"It's Daniel", she said in between sobs.
The caus of her problem was Daniel, what Daniel, not my Daniel right, definitely not, he's a ball of sunshine.
"Would you care to specify, it is a big school", I said she gets the gist, there a handful of Daniels
"I'm talking about the one in the 11th grade, Oh right he's in your class right, tall, black hair, black eyes-"
"I know exactly who you're talking about", I know it's wrong to cut her off mid sentence but my mind was already full of fog, fog of thoughts, problems keep arising.
What the hell could Daniel have done to make this girl cry, a stoic and shy Meg, although her personality clashes I know her up to a point and crying in the bathroom is not her strong suit.
I already agreed that I wouldn't pry so I had to figure this out myself, alongside the other issues of life.
I comforted Meg some more until she assured me that she was okay and went back to her class, I did so too, I didn't want to walk around anymore, I don't wanna bump into even more problems.
I walked into class, the economics teacher gave me a look which said, "Either sit down or get out", I chose the latter
"You came back early, you usually wander around till you hear the bell", Daniel said behind me.
My breath hitched. I felt goosebumps all over. Did Daniel always sound this... Spooky?
"Oh, it's nothing I just ran into Mega and decided on not wandering around"
I noticed how his facial expression changed when I mentioned Molly but it returned back to normal after a milli second.
"Oh, how is she"
"She's just fine".