Chapter 2.4: The End for Many is a Beginning for Some


Jag didn't mind waiting. In fact, he was great at it. 

The only issue, in his mind, was where he was waiting. 

Under a dirty bridge in the slums, surrounded by strange people. This atmosphere, above all else, was driving the Aarocokra nigh insane with anxiety. 

But, there was nothing to be done. 

And so he would wait.

And wait. 

And wait...


All the while, Haji and his small group had been looking everywhere for Jag. They searched alleyways, abandoned houses, markets, and even zoos (this was prompted by an incident involving a few captive birds and Jag, which ended in them all being arrested for assault). 

Finally, they came upon the very same bridge Jag had been waiting not-so-patiently for them. Unfortunately, the Aarocokra had gotten to feel too claustrophobic and anxious, so he had already left. 


Jag didn't know what to do. In his mind, the only logical conclusion was that all his friends were dead, which placed him in panic. After a few minutes of thinking, he decided to leave his claustrophobic hidey hole under the bridge, and ask whoever was in charge for help.

This likely would have worked, had he been in any city other than Bouldhaven. 

Unfortunately, the tyrannical and frankly idiotic Monarch of Bouldhaven was quite bored. It had been awhile since he had enough criminals at one time to perform a summoning ritual with that strange golden chalice that the former (non-tyrannical) rulers had kept locked away. It was, in his mind, great fun. 

Perhaps, though, his tendency to immediately execute all criminals impeded that plan... nevertheless, the man was itching to have some 'fun'. This is why, when he got reports of multiple happenings around Bouldhaven (and one in his very throne room), he was not afraid in the slightest. 

No, the emotion going through that twisted man's mind was simpleminded excitement. 

He resolved one thing, in his mind. 

...He would summon a spirit as well-- no, two spirits! Yes, that should secure his victory indeed...


And so, a city-wide hunt was in place. 

There were eleven available divisions of soldiers at the man's disposal. Each were tasked with bringing him at least one criminal. 

The 12th battalion had already captured two at the gates. What's more, though, one of them belonged to an infamous rebel group, widely labeled as cultists and terrorists. 

...Yes, this would be fun indeed... 


After only two hours, thirteen captives lined the cells of Bouldhaven. Thirteen prisoners. six humans. four innocents. 

Which are which, though?

One can be human, yet innocent. Yet one can be neither, as well. 

Four people imprisoned for a crime never committed, eight people imprisoned for the wrong crime, and one; only one, jailed rightfully. 


After another two hours of preparation, the thirteen prisoners are brought out to a large, circular room. 

Oh, the irony. 

They had been looking everywhere for each other, yet to be found here, of all places... 

Kato Kiyohira looked around, noting the appearances and threats of everyone there... excluding his group members. 

An old man, a veteran soldier, what looked to be some trigger-happy manic terrorist, and an automation... other than that, it was all the familiar faces of his friends. 

He should be happy, and yet... 

Kato couldn't ignore that feeling in the pits of his stomach, the feeling that many people are going to die within the next week.

"...Yo, Haji. Where the hell were you, man? too, Jag. What--"

Before Kato can say any more, he is cut off by an all too familiar voice, the voice of the man who ordered his arrest. That snobby tone, that upturned nose... it made Kato's blood boil. 

And yet, there was nothing he could do...

"Hmph! Filthy terrorist dogs... this punishment is the only thing befitting such a filthy group of mongrels! Accept it with grace, though I should not expect so much of simple plebeians..."

The Monarch's voice rang out, with open disdain for the group of people below him. 

"...this summoning circle you see on the ground will allow you all a fighting chance, a hope for survival! of course, this is far more than you filthy dogs deserve, but I am such a benevolent ruler that I will grant you a chance! ...yes, yes, I know! Instead of executing you all like you deserve, I am giving you a chance of survival... not only survival, but even an opportunity to have any wish granted! One of you will win, and only one!, mages! you do the rest! ...I tire of this..."

As the man's speech concluded, he scurried away through a door on the balcony at which he was speaking from. As he left, though, Kato glimpsed something... two red marks on his arm, with one faded out... strange, but not unheard of to have a tattoo. 

His thoughts were torn away from this, however, as the thirteen mages, each assigned to a prisoner, began to chant. As their chanting grew louder, the circle on the ground grew brighter, and brighter, until it was a pillar of blue light. 

Finally, the chanting concluded. 

With its conclusion, however, came a searing pain on each person's body. For Kato, it was his left hand. The pain was almost unbearable, akin to the breath of a dragon. Finally, it subsided, and as Kato looked down hesitantly to survey the damage, he saw... three red marks, similar to the one The Monarch had on his arm... yet still somehow different... 

Other than that, there were surprisingly no effects of the ritual. At least, not yet.

"...This ritual will take effect once you are alone, and only once you are alone. You mustn't fear who you see, for they are your only hope of survival..."

The voice seemed to come from everywhere, leaving Kato and the rest of the group disoriented, until they realized it was spoken by one of the mages. They got no chance to respond nor ask questions, however, as they were taken away back to their cold, damp cells...
