After a few more questions, the meeting was about to break up.
As everyone was making their way out, Harry called out, "That's it for this fortnight. I think we've also run over time a little. Next fortnight we'll be discussing the Ministry and the Wizengamot. That'll be real edge of your seat stuff," he joked.
As expected he got a few quiet chuckles.
Harry and Daphne, with the help of the others, were soon able to clear up and lock the meeting room again. They made it down to the Great Hall for Sunday dinner with time to spare.
After three weeks at Hogwarts for Harry, four for the others, the weeks started to flow by.
As promised, a few days after the second meeting, Professor Flitwick gave him a book on pretty advanced Charms he wanted him to read. And a second book came only a few days later from Professor McGonagall.
At the third meeting of the etiquette club Daphne had to call a house elf to have extra desks and chairs installed. The inner 'U' was reduced in size with gaps between desks and a second 'U' was installed outside of it with similar gaps. It shortened the meeting by fifteen minutes while it was all sorted out. They now had almost fifty regular attendees. Most from the older year cohorts.
At the end of the meeting Harry told them he was ordering them a book each. This excited the Ravenclaws but did nothing for the Gryffindors. The Hufflepuffs were pretty apathetic to it all.
Harry used the clubroom to practice a lot of the Spells out of the books the two Professors loaned him. However, he couldn't advance into the Hexes due to fear of damaging the room.
Finally, he sat propped against a desk and called for a house elf.
When the little being appeared he asked, "You wouldn't happen to know where in the castle I can go to practice my defensive and offensive spell work, do you? I don't actually want to damage anything, especially if I'm unable to repair it afterwards."
The little elf frowned for a moment before it looked up and brightly replied, "Youse can use the 'Come and Go' room, young master."
"The 'Come and Go' room?" asked Harry. "I've not heard of it."
"Yous must go to the seventh floor, young master," replied the elf. "Stand near the tapes-tree of the one trying to teach trolls to dance. I's shall meet you there."
And without a further word the little elf was gone.
Harry packed his things and was trying to figure out what the elf meant. With his bookbag slung over his shoulder, Harry took one last look around the room, then stepped outside. He pulled the door shut behind himself and locked it.
He quickly made his way up to the seventh floor and was almost there when he finally figured out what the little elf was saying. The tapestry of Barnaby the Barmy. Making his way to the dead ended corridor, Harry was shortly standing in front of the tapestry. He'd only just arrived when the elf popped in.
With a look of confusion, Harry looked at the elf and said, "There's nothing here, little one."
The elf frowned back and said, "Young master must walk back and forth three times and think of what type of room he wants. A door will appear."
The elf just stood there and watched Harry staring back at him.
With a shake of his head and sigh, thinking about daft house elves, Harry cleared his mind and pictured what he wanted. Once he had the image firmly in his mind, he began to walk up the hallway before turning around again and walking back the other.
On his third pass he didn't notice the door materialising on the blank wall opposite the tapestry. However, when he spun about to walk back the other way, he saw the door. It was tall with a mahogany-like finish and brass fittings.
He looked at the elf in surprise. The elf just gestured for him to enter.
He walked over to the door and opened it. He stepped inside and the little elf followed him in.
Inside, Harry found a long room with what looked to him like some form of target dummies at the other end. The target dummies appeared to each be holding a wand of some form. There was also quite a few innocuous things lying about in various base materials.
Harry looked down at the elf and, pointing at the dummies, asked, "I take it those are for shooting spells at?"
"Yes, young master," replied the elf. "Yous activate thems by issuing commands. Say, 'Training Level One' and they be starting there."
"What happens when I destroy them?" he asked.
"Theys be repaired and replaced," replied the elf. "Is part of the magics of this room."
"And this room can become anything I want?" he asked.
"Yes, young master," replied the elf.
Nodding, Harry said, "Then I thank you for your service today. You may leave with my gratitude."
The elf bowed and simply popped away. Thinking a bit, Harry walked back out of the room, closing the door behind himself.
