Jaxon walked into his music class, curious about the new student.
As he scanned the room, he noticed a boy sitting in the back, looking a bit nervous.
The boy caught Jaxon's eye and smiled hesitantly. Jaxon smiled back, feeling a sense of intrigue.
As the teacher introduced the new student, Jaxon learned that his name was Justin, and he had just moved to the area from a big city.
Justin seemed shy, but as the class began, Jaxon noticed that he had an incredible voice. Justin's singing was soulful and rich, and Jaxon found himself listening intently.
After class, Jaxon approached Justin. "Hey, I'm Jaxon," he said, holding out his hand.
Justin smiled and shook it. "I'm Justin. Nice to meet you."
Jaxon hesitated for a moment before asking, "So, what brought you to our school?"
Justin's expression turned wistful. "My family moved here from the city. My mom got a new job, and we had to relocate."
Jaxon nodded sympathetically. "That can be tough. I've lived here my whole life."
Justin sighed. "Yeah, it's been an adjustment. But I'm trying to make the best of it."
Jaxon sensed that there was more to Justin's story, but he didn't want to pry.
As they continued talking, Jaxon realized that he was having more fun than he'd had in a long time.
Justin glanced at his watch. "Man, I'm so sorry, but I have to run. I have a meeting with my music teacher."
Jaxon nodded. "No worries, I should probably get going too."
Justin smiled. "Hey, thanks for talking with me, Jaxon. I feel like I've known you forever."
Jaxon grinned back. "Same here, Justin. Let's hang out again soon."
As they parted ways, Jaxon couldn't help but feel excited about the new friendship he'd just formed.
He walked home, lost in thought, wondering what Justin's story was. What had brought him to this new town? Did he have any family here?
As he approached his house, Jaxon's friend Alex fell into step beside him. "Hey, Jaxon! What's up?" Alex asked.
Jaxon smiled. "Not much, Alex. Just met the new kid in music class."
Alex's eyes lit up. "Justin? What's he like?"
Jaxon grinned. "He's cool, Alex. We geeked out about music for a bit."
Alex nodded enthusiastically. "That's awesome! I've heard he's talented."
Jaxon nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's got an amazing voice. I'm thinking we should ask him to jam with us."
Alex's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea! I'll talk to Matt and see what he thinks."
Jaxon smiled, feeling excited about the prospect of making music with Justin.
As they approached Jaxon's house, Alex turned to him. "Hey, Jaxon? You seem stoked about Justin. What's going on?"
Jaxon shrugged. "I don't know, Alex. I just feel like we clicked. We have a lot in common, and he seems like a cool guy."
Alex nodded thoughtfully. "I get it. It's always exciting to meet someone new who shares your passions. But be careful, okay? You don't know much about him yet."
Jaxon rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "I can take care of myself, Alex. Besides, I think Justin is someone special."
Alex raised an eyebrow. "Someone special, huh? You've invested in this guy already."
Jaxon felt his face heat up, but he tried to play it cool. "I just think he's a great guy, okay? Let's not make a big deal out of it."
Alex chuckled. "Okay, okay. I won't tease you... yet."
As they parted ways, Jaxon couldn't help but wonder what Alex had meant by his last comment.
Jaxon couldn't shake off the feeling that Alex had seen right through him. Had he been that obvious about his interest in Justin?
As he walked into his house, Jaxon's mind began to wander. He imagined what it would be like to hang out with Justin outside of school, to get to know him better.
He felt a flutter in his chest at the thought and suddenly realized that he was looking forward to seeing Justin again more than he had looked forward to anything in a long time.
Jaxon's phone buzzed, breaking the spell. He smiled as he saw a text from Alex.
"Hey, don't forget to invite Justin to jam with us!" Alex reminded him.
Jaxon grinned. He hadn't forgotten.
Jaxon walked into the kitchen, where his parents were making dinner. "Hey, guys, I had a great day at school today," he said, excitement radiating from his face.
His parents exchanged a curious glance. "What happened?" his mom asked, stirring the pot on the stove.
Jaxon took a seat at the kitchen island. "We had a new student in class today. His name is Justin."
His dad looked up from chopping vegetables. "That's great! What's he like?"
Jaxon grinned. "He's cool. We talked about music, and it turns out we have a lot in common."
His mom smiled. "That's terrific, sweetie. It's always exciting to make new friends."
Jaxon nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting to know him better."
Jaxon's mom asked, "So, what kind of music is Justin into?"
Jaxon's eyes lit up. "He loves rock and pop, just like me! We were talking about our favorite bands and artists."
His dad chuckled. "Sounds like you two are going to get along just fine."
Jaxon nodded vigorously. "Yeah, I think so too. I'm planning to teach him how to play guitar."
His mom smiled. "That's very kind of you, Jaxon. I'm sure Justin will appreciate it."
Jaxon grinned, feeling happy about his new friendship.
Jaxon was hunched over his desk, studying for an upcoming exam, when his phone buzzed.
He glanced at the screen and saw that it was Max, his music producer.
"Hey, Jaxon! Just checking in to see how you're doing," Max texted.
Jaxon smiled, taking a break from his studies. "Hey, Max! I'm doing great, thanks.
I met a new student in school today and we started talking about music."
Max's response was immediate. "That's awesome! What's the new student's name?"
Jaxon typed out a quick reply. "His name is Justin. He's cool and we have a lot in common."
Max sent a thumbs-up emoji. "That's terrific! Keep me posted on how things go with Justin."
Jaxon grinned, feeling happy about his new friendship and the fact that Max was supportive.
Jaxon typed out another message. "Yeah, I'm planning to teach him how to play guitar. He's interested in music."
Max responded with a string of enthusiastic emojis. "That's amazing! You're going to be a great influence on him. Keep me posted on his progress."
Jaxon smiled, feeling happy that Max was excited about his new friendship. "Will do, Max. Thanks for checking in."
Max sent one final message. "No problem, Jaxon. Get some rest and keep up the good work."
Jaxon nodded to himself, even though Max couldn't see him. He put his phone aside and refocused on his studies.