Bernard stood there, completely stunned, his mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air. His mind struggled to reconcile the woman standing before him with the broken girl he had mocked and ignored for years.
Valentina smirked, tilting her head slightly as she glanced at Raymond. "It seems someone has lost his voice," she said with amusement.
She turned on her heels, ready to leave. There was no point in wasting another second on Bernard. He was a relic of a past she no longer belonged to.
But just as she took a step forward, a rough hand clamped around her wrist.
"Where do you think you're going?" Bernard's voice was sharp, desperate.
Valentina slowly turned back, her expression icy.
Bernard's grip tightened. "If you think you're still married, you're a fool," he sneered. "Your marriage isn't valid anymore. As of now, you're coming with me."
Silence settled between them.