As the large doors are flung open, all thirteen of the imprisoned people, innocent or not, were drawn in towards it, even against their will. They were separated into tiny groups, yet some were alone.
Kato had never felt anything like this before. It was beyond even just disorienting, it felt like he was being flung through time space itself.
Yet just as quickly as it had happened, it stopped.
He found himself laying face down on a mountainside, one that seemingly had a somewhat temperate climate, for he was not uncomfortable in regards to the weather.
The same could not be said for the rocks digging into his skin, however.
"Need a hand, Admiral?"
The playful voice seemed both to echo in his mind, and come from next to him. It was all Kato could do to nod, as he slammed rather hard down on the rocks, knocking the breath out of him. Kato then felt himself being pulled up, gently yet strongly all at once. It was a rather strange feeling, as opposed to how he was usually treated.
He shook those thoughts out of his head for now, though, as that mysterious woman who called herself 'Saber' appeared next to him with a rather merry smile.
"Glad to see ya awake, Admiral! ...your friend over there didn't take the tumble as well as you... haha, what a resilient master I have!"
Even as Saber was speaking, Kato was scrambling to see who she was referring to. Finally, he saw Aneka leaned up against a rock. She had no visible injuries, but the man still checked her vitals, a seemingly uncharacteristic look of worry on his face.
And yet, the only ones to call it uncharacteristic are those he worries about.
Kato sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair, combing it all back except for a small lock of hair, which partially covered his eye.
"...Saber... catch me next time, please... I'll be aching for days..."
The small woman would nod, the grin not leaving her face even as Kato scolds her.
"Mm! Very well, Admiral! I shall fulfill your orders to the utmost of my ability, as you command!"
Kato nods, and begins to speak...
But, before he can say anything, he hears the sound of a large scale battle happening to his right. Even as he and Saber run to investigate, he sees nothing save for a large smoky cloud of... something, far too close to the ground. He can hear the sounds of a battle in the cloud, but from what he can tell, it's pretty one-sided.
The woman tilted her head to the side slightly, an almost devious grin on her face as she responded in a light-hearted tone, not even bothering to let Kato finish, before she rocketed away to join the fight.
"I got it, Admiral... help the losers, yeah? ...don't worry, I'm the best there is at that."
The sounds of a skirmish rang out through the snowy forest, the clash of steel on steel mingled with cries of pain.
Jag and Haji had seen battle before, but never one quite like this. in this skirmish, they witnessed the soldiers of the Monarch dressed in red being not only held against, but pushed back, by a tiny group of maybe fifty men, dressed in royal colors of blue, purple, and gold. The small group of men held their ground against the much larger force, each of their soldiers killing twenty or more before they fell. even as musket fire rained down on them, they held, even firing a volley or two back.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the soldiers dressed in red were pushed back completely, leaving casualties to be counted.
Haji was curious, so he quickly made a rough estimate of the bodies laying on the ground.
Three bodies dressed in royal blue, purple, and gold.
Easily over one hundred soldiers of the Imperial Monarch.
The numbers were astounding, for these warriors had just pushed back one of the greatest military forces on the whole continent of Regalgegas, losing only three men in the process. The portly man standing next to Jag, Rider, was just as amazed. In all his years of service, this could only be compared to one thing, and one thing alone...
Jag and Caster, however, couldn't care less about the battle. both for different reasons, of course, but the consensus remained the same.
The group was about to leave, before a woman's haughty voice rang out, her tone tinged both with arrogance and amusement, yet without malice in the slightest. It was a strange mix of the haughtiness of a ruler and the innocence of a child, Her voice was smooth, as she called out to the group...
"...has yet another one of 'those' begun...? ...Umu... well, no matter! so I ask of you, be you enemies of Rome, or simple travelers?...!"
Wakata groaned, opening his eyes slightly and hesitantly, worried about what he might see. Luckily for him, though, all he saw was three friendly figures. standing directly over him was Saber, the spirit he summoned, all with that same regal smile, yet tinged with a hint of concern for Wakata's injured state. sitting on a rock a few meters away was Chiho, and what Wakata assumed to be the spirit she summoned.
The man standing next to Wakata's sister was tall, wearing a silver plate armor that was open in a few places and absent on his legs, perhaps to increase maneuverability. He had a light pastel green hair, somewhat short yet still spiked with a few strands falling over onto his face. The man looked a mix between bored and apathetic, as he stood silently. Wakata guessed he was some kind of class that used a spear, considering the lance in his hand.
Finally, Chiho noticed that her brother was awake, running to him with a look of worry.
"Ah, big brother! Are you alright? You were asleep for a while, I was so worried...! ...Oh, Lancer scouted the area for us while Saber stood watch over you, and he found a little house in that forest down there! Lancer sid there's probably a 'rogue servant' in there, whatever that is..."
As Chiho began to ramble on, Wakata chuckled weakly, the breath still knocked out of him by the fall. He sat up and looked at his sister and Saber, and though he was nervous, and probably scared from all that happened, he put on a brave face for his sister, realizing that she depended on him.
"haha... thanks, Chiho. ...hey, Saber. what's the chance that that cabin's owner is friendly?"
Saber would smile at Wakata's question, his gaze turning to the lush forest a small distance away from the foot of the cliff the group stood on.
"...only one way to find out, invocateur!"