With a grin, he walked over to it and opened it, stepping just inside. The room looked amazing. It was a reasonably small style common room but was bedecked in all the colours of the four school Houses. Along one wall was a fireplace that jutted into the room, with couches and small armchairs around it in a semi-circle.
There were also windows showing the night sky outside, throw rugs covering the floor, a couple of folded blankets on the back of some chairs, and a couple doors leading off to who knew where.
As he was standing there looking around, first Daphne, and then the others, all walked in after him.
"This is - amazing!" said Hermione in a soft voice.
"I know; right?" said Harry.
"And this room appears, as anything you can want for a room, just by walking past the wall three times thinking about what you want?" she asked. "Not just a room," replied Harry. "While trying to figure out the limitations of the room, earlier, I thought about an outdoor area in a rainforest in which to have a picnic. It was astonishing and exactly what I was thinking of.
"It had trees, the sound of birds in the tree tops, the weather was quite warm and humid, and everything was real. Real trees, real grass, everything."
"And this is where you've afternoon?" asked Daphne.
"I was originally in the club meeting room," replied Harry. "However, I cannot afford to practice any of the Curses or stronger Hexes in there for fear of damaging something. So, I had a bit of inspiration and decided to call a house elf. It was the house elf that told me to come up to this particular corridor and, once I was up here, what I had to do to make the room appear.
"The room I got had these magical target dummies I could throw spells at. If I damaged them, they were replaced. If I knocked them out they would stay down for a while before getting up again. I was finally able to use some of those Spells in those advanced books Professors Flitwick and McGonagall loaned me. What time it was completely slipped my mind."
"Can we try for something different?" asked Daphne.
"Of course!" said Harry. "But, I think everyone has to leave the room first."
"Maybe..." said Daphne. Suddenly, her demeanour changed and she asked, "Can everyone wish for me to have what I want to appear?"
Surprised, Harry said, "You want to change it while we're in the room?"
"Yes," replied Daphne. "I want to see what happens. If it's even possible." Susan said, "Alright, then. Everyone wish for what Daphne wants."
Harry concentrated on making Daphne happy by wanting what she wanted. Soon the room blurred. Very quickly everything came back into focus and Harry found himself with the others in the Greengrass Estate parlour.
Looking around, he said, "Wow! That's just wow!"
"Ummm Hermione.
- where
are we
"This is the parlour of my home," replied Daphne softly with a happy smile. "This is Greengrass Estate."
Harry walked over to where he could see out the French doors through the dining room. Everything seemed so real.
"You live here?" asked Hermione.
Before Daphne could respond, Harry said, "No. This is what it looks like where Daphne - and I, I guess - live. It's a - replica."
"How do you know it's a replica?" asked Hannah.
"If this was the real Greengrass Estate, the house elves would have immediately sensed our presence and arrived. No house elves; therefore, not real."
"Still, it would be nice to be able to come here if I get homesick," said Daphne with a wistful expression.
A few moments later, Daphne said, "Alright, let's see this spell practice room you came up with."
"Alright," said Harry. "Let's see if more than one person can influence things. Everyone focus on a spell crafting or duelling room."
Very quickly the room seemed to blur before it slowly came back into focus. This time the room was similar to how Harry remembered it, but the room was now larger. The dummies were sideways across the room at one end, there were still various objects lying about, but there was also now a small area set up similar to a common room.
"Alright, then," said Harry. "This is different to how it was when I was in here earlier. It's larger, for a start. There's also this whole sitting area." He indicated the lounges and such.
"I think that was me, said Susan. "I wanted somewhere to sit and I was thinking about those chairs in the room earlier."
"And the bookcases over there must belong to me," said Hermione, indicating a selection of books on twinned bookcases beyond the lounge area.
Daphne asked, "Do you think you can show us how the training dummies work, Harry?"
Harry nodded, walked over to one of the couches and dropped off his bookbag. Then he walked to the end of the room across from the training dummies.
"The elf said they work on command," he said before calling out, "Training Level One."
