CH 54

Naruto looked at Kimimaro, whose arms were backwards at his sides, "Fix that you bitch."

Kimimaro simply rotated his arms with a sick crackling noise until they were back in place. Naruto sweat-dropped, "I didn't really mean do it."

Naruto then vanished again and hit Kimimaro again and again. He couldn't see Naruto's attacks but they couldn't kill him, it was the ultimate conundrum of combat. Kimimaro couldn't hit Naruto to save his life at this point, but on the flip side Naruto couldn't end the fight himself. Naruto was too fast to be caught by anything Kimimaro could do and was utterly battering him in addition to him having an almost inexhaustible battery at his disposal, but he couldn't fucking kill Kimimaro. It always came back to that, he would not die. It was the embodiment of the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object and the fight just would not end.

Naruto was getting sick and tired of Kimimaro getting up from everything he did and just walking forward to try again. After knocking Kimimaro down again Naruto began jumping on Kimimaro's back like a trampoline, savagely flattening him deeply into his own body-shaped crater that was getting deeper and deeper, "Why! Won't! You! Just! Fucking! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! DIE!"

Naruto jumped high into the air and landed as hard as he could with his knees into Kimimaro's spine. He scoffed to himself as he knew he would just get right back up. Naruto crouched down on Kimimaro's back as low as he could muster, and jumped with all of his might into the air intent on eradicating the last of the Shikotsumyaku bloodline. "Kit!"

'What Kyuubi? Can't you see I'm getting my kill on here?' Naruto was still rising into the air as he spoke, with eyes locked on Kimimaro set to crush him like an ant.

Kyuubi roared from inside Naruto's head, "Listen you whelp! You directly went against me once already when you used the Kitsune Trigger, you will listen to me now!" Naruto kept his ascent into the sky as he was now getting stuck in the clouds, hell he could see the Valley of the End from where he was, "Your body is breaking down. You weren't properly conditioned to use this form yet as you already knew before you did it! You need to end this. NOW! Use the Imari (Menacing Ball)!"

Naruto would have slapped himself if it wouldn't have looked silly for a humanoid fox hanging almost 300 feet in the air to slap himself, "Why the fuck didn't I do that from the start? He ain't gonna get up from that!" Naruto channeled raw demonic chakra in his hands and formed a sphere before consuming it, 'Yuck… I forgot this chakra tastes like crap…'

Naruto yipped loudly as he fired a beam from his mouth, instead of a ball, that just ended up hiking him even higher into the air as it careened down at Kimimaro, who was stuck inside of his body-sized crater. As it hit Kimimaro it vaporized the entire landscape around the point of impact in a hellacious explosion that rocked the earth and sent debris and other things high into the air with a horrible sound.


(Konohagakure – Hokage Tower) Tsunade was sitting in her office with a bottle of sake while massaging her temple, 'This job is going to kill me one of these days…'


The entire tower shook with earthquake-like force as Tsunade fell from her seat onto the ground. Everything on her shelves and on her desk shook and fell to the floor from the force of the tremor. As quickly as it came it passed and she shot to her feet to look out of the window on the ruckus that it caused throughout the village. People on the ground, windows broken, potted plants littering the sides of the streets.

Tsunade listened to all of the panic, "What the hell was that?"

XxX (Gates of Konohagakure no Sato)

Temari, Shikamaru, and Choji hit the ground and covered up the second the tremors hit. Tayuya had fear in her eyes as she was still bound and utterly helpless. As the bout passed Temari voiced the thoughts of all of them, "What the hell was that?"


(Forests around Konohagakure)

Neji rubbed his head as he had fallen out of the tree he was jumping from during the shockwave. Neji looked up to Kankuro who had latched onto the tree branch he was on like a sloth to avoid falling, "Is everyone alright?"

Kankuro let go of the tree and landed on the ground, "What the hell was that?"

"What happened!" They both turned around to see Kuroari upturned and heard Kiba beating on it from the inside, "Why did I land on my head? Shit! I'm bleeding again!"