He then pictured something else in his mind and began the three time trip along the hallway. When he had finished he spun about and saw a different door in the wall.
Walking up to it he opened it and walked in. Inside, it was like walking into a tropical rainforest. He could even hear small tropical birds calling from among branches. The room was even quite warm and a touch humid.
Directly in front of him was a cleared path. He walked along it as it bent out of the way. A few moments later, he came across a small clearing. The whole thing was exactly as he pictured in his mind he wanted.
Harry just stood there for a few moments shaking his head. Eventually, he left the room and watched as the door seemed to melt away into the wall.
Another three time trip along the hallway and the original mahogany-like door appeared. He walked straight in and dropped his bag onto a chair.
Popping his wand into his hand he approached the training dummies. With a firm voice he called, "Training Level One". Instantly, the training dummies began to move. They were firing low level spells at him with slow wand movements. He ducked them easily before firing a couple of Curses and Hexes right back.
Slowly, he upped the Curses he was throwing, wildly at times, towards the dummies.
Enjoying himself he cast a Stupefy at a dummy and watched it go down. A Blasting Hex at another saw that one smashed.
He then watched as the one he 'stunned' re-righted itself, and the one he significantly damaged faded away before being replaced by another dummy.
He called, "Stop!" And the training dummies halted all movement. He reholstered his wand and stood there for a few moments.
Grinning to himself, he went back to his bookbag, shouldered it, and walked out.
After he left the room, Harry dashed downstairs to the Great Hall. When he entered, he looked around for his friends. They were sitting at the Hufflepuff table. He hurried over.
"Where have you been?" hissed Hermione.
Noticing most people seemed to have already eaten a fairly good portion of their main dinner meal, Harry hurried to fill his plate with food he could get down fast. That meant no red meat, and only a little chicken with soft vegetables.
"Let me get this down, and I'll be right with you, Hermione," said Harry.
"We were getting worried about you," she pouted.
"Food first, talk later," said Harry, shovelling food into his mouth.
Though he worried it would make him a little sick to eat too fast, Harry was able to get a fair portion down before the main course was removed and replaced with desserts. Reaching for the treacle pie, his favourite dessert, Harry said, "I've found the most amazing room up on the seventh floor," he said.
"Oh?" asked Daphne.
Nodding, he replied, "The house elves call it the 'Come and Go' room. I can't really explain it too well but can only say the room is able to transfigure itself into any style you want. Even outdoors."
"That sounds dangerous," frowned Hermione.
With a quick shake of his head, he said, "No, the elves don't think so, at any rate."
"And that's where you've been?" asked Daphne.
"Yeah," replied Harry. "As soon as the meal is over, what say you come with me up there and I show you?"
"Alright, Harry," he heard from the others.
They settled down to finish their dessert and, as soon as they'd eaten their fill, they rose as one and left the Hall. Thankfully, as it wasn't a feast, they didn't have to hang back for Headmaster announcements.
Ascending far slower than he descended, Harry led his friends through one of the hidden passages to get up to the seventh floor that much quicker.
Once in the seventh floor corridor he had them all stand in front of the tapestry.
"Alright," he said. "I now need to walk back and forth in this corridor three times. Then, whatever room I wish for, will appear behind a door that will appear on the opposite wall."
He received some odd looks back that said they generally didn't believe him.
"Trust me," he said. "Now, who wants to come up with an idea for a room?"
"Ummm..." began Susan. "How about somewhere we can all sit down and talk. Around an open plan combined common room, sort of thing."
"That sounds like a great idea," replied Harry. "Anyone else?"
"No," replied Neville. "Sounds fine to me."
"Alright, observe."
Picturing the concept in his mind, Harry began to walk. He walked back and forth, thinking clearly about what he wanted. On the third pass, the door appeared.
It was the gasps of surprise that made him stop earlier than he thought to. Spinning around, he saw a door had appeared on the wall.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]