Chapter 3.1.1: Archer (Teaser)



The sound of a gunshot rings out, followed by two men sprinting to the next piece of cover. Once they reached another fold in the ground of the meadow, the two men would dive into it. The man with scars, dressed in a white cloak and holding a kind of advanced musket fired again at their unseen attackers, gritting his teeth in exertion. 


Again, the two men would break cover and run. their goal; the rift-like portal on the other side of the field. This time, though, they were not so lucky. They had caught up.


The man dressed in a white cloak spun around and fired again, this time not waiting for cover, as the other man kept running. 


No matter how many times the cloaked man shot, their pursuers kept dodging his bullets, making the cloaked man feel something similar to nervousness, despite all his bravery. 


He took aim, and fired again. The other man was almost across by now, much to the cloaked man's relief. 


But... something was wrong. The cloaked man saw only one target, that tall, black-haired, muscular yet lean frame of that Ruler class servant... where did that Saber go


No, there's no time to think like that. The cloaked man's master was almost across the field, almost to the next biome. He just had to keep firing, let his master get to safety...

The cloaked man took aim once more, but this time, he did not fire. He whirled around to face his master as he realized where the Saber was, but by then, it was already too late. That streak of pink wielding that curved blade had caught up to his master, while the cloaked man wasn't looking. 

Her blade stuck through his chest, the blood of his master dripping down the cold steel.

In his master's old eyes, he saw pain and regret, yet also a strange glimpse of something similar to satisfaction. as his master reached out a hand to him, the hand with a command seal on it, he spoke in a voice that the cloaked man would not have heard had the two not been connected by the ritual.

"...g... go... Archer... save... as many... people... as you... can... th-that... is my... final... final order..."

The command seal would glow bright, before disappearing from the dead man's hand, as the old, battle hardened corpse fell to the ground. The cloaked man, Archer, would only nod, complying with the order, before disappearing from the sight of the Ruler and Saber.

