Arin stood still, calm and composed. Closing his eyes, he focused on the rhythmic sound of his own breathing, letting the noises of the forest fade into the background. In his mind, he visualized Aedric Dovanseer, his loyal follower. He reached out mentally, feeling a slight tingle at the edge of his consciousness. With every ounce of willpower, he projected his thoughts outward, like a silent, invisible call across the ether.
"Lord Aedric Dovanseer, I seek your presence," he whispered in his mind, envisioning the words as tendrils of light reaching out through the darkness.
At first, there was nothing. Only the void. Then, slowly, a faint glimmer of response flickered back. It was as if a distant star had answered his call. To Arin's great surprise, he could sense Aedric's cautious curiosity, a hesitant touch against his mental outpouring.