Harry sat at one of the nearest benches and waited.
"I know you're one who appreciates honesty and straight-forwardness, Mister Potter," said the half-goblin. "So, I'll ask you straight."
Harry just sat there wondering what the Professor was on about.
"Mister Potter, do you have an eidetic memory?" asked the Professor in a normal voice.
Harry was quite startled by the question for a moment before his shoulders slumped forward.
Instead of answering he sighed and asked, "How did you find out, Professor?" The Professor then explained his reasonings, just as he'd explained them to Professor McGonagall a couple nights previously.
"And the only thing that makes a lick of sense of those impossible actions is that you've an eidetic memory," replied the Professor, winding up.
With a sigh, Harry nodded. "Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"
Sitting up a little straighter he said, "It's not something I want spread around, Professor. When I was in muggle primary school the teachers used to give me crap marks because my homework or test results weren't perfect when they thought, considering my memory, they should be."
"Only Professor McGonagall and myself know of this, Mister Potter," replied the Professor. "We've agreed to keep it between us unless you stated otherwise."
"Then, please keep it between the two of you," said Harry.
With a slight bow, Professor Flitwick replied, "As you wish, Mister Potter. However, I'd be honoured if you allowed me to recommend to you some very worthwhile books on various charms I believe you may find useful."
Seeing the confused look on Harry's face, the professor grinned and said, "Come now, Mister Potter. I'm very much aware that the current course load is nothing more than a boring doddle for you. I believe you will benefit from reading and assimilating a very wide range of various Charms.
"I also believe you'll find Professor McGonagall may feel the same way and have some books on advanced transfiguration and conjuration for you to read. A mind like yours needs to properly fed and nurtured.
"And, finally, that bout of accidental magic you suffered from the night of the Sorting shows us that you are quite the powerful young wizard. I believe you can handle what we throw at you."
"Besides, reading all these extra books," mused Harry. "You're not going to test me on them, are you?"
"Test your knowledge, you mean?" asked the Professor.
Harry nodded.
"I believe that would be a waste of time, Mister Potter," said the Professor. "No, the testing I'll be doing will be more along practical lines. It will also have the added benefit of gauging just how powerful a young wizard you actually are. And that's something that incredible memory of yours will have no impact upon."
"Magic is like a muscle; it needs to be constantly exercised," said Harry.
"Precisely, Mister Potter; precisely."
Walking into the library, Harry headed directly to the normal table around which the group normally sat. The others were waiting for him.
"What did Professor Flitwick want, Harry?" asked Hermione.
With a shrug, he replied, "He's noticed how I'm able to grasp the concept of Charms pretty quickly and wanted to know if I'd be interested in reading more books on the subject. He's going to get me some to read for a while, and then he's going to give me practical tests that cover them. "By the sounds of it, he's also been speaking with Professor McGonagall and she's going to be doing the same with Transfiguration and Conjuration."
"Conjuration?" she asked. "I didn't think we made a start on that until Fourth Year."
"Apparently, they remember that burst of accidental magic I had on the night of the Sorting and want to see just how powerful I actually am. High level Charms, Transfiguration and Conjuration will help. It has a lot to do with the sort of memory I have."
"They know?" asked Daphne quietly.
"Either Professor Flitwick or Professor McGonagall figured it out individually or together," replied Harry. "Professor Flitwick said they're not going to share the secret with anyone else since I don't want it bandied about. I'll just have to trust them not to do so."
Daphne nodded and said, "This could actually be a good thing. I've noticed you've been quite bored with the course work. Plus, your charms and transfiguration work are impressive. You easily cast the strongest and most powerful Lumos of those in our year, at least; if that's any indication."
By the following weekend Harry had managed to convince the twins to tell him how to find the kitchens. And, on the Friday afternoon after class and after returning to the dorm for a quick shower, he visited asking if it was possible for the house elves to prepare a picnic basket for the Sunday.
The elves happily agreed and said they would have everything in place for them down by the lake next to the 'big rock'. Pleased with himself, Harry met with the others once more in the library.
"Where did you head off to in a rush from the greenhouses?" asked Daphne.
"Shower," replied Harry. "I swear, dragon dung seeps into the skin. It stinks enough."
Neville smiled and said, "It doesn't, actually; sink into the skin, that is. But it is hard to wash off."
"I swear, Neville," said Harry. "Herbology seems to be all about repotting, repotting and repotting some more."
Neville chuckled and said, "Repotting is, of course, an important part in the growing of magical plants under controlled conditions. However, we'll soon be moving on to caring for the plants in other ways."
"I find it fascinating how Potions and Herbology are so closely linked," said Hermione. "I think there should be more on how the ingredients we're growing in the greenhouses will become potions ingredients in the Potions Lab."
"We'll be covering that soon in Herbology," replied Neville. "I doubt Professor Snape will pay it any heed. He's just too fixated on making the potions rather than explaining about the potions and their ingredients, how they were developed, that sort of thing."
Susan piped in with a pretty bad impression of Snape, "Instructions are on the board. You have one hour. Begin!"
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]