CH 114

"I remember your letter of a month or two ago telling me you'd moved back into the family home," said Harry. "Is that the London one?"

"Yes," replied Sirius. "Moony and I have managed to get enough of the house cleaned to make parts of it habitable. But, it's far from done. It's still a dangerous place to be if you don't know what you're doing."

"Then I hope you're being careful," said Harry with concern.

With an answering smile, he replied, "Don't worry, pup. Moony and I know what we're doing."

Isabel then told how she was quite pleased with her research into muggleborn birth rates. And how she was also looking into how and why the parents of many muggleborns were choosing not to allow their children to develop their magical potential.

She happily talked about her developing friendship with the Grangers, especially Monica.

"It's a very good thing you did making friends with that young muggleborn witch, Hermione, you two," she said to Harry and Daphne. "Did you know she's named after a character from a Shakespearean play?"

"I did," replied Harry. "She's a character out of 'The Winter's Tale'. I asked her once about it and it was a play her parents went to see the night they believed she was conceived."

"I didn't know that," said Daphne, a little surprised.

"Mmm," said Harry with a verbal nod. "It kind of embarrasses her."

"Well, the records from that British Registrar's Office Monica is able to get for me are heaven-sent," said Isabel. "It's making things a lot easier for me to get my report finalised way ahead of my original schedule."

"About Hermione," said Harry. "I was worried about how she was being treated by some of the other students at Hogwarts. There was this one incident -. it does not matter. However, I decided to offer her the opportunity to fall under the protection of House Potter."

"We heard," said Cygnus with a knowing smile. "It was a very Slytherin thing to do, Harry."

Seeing the look on Harry's face of surprised mixed with confusion, Isabel said, "Hermione wrote her parents about it. And Monica asked me what it meant. They're just a little confused as to why you did it."

"Oh," said Harry. "Well, I could see the writing on the wall, so to speak. Many, especially in Slytherin, know they cannot attack me directly. Whether it's about our betrothal, or that I'm supposedly the one that defeated their master, I know they're not happy with me.

"I could see they were starting to figure out the way to hurt me was through my friends. Neville, Tracey, Susan and Hannah are all from Ancient Houses with their own protections; such as House alliances. Hermione, however, was only protected through the bonds of friendship. And that she's a muggleborn was another risk.

"I looked into whether an alliance could be offered to her through her parents, or directly with her. But, as she doesn't belong to a recognised wizarding House, that option was not open to us.

"And that's when I found I could offer her protection directlythrough the Protection ritual. I'm just glad she accepted.

"For her, the benefits include she's now seen as having all the rights of a pureblood member of an Ancient House; the sign she's a protectee is plain to see on her robes; she can now consider herself to being a lot closer to our social equals in our circle of friends; and it reduces the slurs and verbal attacks she's had to go through until then.

"For me, I get to thumb my nose at the bigots; a close friend of mine is now better protected within our society, especially within Hogwarts, which make me breathe easier; and, more importantly, my friend cannot be treated like chattel or scum by those who'd try to take advantage of her.

"What I don't understand, as none of the books I've read about it are clear on the matter, is what this does regarding her magical guardianship. Nothing was mentioned what happens when the Protectee is an unemancipated minor.

"And, about her magical guardian, all I could find is that her Head of House, Professor McGonagall, should be hers. But I know the Professor has seen the protectee crest and hasn't said anything to either of us about it. Which doesn't make much sense."

"You won't need to worry about that Harry," said Cygnus with a wide grin. "I thought it was such a brilliant idea, for all the reasons you covered, that I'll be offering the protection of House Greengrass to her parents on Boxing Day. And, we'll also be offering to be your friend's magical guardians.

"After all," he said. "I can't let you be the only one who gets to thumb their nose at the bigots."

Harry sat there in shock. That was not something he expected.

Sirius, with a wide grin of his own, leaned over and ruffled Harry's hair. "Brilliant, like your mother; and a great prank on the bigoted gits, which would make your father proud!"

With a slight scowl Harry firmly said, "I didn't do it as a prank, Sirius."

"I know," he simply said. "The great pranks often aren't done as a prank. But they are, nevertheless." The only Christmas Day Harry had really experienced was while a five month old infant. From then on, until this day, Christmas Day was a day of sadness for him. All he got to do was watch Dudley open his presents and have fun; and he had to act like it was such a great day so Dudley wouldn't be upset there was someone sad near him.

