On the way, Hermione, who was walking between Harry and Neville, asked Harry, "So, all that stuff about attending family business. It wasn't just so you could buy me an owl, was it?"
"No, that was actual family business," replied Harry. "We just stopped in at the Owl Emporium on our way through Diagon Alley."
"Mum and Dad also told me why you sent Rocket to them, even though he's my gift," she said. "Its very considerate of you all. And dead clever."
Neville, in a moment of clarity, said, "It wasn't the owl that was our gift to you, Hermione; it was the ability for your parents to be able to keep in contact with you that was the true gift. Since they can now keep in contact with you, they'll be less worried about you; and you'll be less worried about them not being able to get in contact with you if an emergency or some such crops up back home. And, that makes you happier."
That earned Neville another hug. This time it came with a kiss on the cheek.
"However," said Harry, "At Christmas your present from me, at least, will be all you."
"Thank you," she softly said.
"Now all each of us has to figure out," said Harry, pretending to be thinking really hard. "Is what sort of gift to buy you that doesn't have pages within."
That earned him a grin and a smack on the arm before she gave him a big hug. Then she turned on Neville and gave him another.
When she released him she said to them, "You people are the best friends!"
"Dashing, too!" said Harry, smirking at Neville. "And handsome," said Neville. "Don't forget handsome!"
"Oh, you two!" stamped Hermione trying to frown and stop from laughing. "Honestly!" She couldn't hold her laughter back anymore and laughed aloud.
After class, Harry asked Neville to find him the Weasley twins for him.
Frowning a little in confusion, he asked, "Why do you want to see them?"
"I'm setting up a prank and managed to get them to agree to help me," replied Harry. "I figured, if we can work with them on pranks, we're less likely to be the target of theirs."
"That's - brilliant!" said Neville, not with a little wonder in his voice. "What's the prank? Who's it aimed at? Can I help?" Harry laughed and replied, "Woah, Nev. Slow down a little. The prank is, I'm going to dress as a character out of a muggle movie. Dumbledore would not recognise the character, but I think every muggleborn will. The prank will, in effect, make Dumbledore think I'm going completely dark while the muggleborns will know for a fact I'm just pranking Dumbledore.
"I'm going to pull it in the Great Hall just as dinner starts, so there will be lots of witnesses. The muggleborns will recognise the character immediately, so I'm hoping they'll let the magically-raised at their tables know it's a big prank."
At lunch, Harry was sitting with the others at the Slytherin table when one of the twins' dorm mates walked over and handed him a note. Moving it down to his lap he opened it and read.
Harrikins, Meet us in the antechamber you were in immediately prior to the sorting, straight after lunch.
Folding the note back up, Harry shoved it into one of his pockets.
"What's going on?" asked Daphne, having noticed the note.
In a near-whisper, he replied, "The twins are working with me on a prank aimed at Dumbledore. I need to meet them right after lunch and before next class."
"What's your next class, again?" she asked.
"Afternoon nap time; otherwise known as History of Magic," he replied.
"Well, I would say, 'don't be late for the class'; but, I don't think that's possible," she sighed. "I think the entire class could be unattended and Binns wouldn't notice."
As soon as he'd finished his lunch, Harry told the others he needed to talk to someone for a few minutes and asked Neville to escort Hermione to the next class alone. Then he quickly left the Hall.
Entering the Entrance Hall antechamber he noticed the twins were already there and waiting.
"Hi, mates," he said, before pulling from his pocket the still shrunken package. A quick tap with the tip of his wand and the package was returned to normal size.
He quickly resheathed his wand and pulled the package open to reveal the costume he'd ordered. Surprising, even to him, the costume came with the boots and gloves. He pulled it out of the box and let the box fall to the floor before asking the twins, "Recognise this?" "No - wait!" said one of them. "That's what one of those people on that poster Lee has on his bedroom wall is wearing."
"Oh, yes," replied the other, "Now I recognise it."
"I take it Lee is a muggleborn?" asked Harry.
"No, he's a half-blood" said one.
"But, muggle-raised" said the other.
"And his home is a muggle home?" asked Harry.
"Oh, yes," replied one.
"Did you watch television while you were there?" asked Harry.
"The box with the moving pictures?" asked one. "That was fun," said the other.
"Yes," replied Harry. "This costume is a copy of the one worn by a character that appeared in a movie. I was wondering if you'd seen that movie on the television while you were there."
"Nope", replied one.
"Don't remember it," replied the other.
"But I bet Lee will," said Harry. "Are you guys heading back to your common room, soon?"
"Yep," replied one.
"We have yet to collect our books..."
"...for our next class."
"Alright," said Harry. "Can I hand this costume off to the two of you, to take back to your dorm, show it to Lee, and ask him to charm it to play a piece of orchestral music whenever the person wearing it is walking?"
"We can do that," said one.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]