The cheating couple and the crowd of onlookers could only stare as Evangeline walked away. Amanda wanted to follow her but Derrick grabbed her arm pulling her back, those who saw what she was doing looked at her with disdain.
"She stole her best friend's fiance and wants to act all innocent."
"I know right, such as shameless pair."
"She is the true meaning of White Lotus."
Hearing the comments of the patrons infuriated Amanda but she quickly masked her anger with sadness.
"Derrick can we leave, I'm not hungry anymore so let's just leave."
"Don't be upset sweetheart, let me take you somewhere better, just because you're sad doesn't mean you should neglect yourself." Derrick gently wrapped his arm around Amanda, guiding her to his car. He opened the door for her and even fastened the seat belt.
After settling in the car, Derrick turned to Amanda, "Where should we go, my love?"
"I'm fine with anything as long as I can spend time with you." she said shyly, trying to hide the blush that coated her cheeks.
Derrick pats her head affectionately before driving off.
Amanda was still angry about the encounter and how she had been criticized by those people.
'What do those low lifes know anyways, they can gossip all they want, at the end of the day they can't even stand on my level.'
'Why must everything good belong to Evangeline? Am I not allowed to have good things happen to me. Derrick chose me over her, she's the one who is jealous and now she wants to act like she's better than me. I will have everything I want even if it means taking it away from you.'
Evangeline was very happy when she was able to find another restaurant.
'No matter how upset you are, food is still the best.'
She made her order, ate until she was full, paid her bill and then left.
On her way out of the establishment, her phone started buzzing in her purse. Mr Moor, the realtor was the one who called, she quickly answered.
"Hello, Mr. Moor, I hope it's good news."
"Hello again Ms. Beaumont, I do have good news for you, there is an available apartment, it's in a nice and quiet neighbourhood and full furnished."
"When can I see it?"
"Whenever you're ready Ms. Beaumont."
"Okay then, is tomorrow possible?"
"Yes it is, see you tomorrow then."
Evangeline said her goodbyes and hung up. She was truly happy that an apartment was now available so she wouldn't need to stay in the motel much longer and just in time for the end of her two weeks vacation.
The next morning, Evangeline took a taxi to the address that Mr. Moor had sent her. He was right when he said it was a quiet area and based on what she could see, it would be very easy to get a taxi from here to go to work.
"Ms. Beaumont, good morning."
Good morning Mr. Moor."
Mr. Moor gestured for Evangeline to follow him.
The apartment complex was a five story building with the first floor being the lobby and had underground parking. The building came equipped with an elevator and a stairwell.
When they walked inside the building, a man who was sitting behind the desk in the lobby greeted them.
"Good morning Andrew, I wasn't expecting you to be here."
"Of course I would be here, I want to welcome my potential tenant." said the short chubby man as he made his way from around the desk.
"Ms. Beaumont, this is Andrew Steinfield, the owner of the building, if you decide to live here, you can talk to him about any problems or concerns you may have."
Evangeline extend her hand for Mr. Steinfield to shake, "Hello Mr. Steinfield, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Hello to you too Ms. Beaumont." he said shaking her hand.
"Let me get you the key so you can show her the unit." he quickly grab the keys and handed them to Mr. Moor. He then guided Evangeline to the elevator and pressed the button for the 4th floor.
Andrew Steinfield watched the pair enter the elevator before making his way behind the desk. His first impression of the young woman was pretty good. She was polite and had a noble presence about her. She seemed genuine, unlike many of his past tenants who were nothing but rude and snobbish spoilt brats.
"Here we are." Mr. Moor said as the elevator stopped on the 4th floor.
"If you're pleased with the apartment, you can move in whenever you're ready."
Mr. Moor opened the door and allowed Evangeline to walk in ahead of him. The apartment was not what she was expecting.