CH 93

"What's the piece of music?" asked the other.

"He'll know," replied Harry. "I'm also going to need it fitted with an auto-sizing charm to make it fit me, if you can do that."

"Easily done," replied one.

"When do you plan on pulling the prank?" asked one.

"As soon as you've managed to charm the costume and can get it back to me, I'll probably pull it that night at dinner," replied Harry.

"Alright Harrikins," said one. "Leave it to us," said the other.

Harry left the package with them and quickly made his way to the History of Magic classroom. He managed to walk in just behind the last person to enter. He took seat next to Hermione.

"Why are you late?" she asked.

"I told you," he replied. "I needed to talk to someone."

"About what?" she asked.

Harry sighed and said, "I'm pulling a prank on Dumbledore and the Weasley twins are helping me do it."

"Harry! You'll get in trouble!" she quietly exclaimed.

"Yes," he shrugged. "But, trust me, it'll be worth it." The Seven sat the Gryffindor table for dinner. Not long after they did, Harry was passed a note from the twins.


Showed the costume to Lee and told him what you want done. He told us he knew the required piece of music, once he stopped laughing hysterically. Now we're really curious. He won't tell us what's so funny either.

We should have the costume ready for you within a couple of days.


As he was refolding the note and sticking it in his pocket, Harry looked down the table. He caught the eye of a dark skinned kid with dreadlocks who was grinning back. The boy threw him a thumbs up gesture.

'Hello Lee,' thought Harry, smiling back. Seeing the expression on Harry's face, Neville frowned, leaned forward from the other side of the table and asked, "What's going on between you and Lee Jordan?"

Harry also leaned forward and softly said, "Lee is best mates with the twins. He's helping me with a couple of charms I need for my prank on Dumbledore."

"You know you're going to get detention, right?" asked Neville.

With a bit of an evil grin, Harry replied, "No, I don't think so. I think Dumbledore will come out of this willing to give me anything I want so long as I promise not to go dark."

"You're going to pull a massive and very public prank on the Headmaster, and you don't expect to get detention for it?" asked Neville. "This, I have to see." Harry laughed and said, "I'm just playing to Dumbledore's greatest fear. He's going to freak."

As promised, a couple of days later, just as Harry was about to meet The Seven in the Entrance Hall on their way to dinner, Lee approached him.

"The costume is ready and in the antechamber off the Entrance Hall. Do you know the one?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's the same one I met with the twins to get the costume to you," replied Harry.

Nodding, Lee grinned and said, "If I may suggest, wait until the Great Hall is full and the meal is served, then make your big dramatic entrance."

"That's the plan," replied Harry. "However, I'm not going to know when that is." "I've got that covered," said Lee. "I can see the door to the antechamber from where I sit at the Gryffindor table. I've been practicing a Knock Jinx that will allow me to knock on the door from where I sit. That'll be your cue."

Grinning, Harry said, "And the final piece of the puzzle falls into place. Excellent, Mr Jordan! And thank you, very much!"

Harry joined the others and said, "You folks go on in. I need to get ready for my prank on Dumbledore."

"You're still going ahead with it, then?" asked Daphne.

With an emphatic nod, he replied, "Yes. This should prove very interesting."

Daphne gave him a quick peck on the cheek as the others started heading off. She quickly joined them. Harry paused for a moment before he gave a quick grin and ducked down to the antechamber.

Once inside, he quickly closed and latched the door before turning to see the opened package sitting on the floor. He quickly stripped down to his underwear and hoped no one decided to be adventurous and have a look inside.

Quickly dressing into the costume, he waited until he felt it resize to fit him like a glove. He cast the Cantrip that would make his cloak billow, the one to make his hair lay better, the one that gave him the twinkle in his eyes, and finally the one to make his teeth sparkle when he smiled. He knew it was overkill, but he was going for overkill. Lastly, he stood with the helmet tucked under his left arm, waiting and hoping the knock would come soon.

It did. Right then. A little surprised at his anticipation, Harry waited a few moments before donning the helmet with the mirrored eye openings, opening the door and marching out. As soon as he started to move the Imperial March broke in.

In the Great Hall, all eyes turned to the double doors as soon as the music started. Harry entered and, without breaking stride, marched with his head held high up between the tables towards the head table.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed quite a few wide grins on some faces. Faces that also turned to those sitting either side of them and whispering. The muggle-raised were telling their table mates just who Harry was dressed as.

Almost perfectly on a break in the music, Harry came to a halt on the open space in front of the head table. He paused a moment to take in the looks of shock on the faces of some professors, and dropped to one knee with his head bowed.

Lifting his head to look in Dumbledore's stunned face, he said through the voice altering charm the twins had placed on it, "I, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, present myself to you, Emperor Dumbledore!"

"Whaaat?" spluttered Dumbledore, visibly flinching. "Dark Lord? Emperor?"

"I said..." began Harry/Vader, before he rose and said, "I was informed, Emperor, you would be conducive to an audience!"


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]