CH 96

Standing aside, she let the diminutive professor in and, as she closed the door, asked, "I take it this has to do with Mister Potter's interview with the Headmaster?"

"Indeed," said Professor Flitwick. "The interview was quite enlightening. I also have Mister Potter's permission to share with you what happened." "Will this be a one or two shot of Old Ogden's Finest memory?" she asked.

With a smile, he replied, "Only one, I think. But, don't put the bottle away."

With a smile of her own, Professor McGonagall conjured a plinth on which Professor Flitwick could place the pensieve. As she walked to her office desk and drew forth an opened bottle of Old Ogden's and a couple of clean short tumblers, Professor Flitwick drew the memory of the interview from his temple, dropping it into the pensieve.

After the two professors returned from their trip inside the pensieve, Professor McGonagall poured a shot of the whiskey into each glass, passed one to Professor Flitwick and kept the other for herself.

Once they'd each taken a couple sips, she looked at Professor Flitwick and said, "He was quite calm and - logical - in the way he laid it all out; wasn't he, Filius?"

Nodding, the Professor replied, "He is definitely his mother's son."

With a smile, Professor McGonagall said, "And last night was purely his father's influence."

Chuckling, the Charms Professor asked, "Have you noticed Albus's - throne - has disappeared?"

With a grin, Professor McGonagall replied, "It was the first thing I noticed when I went down for breakfast, this morning."

Both were lost in their thoughts for a minute before Professor Flitwick said, "His vocabulary is quite advanced for someone his age."

"I noticed," she mused. Hesitating a moment, she said, "I've also noticed he has a very quick grasp of the concepts of transfiguration. And that, once he has learnt the proper wand movements and incantation for a spell, he never forgets it or gets it wrong again."

"He's the same with Charms," he replied. "I've also noticed he appears quite bored with the material. And his assignments are quite brilliant."

"As are they with his transfiguration assignments," she replied.

"Furthermore," he said. "His Occlumency shields are quite advanced. I tested him once in class to see why he appeared to be so bored with the work. It was like hitting a blank wall. And he just smirked at me, for my attempt."

"Filius!" exclaimed the tall Professor. "You know better than that!" "I know," he replied. "But I wanted to see if he has the gift I think he has. Everything I've seen points to it."

"And what would that be?" she asked.

"A perfect recall memory," replied the Professor. "I believe it's known as an eidetic memory."

"Perfect recall?" she asked.

"Yes," he nodded. "He remembers everything! He's able to quote, with barely a thought, often obscure quotes from famous muggles; he can read through a book flipping a page every couple of seconds, and instantly recall everything he read; once something is learned, it's permanently learned. He re-entered the wizarding world when he received his Hogwarts letter probably knowing nothing, and yet, knows the traditions and practices of the wizarding world almost inside out - consider what he did to Severus that morning soon after he rejoined us; and he never misses a thing."

Sitting back at her desk, Professor McGonagall thought a fair bit about what she'd just been told. "It would explain a lot, wouldn't it? The potential to learn must be extraordinary."

"The structured learning environment of Hogwarts is holding him back, Minerva," he quietly said.

"Yes," she grudgingly replied. "However, he has found friends here. He's very close to them. Placing him in an advanced learning curriculum will rob him of that."

"Ah, yes," replied Professor Flitwick. "The group the other students have begun to call 'The Seven'. Did you also notice that his friends could all be considered within the highest percentiles, academically, for their year group?"

Thinking, Professor McGonagall said, "Daphne Greengrass, his betrothed; Tracey Davis; Neville Longbottom; Hermione Granger; Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. Yes, all seven of them would be the top students in their year group. The only ones who may challenge them are Padma Patil, Su Li, Blaise Zabini and Justin Finch-Fletchley."

"Exactly!" said Professor Flitwick. "Mister Potter achieves without trying, but Miss Granger pushes to achieve. I think she's the one who pushes the others in trying to keep up with Mister Potter. Miss Greengrass is also brilliant, but isn't one to push others. The other four just want to keep up.

"However, Pomona tells me Mister Longbottom is a prodigy when it comes to Herbology. She has plans for that boy. And though Mister Potter appears to do well in that subject, you can see he is not fond of it."

"Mister Potter and Miss Greengrass also have that extracurricular etiquette club of theirs, do they not?" she asked.

"Oh, yes," exclaimed Professor Flitwick. "I attended the session they held on Sunday under an Invisibility Charm. The two of them were brilliant. They calmly and in detail explained the role of the Houses in our society, together with some of the traditions and special etiquette involved. They never once talked down to them and explained it all in terms the muggleborns would understand. Those who attended lapped it all up.

"Both Mister Potter and Miss Greengrass will make excellent educators if they decide that's the career choice they want to pursue. I can also see their club curriculum easily becoming a recognised course of study. It dovetails nicely with Muggle Studies. However, that is something for the future."

"Indeed," said Professor McGonagall. "Albus told me wizarding traditions and etiquette used to be an approved course years ago. However, the pureblood factions saw to it that the course was cancelled as they felt it didn't benefit them. It was well before my time."

"Do we inform the rest of the staff of what we believe to be Mister Potter's unique gift?" asked Professor Flitwick.

Thinking for a bit, Professor McGonagall shook her head and replied, "I think not. As you are his Head of House you should probably talk to him about it first; as it sounds as if he's quite aware of it, already. That he hasn't made it public knowledge, as far as I know, is quite telling."

Nodding in agreement Professor Flitwick began to pack up his portable pensieve. Once he was finished, he bid his friend a good night and made his way back to his own quarters.

On Thursday morning, Harry was packing up from his Charms class when Professor Flitwick asked him to remain behind. Hermione and Neville said they'd let the others know and be in the library.

Walking towards the Professor's stack of books he used to stand on at his podium, Harry asked, "Yes, Professor?"

The Professor waited until the last student left before using his wand to close the classroom door.

"Take a seat, Mister Potter," the Professor said.


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]