"Get up!" Tori stamped her foot.
"Alright, already!" he grumble-yelled, swinging his feet off the side of the bed.
Tori stood just aways from the bed glaring impatiently at him. "As soon as I've had my morning shower, I'll..." he tried.
"No!" she stamped her foot. "Now!"
She spun away and went to his wardrobe, bringing out a normal working robe. She threw it at him and said, "Just pull that on over your pyjamas!"
"I can still take the gift I bought you back to the shop and get my money back, you know!" he half-snarled back, pulling the robe over his head.
With a gasp she said, "You wouldn't dare!"
"Don't push me, young lady!" he said, settling the robes around himself. Mumbling he said, "Now, footwear."
Before he had a chance to do anything, Tori grabbed him by the left hand and literally dragged him out of his room at a near-run towards the stairs. "No time!" she called over her shoulder. "Tori!" tried Harry.
She ignored him and dragged him down the stairs into the parlour where the tree with presents under it were found. Everyone else had already gathered there.
"He's up!" she happily exclaimed to the laughing adults and Daphne.
With a groan, Harry staggered over and collapsed into a loveseat next to Daphne while everyone else was still laughing.
Tori almost bounced across the room and into an armchair, clapping her hands in excitement.
Staring daggers at the clearly excited younger girl, he snarled, "I find myself pitying your future husband."
Tori just poked her tongue out at him with a happy smile on her face.
The adults in the room had clearly been laughing for a while. Harry was even sure he'd heard them while Tori was abusing him earlier.
Chuckling herself, Daphne put her arm around him and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm sorry no one warned you; but, no one gets to sleep in on Christmas day in this family. Tori makes sure of that."
"I was thinking of getting up, anyway," he grumbled. "Just not so - enthusiastically."
Still grinning, Cygnus said, "Now, shall we start with oldest first or..."
"Youngest!" Tori cried out.
"Youngest, it is," replied Cygnus with a grin.
A quick rustle through wrapped presents under the tree and Cygnus handed her the first gift. Harry noticed he didn't even look at the name tag, so he was expecting hers to be first.
He was amused to watch her near-shred the wrapping paper to get to the gift within.
Another reach into the mass of presents and one was passed around to - Harry.
Harry was surprised to find he was receiving a gift so quickly; a set of good quality fine-point quills.
Daphne's was a gift of the same.
Sirius received Harry's first gift to others; a male necklace with three pewter charms hanging from it; a lily flower between a stag and a wolf. By the look on his face, Harry knew he chose right.
As the gifts were passed around for the first round, when he was being passed his second gift he asked Cygnus to pass to Daphne a particular gift. It was a small wrapped box hidden just inside the lower branches of the tree.
Passing it around to Daphne carefully watched; even excited Tori.
Carefully unwrapping it, Daphne found a small, flat, polished wooden box. She opened it and her eyes went wide and her hands shook a little. She sat there staring at the contents.
Harry hopped out of his seat, walked around behind Daphne and reached over her shoulder to the largest item inside the box.
Carefully, drawing it out he held it by it's chain and turned it around so everyone else could see it. It was a beautiful and delicate silver chain with an ornamental sapphire surrounded in silver filigree.
"Oh, wow!" said Tori. The only one to make a sound.
Harry carefully undid the clasp, drew it around Daphne's throat and reaffixed the clasp at the base of her neck.
Leaning forward he planted a kiss on the top of her head before walking back around the seat and sitting back down. "Do you want to show them what else is in there?" he asked her. Daphne turned the case around and held it up so everyone else could see. It held a pair of matching sapphire earrings to the necklace.
"They're beautiful, Daphne," said Isabel.
Daphne just nodded in response.
She turned the case back around, closed it, and placed it on her lap; before turning to Harry, cupping his cheek in her palm and gently placing a kiss on his lips. She stared into his eyes while hers were watering a little.
"Everything that's in my vaults will be yours, some day," said Harry, loud enough for the rest to hear. "Therefore, giving you a gift from the vaults didn't seem right. So, this marks the first piece from the Lady Daphne Potter collection."
