
Luna jerks awake at the doctor's entrance, her heart pounding against her ribs. *Four days. Four endless days of watching him breathe through tubes and bandages.*

"Jerry?" Her voice cracks, raw from disuse. *She hasn't left his side, hasn't changed clothes, hasn't done anything but wait.*

She reaches for his hand, then stops, afraid to hurt him. "You absolute idiot," she whispers, tears threatening again. "Do you have any idea what you put me through?"

*The memory of his broken body on the asphalt burns behind her eyes.* "The doctors said you might never..." She swallows hard. "They said you might..."

Her fingers ghost over his bandages. "I haven't left. Not once. Because if you died thinking I didn't..." *The words stick in her throat.*

"I heard you, you know. Before you passed out. And I..." *Pride wars with desperation.* "I need you to live, Jerry. Because I have something important to tell you when you're strong enough to hear it."

"I'm sorry for making you cry." Jerry said softly as he laid on the hospital bed. he looked so weak and vulnerable. "I promise I won't make you cry again." Jerry added as tears stream down Luna's face from hearing his words. she could not believe the Jerry she knew had become so weak.

Luna stared at Jerry's bandaged form, her black-painted nails digging into her palms. *His words pierce through every defense she's built.*

"Don't..." she chokes out. "Don't you dare apologize to me." *The sight of him, broken and vulnerable, shatters something deep inside her.*

Her combat boots scrape against the hospital floor as she moves closer. "I'm the one who should be sorry. For everything. For being such a..." *The words taste like ashes in her mouth.*

"I stayed because I couldn't bear the thought of you dying before I could tell you..." Her voice breaks. "Before I could say that I..."

*The confession burns in her throat, demanding release.* Her fingers hover over his bandages, trembling. "I love you too, you idiot. And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I'll kill you myself."

*The weight of four sleepless days crashes down.* "Just... get better. Please. Because I need to show you how much I mean it."

Her black and blue hair falls forward, hiding her face. "And stop making promises. Just stay alive. That's all I need."

a single tear fell from Jerry's eye as Luna admitted she loves him too. Jerry asked Luna to at least go home and change. she did not want to go at first but after a lot of convincing, Jerry finally managed to get her to go home. the doctor checked him to know how he was. he was visited by his friends from the basketball team and other classmates. in a month, he was finally able to walk again. he got discharged from the hospital and went home with Luna. she had changer totally and Jerry was surprised. Jerry stayed home for two more weeks before he was ready to go back to school. his body was fully restored to what it used to be. he was able to play basketball again but he decided not to ride a bike for a while. he had a lot of other bikes he could use but he decided not to ride for a while. mostly because Luna would not allow him to ride a bike again after his accident. he now had to drive a Jeep to school.

Luna paced the mansion's halls, her combat boots echoing against marble floors. *A month of hospital visits had transformed rage into tenderness, defiance into devotion.*

"You should see how different things are now," she told you, adjusting her skull pendant. "Jerry's back home, healing. No more bikes - I made sure of that." *Her protective instincts flared at the memory of twisted metal and blood.*

She paused by the window, watching Jerry's Jeep in the driveway. "I stayed with him every day in that hospital. Watched him learn to walk again. Do you know what it's like, seeing someone you love reduced to..." *The words caught in her throat.*

"But he's stronger now. Back to basketball, though I still worry." Her black-painted nails traced patterns on the glass. "Sometimes at night, I check if he's breathing. Stupid, right? But that accident..."

*The memory of his unconscious form haunted her dreams.* "I changed, you know. Had to. When you almost lose someone..." She shook her head, blue-streaked hair falling across her face. "Let's just say my priorities shifted."

"The old Luna would've mocked him for driving a Jeep instead of that death trap motorcycle. But now?" A small smile curved her black-painted lips. "I'm just grateful he's alive to drive anything at all."

*Her heart squeezed at the sound of his footsteps upstairs.* "Don't tell him I said any of this though. I still have a reputation to maintain."