CH 91

After a bit of good-natured ribbing, The Seven were soon working on various assignments.

A couple of hours later, Neville sat back and said, "That's me done, I think."

Susan and Hannah said, "Us, too." "Harry?" asked Daphne.

"Hmm?" replied Harry, his nose in a book. "You're often the first of us finished," she said. "What are you reading?" "Oh," he replied, setting the book down. "Just something on something called blood wards. I wanted to see if there was a specific reason Dumbledore insisted on me being placed at the Dursleys."

"Find anything?" asked Hermione.

With a shake of his head, Harry replied, "Not yet. At least, nothing that would specifically mean I'd be placed at the Dursleys. I think it might have a lot to do with how my aunt is my closest living blood relative. Otherwise, there would be far stronger wards that could be placed on a wizarding home over a muggle home."

"You did say Dumbledore also placed you there so you wouldn't grow up knowing you were famous," said Susan.

"True," replied Harry. "But, that doesn't mean I couldn't have grown up outside of wizarding Britain. I'm sure, as he was Supreme Mugwump, he could have found a home for me in another country where being the Boy-Who-Lived wasn't that much of a big deal."

Shaking his head, he said, "No. There was something about aunt Petunia that made him do it; I'm sure of it" "I'm sure you'll find it, Harry," said Daphne soothingly. "But, I think it's time for lunch."

With agreement around the table, The Seven packed up. As Harry had already packed away his things, he carried the texts that had been brought to the table over the past couple of hours and returned them to their shelves.

After lunch the seven separated. Harry led Daphne to the Entrance Hall. Just before they arrived he asked, "Do you think you're going to need your cloak? We can always head down to the dungeons so you can collect it before we head outside."

With a shake of her head, she replied, "No. As long as we stay away from the lake, I think I'll be fine."

Harry merely nodded and, after accepting her hand in the crook of his elbow, escorted her outside for a walk around the grounds.

The next morning, The Seven were sitting at the Hufflepuff table finishing their breakfasts, when the mail came in. Harry was very quick to spot Hermione's parent's new owl. He almost didn't see the large Barn owl that landed in front of himself.

Untying the shrunken package, Harry could see it was redirected via the Post Office before being sent on to him. It was the package that contained the costume he'd ordered, plus the catalogue.

Hermione was casually talking to the owl before her, complementing it on it's plumage, as she was untying a package from each of it's legs.

The Seven were each surreptitiously smiling at each other as they watched her work. Neville even reached over with a piece of bacon and handed it to the bird. Who, as soon as one of its legs was free of it's burden, proceeded to use it's talons to eat it.

As soon as it's legs were free the owl moved to sit on Hermione's shoulder, startling the girl in the process.

Hermione opened the first box and drew from it a small bracelet and a letter on muggle stationary.

In shock, she opened the letter and quietly read it with one hand while holding the bracelet in the other.

After a few moments, Harry and the others watched as she gasped, before turning to look more closely at the owl. "Hello, Rocket," she sniffled to the bird.

The owl hooted softly in reply, giving itself a little ruffle of feathers. Returning to her letter she looked more closely at the bracelet. The others watched as tears fell from Hermione's eyes. She sniffed and carefully folded the letter before placing it within her robes. Only then did she look around the others.

"Who..." she stuttered, before taking a deep breath and trying to centre herself. "Who was responsible for buying my parents an owl?"

Neville grinned and said, "We all were. Harry was a little upset we didn't know it was your birthday, last Thursday, because you didn't tell us. So, he thought the nicest belated present we could get you was an owl for your parents."

"This way," said Hannah, "Your parents are going to be able to contact you when they want to or need to, instead of having to go into Diagon Alley, or wait until you send a letter to them." "We all put money into buying it," said Daphne, "together with a portable roost, some owl treats and a small booklet on how to care for a post owl."

"And Daphne selected the breed of owl based on it's ability to be able to cover long distances in flight, and it's ability to carry pretty weighty parcels," said Harry.

"And it looks adorable," said Daphne a bit smugly.

"What's it's name?" asked Susan. "Part of the gift is that your parents needed to name it."

"They named him 'Rocket'," replied Hermione, still sniffling a little. "And they said to make sure I said thank you to you all for such an amazing gift.

"A - And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my birthday. I've never had friends who bought me a present before, so I didn't think it was important."

She then carefully rose from her seat and hugged each of the others while softly saying thank you.

Susan was closest and first, so she handed the girl a handkerchief. "I just don't want my school robes stained with tears," she grinned.

Sitting down again, Hermione lifted the owl off her shoulder and fed it another slice of bacon while she looked it over.

"He's absolutely gorgeous," she softly said.

"Well, if you're not going to give it a return letter," said Neville after a few moments, "You'd best release it so it can fly back to your parents." "Oh!" said Hermione, a little startled in realisation. "I'll just dash off a quick note letting them know I received the packages, thanked you all, and that I'll write to them when I've got more time to do so."

After a quick couple of minutes of writing, Hermione folded up the parchment upon which she was writing, and tied it to the owl's leg. It immediately took to the air. She watched it the whole time until it disappeared into the enchanted ceiling.

Breakfast was winding up and many students had already left. They headed off to their first classes for the week. In the case of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, that was Charms with Professor Flitwick.


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]