Suddenly, the training dummies began to move and started firing low level Hexes and Curses towards Harry. Harry dodged the first few before he started firing back.
After about thirty seconds he cast a Depulsion Curse at one, causing it to fly backwards and strike the wall, before casting a Stunner at the other, causing it to collapse.
He waited the few seconds for the first one to dematerialise and be replaced with another, and the second to re-erect itself, before he called, "Stop!"
Both dummies immediately froze in place.
Harry turned and grinned at the others who were looking back a little gobsmacked.
"Harry," said Hermione, first to find their voice. "Those last two were at least Third Year spells."
"Yes," replied Harry. "Remember how I told you Professors Flitwick and McGonagall want to give me advanced spell books to work with? To test how much knowledge I can assimilate in a short amount of time? Those two were in those books."
"Well," said Daphne, stepping in before Hermione could ask any more questions. "You've clearly got power. Now you need to learn control and - finesse. You need to learn how to aim better and not waste so much energy in your spell casting. We can work on that."
"What about your transfiguration abilities?" asked Hannah.
"Now that's a lot harder," said Harry.
He walked over to one of the shapes made of wood. "Transfiguration, I've found, is far harder than Charms, Curses and the like," he said. "The latter is simply pushing with your magic while making the right gesture with the wand and saying the command.
"Transfiguration, however, is altering the molecular structure of the very material in which you're working; and changing the shape, size, et cetera; all in the one act of spell casting.
"I've not yet been able to do much with that. And it's something I'm going to have to talk with Professor McGonagall about."
He then converted the block of wood into a pretty wonky looking rocking horse. "As you can see," he said, indicating his so-called creation, "I'm pretty pants at it, at the moment."
"Harry," shrilled Susan, "That's impressive! We can't do that!"
"What about the transfigurations we have to do across the rest of the year?" asked Daphne.
"Oh, they're relatively easy," said Harry. "I'm not that good at turning a mouse into a snuff box yet - It still has fur and can sometimes have a tail - but the rest is not that difficult."
"You are not pants at transfiguration," scowled Daphne. "You're just trying to transfigure things that are too large for you, just yet."
Pointing at a poorly cut block of stone, she said, "Can you make that a perfect block shape? Just square it up and see if you can give it a polished surface, for now."
Harry looked at it, thought about it for a few moments, and then cast. What he was left with was an almost perfectly cut stone with smooth sides.
"Now that's impressive," said Neville.
"And it's what I thought," said Daphne. "You were able to do so well doing that because you were able to create a better image in your mind of what it is you wanted to create. You knew how to picture the perfect shape, and you didn't need to change the material of the stone to get it done. So, you ended up very close with what you wanted."
"So," said Harry. "The better the picture the better the result?"
"That's part of it," she replied. "But you also need to understand the properties of the material you want to transfigure it to. To make something of wood, you need to understand that particular type of wood. To make something of marble, you need to understand the properties of marble. And so on."
"Huh!" said Harry. "Thanks, for that."
"Anyway," said Daphne. "We all need to get back to our own common rooms. And some of us have further to go that others."
"Yeah," said Neville. "We'd best be off."
After Harry collected his bag off the chair, the group exited the room. And they watched as the door disappeared. Harry then said, "Hermione, Neville, you guys head off. I'm going to show the others a shortcut down to the dungeons."
"Alright, Harry," said Hermione. Together they walked back to the grand staircase. Neville and Hermione headed down, but Harry led the other four witches across to the corridor on the other side of the staircase.
"This is a shortcut?" asked Tracey.
"You'll see," replied Harry.
He led them over to the statue in the alcove the Weasley twins showed him a few weeks earlier. Walking into it he found one of the wall sconces and gave it a twist. That opened the hidden passage.
Turning back, he grinned at the girls before walking in and beckoning them to follow.
Daphne was right behind him and hoped the others kept up.
"Lumos!" he called with his wand tip pointed up. When the others did the same he then led them along the passage, down the single flight of stairs and along the remaining part of the passage.
He found the wall where he knew the hidden door was, and gave it a push. It swivelled open.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]