Crying in the stall

I feel so stressed and for reasons that doesn't concern me at all. I looked up at the economics teacher, I don't offer economics so I have no idea what I'm doing here, the teacher is utterly boring and I have the right to leave the class but I don't wanna, well more like I can't.

I sigh heavily and my eyes wander around the class, half of the students are asleep and the teacher doesn't seem to care, he keeps going on about demand and supply, what shall I do with this free time?

Danielle is in front of me, she's also sleeping, kinda expected that, she wasn't one to try and keep her eyes open during a boring class. After a few minutes I left the class, I might as well wander around instead of torturing myself.

I walk around the school, and did some things like accidentally walking into a wall, narrowly escaping the principal and almost crossing paths with Athena, I rather we stick as non siblings in school and she wholly agrees with that.

Finally, I walk into the girls bathroom, I might as well take a look at the mirror, I probably look like those old hags you see in Disney movies.

I walk into the girls bathroom and hear the sound of ... Crying, who's crying.

My eyes sweep the area, it was empty, the person's probably in one of the stalls, I look under the stall definitely not in a creepy way and found the stall she was in, I knock on the stall door.

"Y-yes", I hear her say between sobs, I'm not one to help random strangers but I'm bored so. "Uhh, I heard you crying", I say, I don't really know what to say in these kind of situations, "I-its nothing", "It's definitely something, I don't wanna push you so you can decide to not tell me if you want but I can comfort you, well if you're okay with it"

She opens the stall door, I was surprised but not shocked at the person that opened the door, It was Meg.

Meg was your average shy and quiet school girl, she didn't have any friends, well she could but she'd rather keep them as acquaintances, she likes her quiet life and didn't want someone disturbing her solitude, Oh I wish my life was like that.

She was a really pretty girl but right now she looked..... I don't know the word.. disheveled, her long brown hair was so tangled it looked like it hadn't been combed in weeks, her blue eyes were dull and her face stained with tears and faint red blotches, her eyes were swollen too.

She hugged me and kept crying, I had no idea what to say to calm her down so I just kept running my hand up and down her back.

"You can talk to me if you want", I said after ten minutes of silent comforting, "Did anything hurt you", I continued, "Not anything, any one", she said after a few seconds, so it was a person, "Care to give a name, I read the book, how to murder your husband and I think it's applicable to men and women" "Promise you won't tell anyone or pry for more information" "I promise", I say in a whisper, "It's Daniel".