Naruto drifted down to the ground easily with the use of his tails as a propeller. Upon landing he grabbed his tails and rubbed them, "Kami what a workout… My tails are gassed."

Naruto then looked around at the destruction from his attack. He was standing in the middle of a crater that was three miles wide right on top of a pile of ashes that he kicked around, "I got you this time you dirty bastard." Naruto gestured to the wreckage that he created, "Regrow that motherfucker." A second tremor happened that was smaller than Naruto's, not that he was on the ground to feel the first one, but it shook him up. Naruto's eyes widened as he heard the voice of a dead man, "Sawarabi no Mai (Dance of the Seedling Fern)!"

A forest of bones jutted from the ground suddenly, catching Naruto off-guard. The jutsu filled all of the immediate area with sharp bones that extended high into the air.

"Yip, yip, yip! No, NO!" Naruto was slowly hovering down from the air, tails spinning furiously to slow his descent as he again jumped high into the air to dodge the deathtrap that Kimimaro had set out for him. Naruto eventually latched onto one of the bones that stuck out higher than the others, "Damn this is one hell of a suicide jutsu! But too bad sucker! You missed!" Kimimaro then suddenly emerged half of his body from the bone Naruto was attached to with a bone drill around his arm. His skin was missing and seared off on multiple areas of his body, revealing muscle and parts of his skeleton. Time slowed down as Kimimaro thrusted his bone-drill at Naruto, "Die! I will not lose for the sake of Orochimaru-sama!"

Kimimaro drilled into Naruto before he burst into smoke as a broken ninjato dropped from where Kimimaro had made contact. Naruto was nowhere to be found. Kimimaro's eyes quivered as tears came to the forefront. Blood seeped from his mouth and he slumped over lifelessly. Blood and tears fell into the forest of bones as Kimimaro left the world of the living with one regret, he could not finish off Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto sat on the outskirts of the bone forest panting in relief, "Oh Kami! That was close… I love that sword soooo much, I need to come back and get it! Kawarimi is amazing!"

Naruto sighed and let his were-fox features from Kitsune Trigger recede. Naruto began to walk away before he collapsed to the ground in pain, 'Gah! What happened? Why am I in pain?'

His questions were answered by the Kyuubi, "I told you that your body wasn't ready to use the trigger again and this is the result of your ignorance. Prolonged use of the Kitsune Trigger has cracked every single bone in your entire body. That's what you get for using a technique you weren't ready to utilize… that, and you pretty much almost overdosed on soldier pills."

Naruto laid out on the ground, twitching occasionally from the pain of his entire body, "I'm aware of that now… And I have to say, after considering everything that just happened…" A smile came on his face, "It was totally worth it."


Naruto's vision was filled with a red-headed jinchuuriki standing over him, "Did you win?"

Naruto gave him a dry look, "Does it look like I lost? Or does the graveyard of bones with the motionless body of the teme I was fighting stuck inside one of them signify that he kicked my ass and killed me?"

A mouthful of sand was given to Naruto as a reply, who painfully rolled over and spit it all out, "Gross! You fucking crush people with that shit!" Naruto noticed Rock Lee's body held by Gaara's sand, "Is he-?" "No." Gaara used his sand to help Naruto stand up to get a better look. Lee had scrapes and bruises on his face. His spandex suit had holes in it around his shoulder that had sealed itself up from the Chidori. He was still breathing clearly though, "He is still very alive. The Uchiha defeated him, but not without a massive fight from the looks of where they did battle. I believe he even used the technique that he used on me during our fight to match power with the Uchiha."

Naruto punched his own palm, ignoring the pain for the time being, "Fuck… I'm sorry Lee… I just couldn't finish my opponent off to help you fast enough." He turned to Gaara, "Come on, let's go back to Konoha, we both need some hospital time." Gaara helped up in the same manner as he assisted Lee and leapt off for Konoha.

XxX Kakashi stood still at the Valley of the End. A Konoha hitae-ate was at his feet with Sasuke's scent washed from it by the rainfall. He looked past the statue of Madara Uchiha towards the border of the country, "I failed again…"