I go upstairs, my phone so far away from my reach but I'll manage it'll all be worth it. I walk up to my bedroom lying face flat on my bed covered in a white and blue polka dotted bedspread.
Why was I even doing all of this, to make sure that Frank is a bad guys md break mum's heart again, but she would find out sooner or later if he was a bad guy and that would be more heart wrenching.
Ugh what to do now, Oh I have some homework to complete, but it's math, I hate it (like a normal human should, if you like math your an alien).
After a one strenuous hour, I finally completed five questions, only five more to go, can't I just copy off others or something, that's wrong, since when did I care. I later fall asleep which is wayyy better than doing stupid math homework.
I don't really know how long I slept, all I know is that I felt a tap on my shoulder but I ignored it, nothing's more important than sleep, "Wake up Calypso, your mom is here", said a voice I could obviously recognize, Frank, I forgot I asked him to wake me up,Oh the phone, ugh it's probably been a few hours, I wonder how long the recording would be.
I run downstairs and see my mom obviously tired from her day's work, well it is 10:30pm so that's bound to happen. I greet her and all that, ask her how was her day when I already knew the answer to that, after a few minutes my siblings came, my brother, Apollo, asking her the same thing but I know he can't wait to continue gaming, Athena comes in with her moisturizing mask on, one that she puts on everyday, hugs my mom, talked a little and went back to her room to watch Vampire diaries.
Time to get my phone,I didn't want to seem suspicious so I walk to wear my phone was slowly almost like I was forced to do it, I pick it up and I'm ready to dash upstairs, Frank gives me a look but what for though maybe that's just Frank being...well Frank.
I walk upstairs to my room, close the door and lock it, just in case, I get my headphones and put them on, I don't want to miss a single detail, I open my recorder app which was surprisingly not on screen like it's supposed to, I knew I needed a phone, this one's old and starting to act crazy.
I look at the recording, time to play.