CH 116

Katie beamed, leaping up the steps into the stands and taking a seat in the Gryffindor section. After a moment of bemused smiling at her occasionally childish nature, Harry followed her.

'I don't have long,' he told her, squishing into the next seat. 'I promised that I'd help Neville.'

'You did?' Katie looked thoughtful, then frowned. 'Neville's been sort of forgotten in the middle of everything else, we see him in the greenhouses with Professor Sprout quite a bit, but he's never around the tower anymore and I've not seen him speaking to anyone in your year in a long time either.'

'He's sick of being called a squib,' Harry remembered. 'He hates being looked down, being a disappointment and being clumsy. He thought that because I've grown so much better I could help him.'

'I'm sure you can, Harry,' Katie agreed, 'but I think you should be gentle with him. He seems fragile now. I heard that when he met Mr Crouch, the tournament judge, in the hallways, he accidentally set fire to every tapestry within ten feet of him.'

'Neville?' Harry asked disbelievingly. 'He did violent, accidental magic at our age?'

What could have pushed him so far?

Harry realised within a few short seconds of the thought that he really didn't know all that much about Neville and felt rather guilty for it. The shy boy had always just hovered on the fringes of the Gryffindor group.

'I heard it from Alicia who said she heard Malfoy and Ron arguing over it,' Katie embellished. 'Apparently Malfoy was going on about how he heard Neville couldn't even perform accidental magic as a child. There's some story about Neville's family trying to provoke him into doing some when he was a baby and Malfoy was bandying it about. Ron had to be dragged away by Seamus and Dean.'

'When was this?' Harry demanded.

'A week ago,' Katie guessed. 'I can't believe you didn't hear about it. The whole school was talking about it for days.'

'How has Neville been?' Harry had long since stopped listening to the rumours that drifted through the school.

'I haven't really seen him,' Katie admitted. 'I don't think anyone has. Ron defended him, but it was more because he hates Malfoy than anything to with Neville.'

'I can't imagine Neville doing something like that,' Harry said, still slightly reluctant to believe the story.

'It's true,' Katie insisted. 'I've seen the walls on the fourth floor where the tapestries used to be. I don't know why it happened, but please be kind to Neville when you help him.'

'I was going to be,' Harry assured her. 'He needs someone to believe in him, to give some confidence and tell him that he's going to be strong.' Katie nodded, her dark hair scattering across her face in tangled disarray. 'I have to go meet him,' Harry told her.

'When will I next be able to corner you?' Katie asked, when he stood up.

Harry grinned. 'You won't be able to,' he replied lightly. 'I'll meet you whenever I can, Katie, you know where I turn up by now.'

'You can't hide from me,' she beamed. He couldn't resist. It had been so long since anyone had been truly impressed with him or something he had done himself. Salazar didn't really count; he was a portrait, and family.

'Can't I,' he smiled, fading from view as he cast the disillusionment charm with his wand still inside his sleeve.

Katie laughed brightly. 'That explains a lot,' she called after him, as he began to make his way towards the seventh floor. She seemed suitably awed and for the first time he felt a surge of genuine, true pride. He'd performed and mastered this charm. It hadn't happened because of some magic cast over him at birth, with the assistance of others, or because he knew that he had already done it in the future. It was his accomplishment, his alone, and Katie's pride in him was his too. It felt beyond good, and Harry half -wished he did not have to go find Neville so he could stay with her and just spend time with his rediscovered friend. It wasn't in him to abandon anyone he still considered a friend, even a slightly distant one like Neville, so he set off, ending his disillusionment.

Neville was leaning against the tapestry opposite the Room of Requirement when Harry reached the second floor.

There's an item of furnishing Hogwarts won't miss if he feels like setting fire to something else.

'We're using the room?' Neville nodded at the blank wall across from him with surprising confidence.

'Yes,' Harry informed him.

'I found it over the last year,' Neville answered Harry's unspoken question. 'I often come to wander the school away from anyone, and not many people come up here. One time I just wanted somewhere to be one my own and the room appeared. How did you find it?'

'I knew it was here,' Harry said honestly. 'I came looking for it, and eventually I found it.'

'Shall we, er,' the stutter almost returned, 'shall we go in.'

'After you,' Harry smiled, 'you know how to use it and what you need better than I do.'

His decision was not wholly based on the reasons he had given Neville, but as long as he concentrated on helping his friend Neville would be none the wiser.

The door grew into place on the stonework and, once the handle had appeared, he followed Neville inside.

The room was empty.

'I guess I don't really know what I want,' Neville admitted, hanging his head. Harry watched the walls nervously, aware that the room was his if Neville's will was lacking. He didn't need to be shown that he wanted most, but the room wasn't about to change how it worked for him and it would only be a matter of time.

It took only a few moments for it to start, just as it had every time he'd entered the room since the Yule Ball.

'Let's try again.' He ushered Neville out the door and slammed it shut, sparing only a single glance for the newly formed gallery of photos, that surrounded a holly log fire.

A thousand faces of Fleur Delacour. 'You're disappointed in me too now, aren't you,' Neville said miserably.

'No,' Harry told him firmly.

'You're just saying that,' the boy mumbled. 'Everyone knows I'm not much of a wizard.'

Harry decided then that he knew exactly what Neville needed.


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]