Follow Up- 'Promotion'

"The Rogue was still silent! The Human archer taunted it to come out from hiding, but to no avail. The Elf Swordswoman probably thought that to lure my 'friend' out, she should target me. She jumped to slice me with her sword. I dodged but hit my head on a rock and fainted. Before I lost consciousness, I could hear a clash of weapons. Most probably, as I had dodged, the Rogue behind me found himself in the crossfire and thus had to unsheathe his weapon to block her sword!"

Arin continued, "I did not know how long I was unconscious, but when I regained my senses, everything was eerily quiet. I looked around to see three of them lying dead. I checked each of them to see if they could be saved."

Ashley interrupted him, much to the annoyance of Duran and Zikar, "Why were you even checking their condition if they were going to kill you earlier?! Were you just checking if they were still alive so that you could finish them off completely?!"