CH 63

Anko chuckled, "I know I saw you run through those genin back during test of yours, but I'm still quite a bit out of your reach my dear gaki." Naruto shook his head, "I know you know about the retrieval mission, so I have to ask you… What the hell makes you think I can't beat the shit out of you Anko. Why would you try this on me? You can't scare me, I did nothing to you, and any threat that you even try following through on, I'll make you pay for it myself, fuck disciplinary measures."

Anko narrowed her eyes at him, "All right then gaki, I was about to sit and listen to what you had to say, but now I think I'll rough you up a bit just out of principle."

Naruto slid into a stance, "Don't think it will be that easy. Of course I should thank you though, the wolves and the bears were getting kind of easy to take down. You should be able to get the old blood pumping."

Anko licked her kunai, "I'll get your blood flowing gaki." She then threw the kunai at Naruto and headed in to engage him up close her taijutsu. Anko took quick, precise jabbing thrusts at Naruto that he was forced to parry or suffer due to the nature of her attacks. Anko went for the least guarded areas on his body, aiming at his neck, his eyes, even his groin, he really didn't like that last one, as evidenced by the return kick he gave her right back in the same area after one of Anko's attacks landed low.

Both broke off holding themselves below the belt, doubled over in pain, "What the hell gaki, you don't hit a lady there! *cough* What's wrong with you?"

Naruto backed away inhaling sharply, "You punched me in my junk! It was a reflex, and besides, just because you're a girl I'm supposed to hold back? It's not like you women ever guard that spot in a fight anyway so why the hell not? It's open." Anko growled at him and thrusted her arm out, "Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)" As a mass of snakes flew from Anko's sleeve at Naruto he reached for the sword on his back only to pull out his broken ninjato.

Naruto sweat-dropped just as the snakes hit him dead on and constricted around him. Anko's face took on a victorious look as she loomed over him, "Alright gaki, playtime is over. If you try to move these snakes will bite you, and they are poisonous." She then pulled out another kunai, "Now that you're all tied up, we're going to have our little discussion about what exactly you need to ask about next time you see that Oto girl."

Naruto looked at his scaly bindings and chuckled, "This is all you've got? I'm immune to all of the stuff that your snakes could have." Naruto had already built up an immunity to certain poisons as a precautionary measure before his mission to Otogakure years ago. All of the snakes from the jutsu Anko just used were among the first poisons that he ended up getting over. He began shifting around and, true to her threat, Anko's snakes bit into him. She gasped, she didn't mean to kill the brat, just rough him up a bit. That gasp soon turned to another as he broke the snakes' hold on him.

Upon standing he looked at Anko's slack-jawed face, "What? It's not like they were constrictors or anything. It wasn't too hard." He then decided to engage Anko instead of waiting this time. As he ran in Anko smirked confidently, the kid wasn't even trying to work angles. The sound of something coming into their plane of existence signified that he had made Kage Bunshin during his push forward. As the Naruto in front of her tried to keep the bulk of her attention occupied, the Kage Bunshin he had created were flying around her trying to pick their shots.

Anko did her best to trade strikes with the real Naruto and avoid attacks from the clones, but like she already knew, he was ridiculously fast for someone his age, and when he made contact, like the real one did right in her body with his fist, when the kid hit, it hurt, 'No thirteen year-old kid should hit that hard!'

The one punch from Naruto would have sent Anko flying, had he not grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back roughly. She almost wished that he had let her fly backwards as when he pulled her forward he smashed her in the ribs with a knee before stepping out of the way for one of his clones to drop a flying kick from behind on the back of her head. Anko was sent sprawling forward onto the ground and quickly made her way back to her feet to see all of Naruto's clones crouched in front of the real one, ready to react. Naruto crossed his arms and stared out at the purple-haired snake summoner, "Are we done Anko? Or do we keep going? Because unlike you I have absolutely nowhere to be for the rest of the day."

Anko gritted her teeth and tossed a kunai right through the bunshin wall to hit the Naruto within, only to watch it go up in smoke. As all of the bunshin dispersed Naruto's disembodied voice rang out from the trees, "Now that wasn't nice Anko, I just wanted to talk. You want to know why I didn't ask about your cursed seal right?"

She looked around rapidly for any sign of the scarred blonde, "Yes! Why didn't you? If she could get hers off, even unwillingly then I-."

Naruto cut her off, "Because she doesn't know anything about it except how to use it. And Orochimaru may be a genius with ninjutsu, but he's not as good with fuuinjutsu as you think he is. Why do you think he tested his seal on you and didn't just put it on himself? The detriments were too great. He didn't even research a way to take it off of a recipient until he came up with the seals for the Sound Four, Kimimaro, and Sasuke. He can't remotely deactivate yours like he can for the others because yours was made before he was any damn good at making them, there's a reason yours is the first."

Anko shut her eyes tightly, "So there's really no way to get it off of me…"

"I didn't say that…" Anko's head snapped up with that nugget of news, "You know how to do it? How?"

A sigh came from her surroundings, "I don't know yet. I'm starting to get into fuuinjutsu and every seal can be broken from what I've read, there's just a trick to them all. Orochimaru has something that I need in order to get a good read on what to do with your seal. I have a question though, has anyone ever put Fuuja Houin (Evil Sealing Method) on you?"

Anko blinked, forcing another sigh out of Naruto, "Goddamn it, what is wrong with this village? All right, find Kakashi or something and ask him to place it on you. It should help at the very least until I can think of what to do with it, it could take me years to find out how to break your seal."

Anko turned around as Naruto came striding out of the brush, "Wait, that didn't work. The Uchiha brat had that on him and it broke."