I don't really know what to do, should I leave Frank downstairs and let him act restricted or I should leave and let him act the way he likes, both options do not sound nice.
I pondered and pondered until I thought of the most ridiculous idea. I can I just record whatever they were saying while I leave the room, they won't have the slightest idea that I'd want to eaves drop on whatever they were discussing about.
I quickly pick up my phone act like I'm scrolling through something and then act tired, well I wasn't fully acting I was exhausted, the school stress and all that.
I take my time on my phone and yawn at intervals not so regular though, "Hey kid, if you're tired you can go sleep", said Frank when he noticed my frequent yawning,"I'll pass, I'm waiting for mom", Mom I'm sorry for lying, I thought while my finger was hovering the record button, I can't wait to get out of here, please Frank chase me away, "Oh don't worry about that, I'm sure she'll come late, I'll wake you up when she comes back home. "Ok then", I say pretending to be reluctant.
I immediately click the record button, turn off my phone and leave, "Calypso, you forgot your phone", said Frank stating the obvious, "Oh, I might as well get it back when I'm done sleeping, it'll distract me", Sorry my beautiful phone, you will never be so far from me ever again after this.