But today - today he was part of a real family. Today he truly got to enjoy.

Having woken early, he lay in bed wondering what he would enjoy more. Would he enjoy opening his own presents more than watching others open presents he bought them? Or, vice versa? Or, would it be more the feeling of being part of something, a family, as everyone enjoyed the day? He didn't know but he was looking forward to finding out.

The night they arrived back on the Hogwarts Express, Harry carefully wrapped the gifts he'd purchased for his family and friends. Hedwig, knowing she would soon by delivering some of them, was watching him carefully from her perch.

At the right moments she was hooting and barking as Harry worked. And, in response, Harry was talking with her.

"So, who first, do you think, Hed?" he asked her. "Shall it be shortest path to each heading out? Or, should I give you one gift at a time to deliver?

She huffed and snuffled in response.

"How about I have you deliver two at a time? That way, it's only a few trips."

Harry pulled out a map of the island he'd purchased from Flourish & Blotts and laid it on the floor.

He carefully mapped the towns where he knew his friends lived. And looked at how Hedwig was likely to fly to each.

"Hmmm.." he said. "Tracey's coming over later in the day; so no need to deliver hers. I could hold off on sending Hermione's as she'll be here on Boxing Day. That leaves Neville, Susan and Hannah."

"How about a single trip with three stops, girl?" he asked.

Hedwig barked and bobbed her head.

With a grin back, he said, "Excellent idea! We shall do that."

Harry then pulled out the gifts for the three and took them over to his desk next to Hedwig's owl perch.

"Okay, Neville at Longbottom Hall under your left wing; Susan at the Ossuary under the right wing; and Hannah at the Refectory on your right ankle," he mused.

He quickly wrapped each gift in a sheet of parchment, wrote the name of the recipient on it in large letters, and shrank it down.

Hedwig hopped down onto the desk and Harry quickly and securely tied the packages to her harness and ankle. He walked over to the window and opened it right up for her.

"'Operation: Ho Ho Ho' is a go, girl!" he grinned.

Hedwig gave three quick hoots and took off out the window.

After watching her fly off for a few moments, Harry quickly closed the window with a grin.

As he was about to turn around, from the direction of the door, he heard Daphne say, "Just how in tune with one another you and Hedwig are, still amazes me."

When he turned to look at the door with the same grin on his face he saw his betrothed leaning against the frame with her arms and legs both crossed. A small smile on her face.

He crossed the room, took her in his arms and gave her a peck on her cheek. "You're lucky you didn't come in here an hour ago when I was still wrapping gifts," he said.

"Oh?" she asked, sinking into his arms.

"Yes. I would have spanked your bottom for you, for attempting to find out what your present is," he gleefully said.

"You wouldn't!" she gasped pushing him away.

"I would!" he returned. Then he grinned mischievously. "Maybe I should give you a taste of what to expect?"

Daphne took one look at his expression, adopted one of mock horror and took off towards the stairs with a very un-Daphne squeal.

Harry took off in pursuit, trying to laugh maniacally.

But, that was two days ago. Now lying in bed, Harry was wondering when he should get up. He didn't want to seem too eager by getting downstairs too soon; but he also didn't want to be the cause of everyone waiting for him to rise so they could get to the gift-giving part.

He was just about to get up when the bedroom door flew open and a small, brunette haired human missile came hurtling in and leapt up onto Harry's bed with a cry of "Haaaarrrry!" and onto him.

"Ooof!" he cried, when one of her knees landed in a tender spot.

As Harry was lying on his back, the brunette missile, otherwise known as Astoria, decided to sit astraddle his stomach, grab him by the shoulders, and shake him. "Come on!" she cried. "Get up! Get up! Get uuuuuppp!"

"Help!" he cried out turning his head towards the open door. "I'm being attacked by a harpy!"

Tori grabbed his chin in her hand and spun his head to look back at her. "Get out of bed, Mister Potter!" see demanded, glaring at him before grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him again. "I want to open preeesssseeeeents!"

"Alright!" he cried back.

With a final glare at him, Tori used his stomach as a springboard to climb back off him before then bouncing off the bed to land on her feet beside it.

Harry groaned for a moment and tried to curl into a ball from the abuse to his stomach muscles before he suddenly found the blankets reefed off him.

"Hey!" he cried.


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]