CH 89

The amassed team of Genma Shiranui, Naruto Uzumaki, Kotetsu Hagane, and Izumo Kamizuki stood in front of the Hokage's desk, having just given their report on the mission to Kumo. Tsunade had to rub her forehead at the report, "Naruto… how do you get arrested in Kumo after being there for four hours tops?"

Naruto shrugged, "Hokage-sama, Murphy's Law just loves me like that I guess. Come on now, are you really surprised by this point that this stuff happens to me even when I don't instigate it? You should know this by now."

Tsunade sighed and waved it off, "Alright, other than the extracurricular activities of someone here." She said while looking at Naruto, "Good work. You're all dismissed and have a few days of leave."

The group nodded and turned to leave, "Naruto you stay." Tsunade said before he could exit the office. Naruto turned back around to face the blonde woman, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Naruto walked back over to her desk and leaned on it, "What do you need baa-chan." The toothy grin on his face let her know that he knew this was personal more than anything else, "I need to get some sleep and then head into my favorite place to get some destructive new jutsu down."

Tsunade shook her head in amusement, "Alright brat, I asked you before, but I'm going to try it again. How strong do you think you are?" Naruto raised an eyebrow, "In a straight up fight or when I get the drop on somebody?"

Tsunade blinked, "Both if you know."

Naruto though about it, "Well I'm good enough from the shadows to kill one of Orochimaru's bodyguards before he even knew I was there, and I can stay hidden in an enemy stronghold for months at a time if I had to, I don't really like that though, it's nervewracking." He started pacing around her office, "What would you rank Orochimaru's right-hand man Kabuto and Kimimaro Kaguya if you had to?"

Tsunade understood where he was going with that. It was hard to rank yourself, so he was comparing himself to others, "Both of them would be considered jounin level." Naruto nodded, "I don't really count Kabuto though, he didn't try fighting me for real until I had him beaten so I only have experience against one jounin level ninja since my promotion. You just promoted me like two months ago, are you really looking to do it again so soon?"

Tsunade picked up Genma's written report from the desk, "All of your teammates have stated that you might make a good candidate in the future for Anbu. I already figured that you would be a jounin in a year or two if you keep growing. Now enough about that, what did you actually do in Kumo, your report says that you spent some time with a few of the people there but you didn't elaborate at all."

Naruto sat down in a chair and smiled at Tsunade. She was very good to him after he had brought her back to Konoha. It was something akin to a sibling-esque relationship, she was his boss, but she legitimately cared about him. Naruto was very grateful to her for this, he probably would do anything in his power that Tsunade asked of him, even if he didn't directly answer to her, "I beat up an entire team of Kumo chunin that challenged me to a spar after my arrest, by the way there were two girls on that team and they seem to like me. I met Kumo's two jinchuuriki. One of them is utterly insane, like on the level of Lee and Gai, insane, but the other one is a few years older than me and she's hot. She's a sweetheart too."

Tsunade's eyes gleamed, 'Finally I might have some ammunition on the brat. Drink yourself into a stupor without me will you? I'll show you.' "So what else brat?"

Naruto ignored the look as he kept listing things off, "Let's see, I made Kotetsu and Izumo give themselves alcohol burns on their testicles, I won all of their money, by the way place their paychecks for the mission in my name, and some guy tried to kill me. Oh! And I also-."

"What?" Tsunade almost roared at him, "Someone tried to kill you? Who? Did Kumo order-."

Naruto had to place his hands on her shoulders to calm her down, "Whoa, whoa! Calm down baa-chan it's okay. He tried to kill me, but he got captured by the Raikage's forces and I got to execute him the next day."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "That was in the report wasn't it? So what did you do?"

Naruto sat back down and leaned back in his chair, "I had him hanged, drawn, and quartered. I did it myself." That method of execution hadn't been done since the Second Great Ninja War. Particularly brutal method that, "How do you even know how to do something like that?"

Naruto let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like 'Root' and Tsunade ended up nodding in understanding. Naruto stood up and stretched, "So where's ero-sennin? Is he here so I can start my training or am I on my own for the time being?"

Tsunade shook her head, "He's out gathering information on a lead on the Akatsuki, trying to find out exactly what they need the Kyuubi for, he's also trying to find out who other members are. He'll be back in a few months, I'll clear your schedule for that point in time and let you know in advance."

Naruto made a grunt of affirmation and walked towards the window, "Alright then, like I said before; I'm going home, taking a nap, getting some food, and then I'll be spending some quality time in the Forest of Death in order to avoid collateral damage from the training I'm going to go do. If you need to find me then that's where I'll be."

Tsunade turned her head as he walked past her, "Brat take the door for crying out loud."

Naruto grinned as he pulled the window open, "What was that baa-chan? The wind is kind of heavy today, did you say doors are for losers? Because I agree with you wholeheartedly on that front. Tell Shizune-neechan I said hi!" With that, Naruto jumped out of the open window and vanished in a shunshin.

Tsunade slapped her forehead, "Great… Now both the brat and the pervert get their jollies from going in and out of the window."


Naruto opened his apartment door and wasted no time in dropping face-first on his couch with a massive sigh, "*sigh* I need a bigger house…" Naruto simply lay still face down while his door opened silently and slowly. The figure crept through the living room until Naruto's voice rang out, "If you want to keep all of your limbs attached I would stop moving forward if I were you."

"Wow shithead, nice to see you too."

Naruto lifted his head and rolled over to get an eyeful of Tayuya, "Tayuya-chan? What are you doing in my apartment?"

Tayuya rolled her eyes, "I heard your door open and heard your loud-ass buffalo noise when you dropped on the couch. What, are you not happy to see me?"

Naruto shook his head, confused, "It's not that, it's just, what are you doing here?"

Tayuya gave him a grin, "I live in the complex. I'm actually right next door to you shithead. Surprise!"


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]