Clearing his throat, Cygnus reached into the stack and pulled out one for Sirius. A selection of joke products from Tori.
"To help you find the prankster in you, again," she said.
Sirius laughed and said, "An excellent idea, Tori!"
Harry's gift to Tori was a necklace with tiny diamond pendant, which made her squeal in delight. She then demanded Harry put it on for her - which he was happy to do.
He gifted a sterling silver desk set to Cygnus, and a choker with a centered emerald to Isabel.
Sirius and Daphne also received from Harry charmed wand holsters similar to those used by aurors. Both made of dragon hide and charmed to be invisible at will.
Harry was surprised to find Sirius and the Greengrasses had gifted him a Nimbus 2000 broom, together with a good quality broom servicing kit for it, among other things.
"We had ten years of Christmas and birthday gifts to make up for, Pup," said Sirius, when Harry looked at him and the others in awe and gratitude.
"And, if you make the Quidditch team for Ravenclaw next year," said Cygnus, "we'll be providing you with the armour you're going to need."
After the gifting ended Harry was able to carry his horde upstairs to his room and get in a quick shower and other ablutions before he had to race down for breakfast.
He was told he wasn't allowed to try out the broom until after the morning meal.
As soon as he was able - and allowed - Harry had his new broom out and was flinging it about the sky towards the rear of the house.
He didn't notice Daphne and Astoria come out carrying their own brooms, or see the adults follow them. Instead of joining him Daphne and Astoria watched him fly.
It really hadn't take that long for Harry to get used to the broom. And, before long, he was carrying out feats of flying that had the two girls and Sirius gaping in awe while the Greengrass elders watched worriedly.
"He can really fly!" said Sirius with a gasp.
At one point, Harry drove the broom vertical straight up. At about two hundred feet up, he stalled the broom, allowing it flip over backwards before pointing it straight down. He only pulled up about three feet off the ground before angling the brown upwards at about forty-five degrees and executing a double barrel roll.
Practically hopping off the broom in mid-flight he caused the broom to skid across the sky before performing a corkscrew turn.
When he finally saw the others collected on the back patio he brought the broom down and to a halt with a one foot skid before lightly stepping off the back of it.
"Wow! That was fun!" he happily exclaimed. Everyone stared back at him in shock. Both girls and Sirius were staring at him in awe.
"Ummm - Hello?" he said.
The first to find her voice, Daphne asked, "Where did you learn to fly like that?"
"You taught me, remember?" replied Harry.
"No," she said, shaking her head. "I just taught you to fly. I didn't teach you what you did just then."
"I read about those moves in Quidditch magazines," he replied with a shrug. "I find them lying around the Ravenclaw common room all the time. They have lovely pictures both showing and demonstrating the moves and I just thought I'd try some of them."
"How much flying have you done, Harry?" asked Sirius.
"Well, there were the couple of hours where Daphne - ably assisted by Tori - showed me when I was here during the last couple of days of August," said Harry, scratching the back of his head. "Then there was the couple of flying lessons on those old school brooms we had at Hogwarts in September, before Madam Hooch said I wasn't to come back. That's it."
"And why did Madam Hooch tell you not to return?" asked Isabel.
"She told me I nearly gave her a heart attack when I performed a sloth grip roll," replied Harry as if it was the greatest injustice ever.
"I think I need to send Professor Flitwick an owl," muttered Cygnus.
Harry ignored the comment and turned to the two girls, "Coming up, ladies?" he asked. "With guests coming over after lunch this'll probably be our last chance for a couple of days."
With one hand, Harry pointed the tip of the handle away from himself at about thirty degrees and set the broom in motion. As it began to pull away he merely stepped onto the handle where it joined the bristles and, after it climbed a few feet, dropped himself into a sitting position, straddling it.
The girls soon followed him up and they flew gently about the sky for a while.
Harry had lost all track of time when he spied Sirius back out on the back patio motioning for them to come down.
When Harry landed in front of him, the girls a few seconds behind, he said, "Lunch time. Time to put the brooms away. Guests will start arriving soon."
With a bit of good-natured whining and moaning, Harry and the girls secured their brooms.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]