Chapter 1.2: Rider and Assassin


In just the next cell over, no, every cell on that block, a similar situation was unfolding... but, strangely, the class balance was uneven, among many other things amidst this strange summons..., I should stop talking, hm? ...why don't we take a look at the cell just next to our hero, Kato Kiyohira... its inhabitant being a single bird. no, not a bird. not quite. Aarakocra, more accurately. This one's servant had never seen anything like it. now our focus shifts to the second cell, as a Rider is summoned... well, let's get to it, shall we?



A portly man stood there, looking down at the peculiar creature who summoned him. The man wore a dark greenish black military uniform, with many medals ordaining his breasts. He wore a white hat, with a strangely short rim, and a strange insignia on it. but really, what interested his summoner the most, was his mustache. all fairness, it was quite large.



Finally, the silence is broken by the portly old man introducing himself, with a slightly raspy yet wise tone, as he introduced himself to his summoner.

" have summoned me, kommandant. Servant, Rider. You command me, as I serve you. ...Kommandant, can you hear me?"

Again, no response. This leads the poor Rider to sigh in exasperation, as he pinches the bridge of his nose, and resigns himself to his fate of having a non responsive (read; retarded) master. 

Finally, the portly Rider decides to begin explaining the basics of the Holy Grail War to his non responsive master, futile as it may be.


Next up, in the cell across from Kato, lay a woman with devilish features and ragged clothes. She was smart, but she certainly didn't act like it, as her companions would say. Our focus will now shift to her, as our third hero is introduced, and our third servant makes their debut... Assassin...

In the third cell, on that uncomfortable bed, lay a single horned woman. Her name; Aneka. The woman who would be blamed for the group's precarious situation. let's take a glimpse inside her mind, as the third of a whopping twenty one summons is underway...


Damn. This shit sucks. ...hell, I've been in my fair share of cells, but this one's the worst by far... so drafty, and damp... 

Aneka sighs, before lifting her hand to glimpse the strange markings that appeared there, after they were taken before those court mages, who performed that strange ritual. 

...hmm... I wonder what they meant, when they said it would take effect when I'm alone... I kinda hope it gives me magic other than those dumbass party tricks I already know... 


...hey, wait a minute. that ritual... it was a summoning ritual, like the ones my deadbeat Dad performed with his cult. but, it felt... different, somehow... I wonder why they haven't appeared yet... hmm, maybe if I think... oh, I know.

" yourself, fiendish being of another world, and answer my call., that didn't work... dammit... alright, fuck this! where the hell are you, you little-!"

Just as she spoke those words, a chill seemed to wash over her entire cell. The lights seemed to dim even further, a shadow washing across the enclosed space. Aneka panicked, and ran to the bars to her cell, only to find, to her dismay, the outside world was... obscured, as if deep in shadows... no, perhaps it was her in a shadow.

She desperately bangs at the bars, hoping to draw attention to herself. Aneka was no stranger to these things, summoning rituals. at least, that was what she thought. there was something fundamentally wrong about what was happening, something that made her, with her knowledge of the otherworldly, quake in fear.

As her desperation grew, she heard a voice ring out, seeming to come from everywhere at once yet at the same time nonexistent. A voice that sent chills down her spine, a voice that sounded neither human nor beast. A voice that sounded neither male nor female, while sounding like both at once. A voice with no accent, yet every single one all at once. A voice that seemed as though it did not belong to one single identity, but many all at once.

"...I have answered your call... servant, Assassin. command me as you must, Master"

Aneka seemed to shrink away, yet the voice came from every direction yet at the same time none at all. She was overwhelmed, the horned woman seeming to shiver as she shouted out the first thing that came to her mind;

"G-Go! go away-! I- I don't want- just- just leave me alone...!"

To her utter astonishment, this seems to work, as the shadows shrink back, and she can finally see outside her cell. She almost cries from joy, the irony of being so happy to see a dungeon not lost on her, considering what has happened to her in such similar places. 

Aneka, after a little while, calms down slightly, and scoots over to the corner of her tiny, damp room, and sits there, her knees clutched high up to her chest, her face buried in her hands. As she does so, there's only one thought on her mind. One thought, desperately repeated, over and over...

I wanna wake up... I wanna wake up, please, please let me wake up... it's just a bad dream, please... 

  1. btw, I couldn't figure out how to get text effects here. any tips, so I can edit this?