'Thank you,' she surged off her bed onto her feet, with every intention of throwing her arms around him and kissing him again. She didn't particularly care that he was fourteen, not when he acted so maturely and was so noble, and she certainly did not care what anyone else thought.
He caught her right hand between his own, grasping it an impromptu shake, before swiftly releasing it.
'That's ok, Fleur,' he responded cheerfully. 'It's what anyone in my situation would have done.' He flashed her a bright, charming smile.
Fleur recoiled.
The smile was warm, but it never rose far enough to melt the ice in his green eyes. He knew what she had been going to do, he knew, and he had deliberately prevented her from touching or reaching him. He hadn't involuntarily flinched from her like he did from all close contact, he'd coldly dismissed her gratitude and affection in a way he knew only she would recognise.
How could he be so cruel?
Something had changed in him since the Yule Ball. The Harry she had spent the evening with had gazed up at her with clear eyes and told her she was beautiful, lost himself, when she had kissed him, but this Harry wanted nothing to do with her. He seemed to loathe even the idea of touching her. Fleur's heart lurched once more, and her eyes filled with hot, angry tears. This was not how her equal was supposed to treat her. This was not how the wizard she was afraid she might love should act towards her. He was different; somehow she'd ruined everything between them with her indecision.
Neither the warmth of the smile, nor the ice in his eyes dissolved as he stepped back from her, but she caught, as he turned away, a flicker of something else, something cruel, and his smile curved up on one side into genuine amusement.
He knows his rejection stunned, and he enjoys it.
hurt, she
The noble, understanding Harry Potter, the one that must still exist somewhere for him to have saved Gabrielle, was not the face he turned towards her anymore. 'The scores are being announced,' Krum told them, peering out through the flap.
The four champions moved outside to where they could see the judges' stand, leaving the still sleeping hostages in their beds.
Something sparked angrily inside of Fleur at the sight of the peacefully breathing Gryffindor girl. Katie Bell had been his hostage, despite being someone Harry should no longer sorely miss. The girl must have come back to him after the Yule Ball, when she had not been sure what to do, and poisoned Harry against her.
Fleur's hand snapped to her waist, unable to resist her desire to curse the unconscious girl, but her wand was gone.
'Forty,' she heard Cedric grin's rather than saw it, 'after my Bubble-Head charm exploded I feared I would do the worst.'
'You were there first?' Krum asked, surprised. 'I did not see you.'
'I used the Bubble-Head Charm and transfigured some seaweed into flippers so I could swim faster, but my adaption to the charm failed and it still exploded when a Grindylow burst the bubble,' the Hogwarts champion explained.
'Ah,' Krum realised. 'You lost points because you did not return to the finish, but surpassed the rest of us elsewhere.'
Behind the two of them the judges were conjuring a new set of numbers, hers.
'Thirty six,' she counted, disappointed but not surprised. Her enchantment had been the perfect solution, but she had not saved her little sister. 'For an innovative and exceptional piece of transfiguration,' she heard Bagman announce, 'and for being one of only two champions to return with their hostage, we award Mr Potter forty points.'
A murmur of surprise came from the spectators and champions alike. Harry's face was fixed in abject fury, his gaze settling in icy rage upon Barty Crouch who had conjured the number four from his wand.
'Had Mr Potter not interfered with the hostage of another champion I would have no reason to remove points,' the head of the Department for International Magical Cooperation announced cooly. Harry's hand twitched towards his wand, his composure shattered, and she was sure she glimpsed a glimmer of green from beneath his fingers.
Fleur felt her heart sink a little lower. Harry was paying the price for defying the rules and saving Gabby, no wonder he had chosen Katie when everything she did seemed to cause him trouble or pain.
'The winner of the second task, and new highest scoring champion, is Viktor Krum, whose brilliant piece of transfiguration and swift return with his hostage grant him a score of forty four.' Ludo Bagman seemed disgusted by the turn of events, turning to argue angrily with his fellow judge Barty Crouch.
Krum grinned, though he seemed a little put out by Harry's score. Fleur imagined he wanted to beat everyone at their best. He seemed that sort.
'Eighty six,' Cedric said contemplatively, pointing at Krum, 'eighty two, eighty and seventy four.' He indicated Harry, Fleur and himself in turn. 'We are all close enough for the last to task to decide everything.' 'Yes,' Krum nodded, 'I owe you for those fish.' He grinned at Harry rather viciously. Harry returned the expression with an equally savage smile of his own, but his eyes never left the form of Barty Crouch.
'I'm much better above water,' Harry warned him good-naturedly, tearing his eyes away from the judge. They were just as competitive as each other, as determined to win as she was. Cedric Diggory seemed slightly less motivated, but only by the slenderest of margins.
'Aren't we all,' Fleur muttered. She would certainly be better off in the last task. Cedric Diggory was right. They were all close enough together for things to go anyone's way. She was determined to make sure it was hers.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]