"Whaaa...?" spluttered Dumbledore. "I'm not an Emperor!"
"Ha! You jest, my Lord," retorted Harry/Vader, before he pointed a finger at Dumbledore. "Who else but an emperor would seat themselves upon a throne made of gold!"
"Nooo...!" exclaimed Dumbledore. "This is the seat of the Headmaster! I'm not an Emperor!?"
"Well!" snarled Harry/Vader imperiously. Playing it right up with as much flourishing as possible, he said, "I came here hoping to forge an alliance between my forces and your own. I believed that, together, we would become Masters of the Universe! Clearly, I was mistaken. I am left with no choice but to crush you under the heel of my boot! Good day, Sir!"
Quickly, Harry/Vader spun about, threw his nose – breathing apparatus - into the air, and stormed back out; the Imperial March echoed through the Hall. As he passed the doors, one of the twins banished the doors closed for him. "Noooo...!" Harry heard the Headmaster call out as the doors closed.
Quickly, he dashed across the Entrance Hall and back into the antechamber. Hurrying, he changed back out of the costume and into his Hogwarts robes before ducking back out of the room.
Harry left the Great Hall amidst riotous laughter and merriment. The head table was all afluster, still.
Quietly, he ducked back into the Hall and, staying crouched, made his way between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables to take seat next to Daphne. No one at the head table appeared to have spotted him come in or find his seat.
Hermione, trying to stifle her laughter, had tears in her eyes and was red in the face. She couldn't even look at Harry. Daphne looked at him with her eyes twinkling and said, "I think you broke the Headmaster."
"Why, what happened?" asked Harry trying to act innocent.
Neville replied, "Madam Pomfrey had to escort him from the Hall out the teacher's door. I think she was taking him back to his office. He looked pretty shaken up."
Harry looked up at the head table and noticed Professor Flitwick was looking at him and grinning like a loon. Professor Snape was sitting with his head down and a slight smirk was on his face he was trying to hide.
Professor McGonagall was sitting with her elbows on the table and her hands covering her face. The slight jiggling of her shoulders informed anyone paying attention she was trying hard not to laugh aloud.
As the Hall calmed back down and returned to their meals a couple of Gryffindors whispered to Harry and the others, "Great prank, Harry!"
At the end of the meal Professor Flitwick came over and, still grinning, said, "That was very well done, Mister Potter. Maybe now the Headmaster will get rid of that infernal chair he favours so much. Oh, and five points to Ravenclaw for a prank really well done that caused no actual harm and could not be called bullying."
"Thank you, Professor," Harry warmly replied.
Chuckling, the diminutive professor turned away and said, "Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith!" And burst into full laughter again. "Hmm," said Harry, turning back to his friends. "I think Professor Flitwick is a closet Sci-Fi fan."
"Sci-Fi?" asked Tracey, grinning but clearly puzzled.
"Short for science fiction," replied Hermione. "It's a muggle thing."
"Oh," replied Tracey, clearly still not understanding. "If you say so."
The twins and Lee approached next. "Bloody marvellous, old chap!" said one. "Yes, indeed!" said the other.
"That was even better than I thought it would be," said Lee, grinning away. When Harry was finally able to get away from all his new well-wishers and those who wanted to congratulate him, he finally managed to return to the Ravenclaw common room with the package tucked safely under his arm.
He underwent another round of congratulatory remarks before he was finally able to head to his dorm and put the package away.
The next evening Harry found himself summoned to the Headmaster's office. Professor Flitwick once more accompanied him, along with Daphne.
As they approached the gargoyle, Professor Flitwick gave the password and the gargoyle leapt out of their path. The stairs were already revolving upwards. Both Daphne and Harry donned their plain glasses as the stairs ascended.
The three entered the office to find Dumbledore behind his desk with Snape standing brooding in the corner. "Ah, Harry," said Dumbledore jovially, "So good of you to come."
"What is this about, Headmaster?" asked Harry in a no-nonsense tone.
"I wanted to talk to you about that little prank you pulled at dinner last night," replied Dumbledore. "Won't you please take a seat?"
Harry, seeing only one chair present, indicated for Daphne to sit while he stood just behind her and off to the side.
"Clearly, I cannot, Sir," replied Harry. "As with the last time we attended, there is a distinct lack of seating available."
Snape started to say something but apparently thought better of it. He shut his mouth with an almost audible snap of his teeth. Dumbledore almost distractedly waved his wand and a second seat appeared alongside Daphne's matching her own.
Without a word, Harry sat. Then he looked back at Dumbledore waiting for the man to say something.
After a quiet few minutes that stretched long enough to be uncomfortable, Dumbledore finally said, "That was a masterful prank you pulled last night, Harry."
"Why, thank you, Albus," replied Harry. "The school populace seemed to think so."
With a frown, Dumbledore said, "Its Headmaster Dumbledore, Harry."
Right back, Harry calmly replied, "Its Mister Potter, Albus. I figured if you wanted to be overly familiar with the use of mygiven name you wouldn't be upset if I used yours in the same manner. Did we not have this discussion the last time you summoned me?"
Harry could see Snape sitting in the corner, itching to say his piece and scowling away.
Frowning for a few moments, Dumbledore seemed to collapse a little into himself. "Mister Potter, I was hoping we could restart our acquaintance and become closer - now that the difficulties of your living with your muggle relatives is concluded."
"The legalities surrounding me being unlawfully placed with the Dursleys may be concluded, Headmaster," said Harry. "But, the psychological and physical impact of their treatment of me has a long way to go before I would even dream of considering it - as you put it - concluded. The physical damage to my body may be almost repaired, and I may consider that done and dusted before too much longer, but the psychological damage?" He sighed, "I suspect that is going to take many, many years - if ever for me to come to full terms with."
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]