right now...


Suddenly, as Kato Kiyohira thinks those very words, those simple words; desiring someone to talk to... a female voice rings out, one with a strange accent. The sound is regal, yet not without a small childlike sound of excitement and boisture, yet somehow... Kato Kiyohira can feel that this voice isn't quite human. At least, not human by his standards...

"...I have answered your call. And so I ask of you, are you my Master?"

A bright light flashes as the mark on Kato's left arm burns with a horrible, near unbearable pain. but, just as soon as it starts, it ends, and the man looks up from his burning arm, to see... a petite woman, standing in his cell.

She wore a blue button up overcoat with red highlights, which appeared to be some kind of military uniform, and light brown pants tucked into somewhat fancy leather boots. Her blonde hair was tied back in a messy ponytail, although it left some hair from her bangs to fall over her face. On her face was an expression of amusement, and excitement, and something similar to a wide and cocky grin, as she removed her brown bicorne hat, and bowed low to Kato, her decoratory sabre hanging at her side. 

The woman glanced up at Kato, her cocky grin flashing underneath half-lidded eyes of amusement. she slowly replaced the bicorne on her head, raised herself up from the bow, and studied the man's face for a moment, before bursting out into almost childlike laughter. Once she calmed down once more, she bowed again, before speaking in a happy, high voice, filled with amusement at her summoner's clueless expression.

"...Hahaha... oh, my... I'm sorry, did I scare you? ...hehe, sorry Admiral! you must be a bit confused, judging from your expression... do not fear, Admiral! allow me to introduce myself, then! I am Saber, but you may address me as 'Captain', hehe!"

 "...uhh... yeah, no. sorry, ain't gonna happen. ...but... 'Saber'? Is that, like... a skill...?"

"hmph... well, no matter, admiral! it seems this Holy Grail War functions differently... mm, no need to worry, Admiral! I shall guide you as needed! ...though, there is a lot to explain... take a seat, Admiral. you have a long day ahead of you..."