Our fourth hero, Wakata Kentaro, is a strange case. He was born both a demigod and royalty, yet he held a love for the mundane. A contrast to Kato's pessimism, Wakata had a humility and kindness seemingly unfitting for someone of his status. He was calm, composed, and regal. ...At least, on the outside.
In his mind, Wakata hated nothing more than himself. He saw himself as someone over privileged, undeserving of his good fortune. Currently, he is sitting on the uncomfortable bed in his cell, and witnessing a bright flash of blue light, as a regal figure appears before him...
Before the light appeared, Wakata was laying on his bed, staring absentmindedly at the ceiling while thinking about how he could save his friends. When the light and those marks on the floor appeared, he quickly sat up, and watched as an armored figure appeared in front of him.
The figure, a man, had messy black hair with white streaks, regal armor with a blue cape, and an impressive sword hung at his side. He wore a bright smile, a look of wisdom in his eyes yet with a youthful appearance. However, Wakata noticed something strange about his right arm... it was an inky, dark black with red markings.
Wakata's mind was quickly torn away from this thought, however, when the regal figure began to speak. He spoke with a bright tone, yet not childlike in the slightest. He sounded optimistic yet realistic, with a playful smile on his thin lips.
"mm, so you are my master! Haha, I can tell you are a fitting ruler already! Fear not, invocateur, for you have summoned me, and with that, victory is all but assured! Servant, Saber! True name-... mm... I suppose I cannot tell you that, invocateur... please try to uncover it, with time..."
...what the hell is going on here... no, no, think logically... the court mages performed some kind of ritual earlier, and this mark appeared on my hand... so, it must be connected... maybe it's connected to that golden cup that was in the center of the room? ...probably... whatever. for now, I need to talk to this guy...
"It's, ah... nice to meet you, Saber. ...you said... you can't tell me your name...?"
At his words, Saber seems to frown a bit, and lets out a displeased sigh, before speaking;
"mm... en effet, invocatuer... something is restraining my name, not allowing me to reveal it to you... you must find it out on your own, invocatuer! I shall place my undying trust in you now, young paladin! You need simply know your history, and you shall know my true name... d'accord, invocateur?"
Wakata seemed to think for a moment, before nodding swiftly.
"...yeah, I think I get it. and, I'm honoured to receive your trust. I'll try not to disappoint you, Saber."
Wakata's Saber nods at that, seemingly happy, before speaking.
"The honour is mine, invocateur! lead me well, as I have led my people, and you shall be known to me as a king even better than I! ...now, invocateur... we have much to discuss. Are you prepared?"
Silence, for just a moment, before Wakata finally nods his head and speaks, his voice quiet and tone soft, as he understands the implications of this summoning, having read about a similar case as this before.
"...yeah. I'm ready, Saber."
Our final hero is far less complex than Wakata, or Kato, or even Aneka. No, this man, this man with only one name, this man with seemingly no intrigue or abilities at all, was not interesting in the slightest. As average a priest as any could be, Haji was. But, perhaps out of everyone in that adventuring party, Haji was the smartest. And most certainly, he was the most well-loved of the party.
But most importantly, he had connections within the city of Bouldhaven, where he was arrested.
This is why, when he was shackled, the guard who did so passed him a small note, detailing what was happening to him and his companions. The note contained information about the Holy Grail, the summoning ritual, and the very city that this took place underneath.
Now, let us see what happens to our final hero...
The priest stood there silently, his eyes closed in silent prayer, as he awaited his servant. Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, he opened his eyes to a flash of light, and the appearance of a man.
The man was wearing a brown trench coat which looked like it needed a wash, tan pants that probably started out as brown, a yellowed collared shirt, and run down loafers. The man was unshaven with a weary look in his eyes, his messy black hair far more unkempt than Wakata's Saber, with his hands in his pockets. The only thing that stood out about this man was the insignia on his coat, which was something similar to a gear with a blade and handle both attached to it. confusing, but not too strange.
Finally, the man spoke up in a weary tone.
"...Servant, Caster... master, I require a workshop and materials before I become effective... but, should push-- ...no, I'll just say that if I need to, I can defend you."
...Haji was truly baffled. he was told that the summoning would contain spirits of heroes, not some... some bum! but, he was able to control his emotions, as he realized that many heroes he had met in his long life were not the neatest of people, so he mustn't judge this servant based purely on this fact.
Caster, actually, ignored any questions from his master, and turned to spirit form almost immediately. It was a good thing Haji had gotten that note, to be sure... nothing to dwell on now, though. what is to be dwelled on is one detail in this note, this detail, these three words...
'Beware the Labyrinth'