"Thank you for shopping with us~ Please come again~"
Today is now the dreaded Friday as I'm now at the library for my part-time job. Just like usual, Friday's are the busiest days as I'm left running all over the place to help customers with their needs while another part-timer attends the front desk.
Last night's events still linger in my head as this morning, even Shin, who's usually boisterous and always trying to start a conversation with me was more reserved and mainly talked with the transfer student. But it's not like everyone was ignoring me. During lunch break, I hung out with Midori and her friend Nicole, who's boyfriend wasn't with us this time. Apparently he was still a bit weary after that whole incident and was instead hanging out with his other friends. It's because of this that I got to learn more about Nicole, but I was more focused on eating lunch to be honest. The only thing I remember is that she's interested in becoming a beautician.
As for me, I honestly don't know what I want to do. I strive to have good grades as I've never scored anything below a 90 on any of my tests, but my main focus is getting enough money to travel in order to find Reina; my sister.
"Luna~ Could you hold the fort for a bit?"
The other part-timer and I trade places once more as I quickly begin taking the next customer's order. This job pays well and I feel like I have enough to travel for quite a while, but I made the decision to keep working until graduation. I need every little bit that I can.
Just then, as I was saying goodbye to the customer I just served, I thought I saw someone pass across the front windows, their silvery-white hair flowing in the air. But the moment I look up, there's no one there... I swear, it's all because of the last couple days that I'm seeing things. My mind's such a mess.
That said, I dash out the door, past the customer I just served before looking out to the left where I thought the person would be, but after checking left and right, I saw no sign of the person I was looking for. Am I just going crazy?
After a couple hours, the manager gives the part-timer and I a break as we both enter the staff room to cool off. My fingers feel so dry after touching so many books. It almost feels like I'm still touching paper even now.
"Good work, today."
"Nn. You too."
We both sit down, not saying anything more as I pull out my phone to catch up on messages.
Midori: "Are we still good for the movie tomorrow?"
Luna: "Yeah, but are you sure you want to pay? I can pay for my own ticket."
Midori: "It's fine~ Think of it as an apology for last night."
Luna: "...Wasn't last night meant to be an apology from the day before?"
Midori: "Mmmm~ I'm sorry~ But seriously! Don't worry about your ticket. I'll pay for it."
Luna: "Okay."
After the events of last night, I've come around to accept Midori's friendship as the two of us exchange texts frequently. I can't even begin to count how many times she apologized on the phone last night when they all left, and here she is, still apologizing. It's really not that big of a deal though.
Midori: "Ah! And is it okay for the others to join as well?"
Luna: "I don't mind."
Midori: "Even Kai?"
Luna: "Nicole's boyfriend? Yeah, I don't have a problem. Like I said, I was to blame back then. He didn't know."
Midori: "Kay~ Just thought I'd check to make sure :)"
I've noticed now that Midori does take my feelings into account more often than before. If it was like yesterday, she wouldn't have asked that question, but now she's going out of her way to make sure I feel comortable. I really didn't expect someone as popular as her to be this kind, but I know that I still need to be weary. I can't get too attached to her or the others. It'll only hurt to say goodbye to them after graduation.
I exhale deeply, leaning back on my chair as I look up at the ceiling.
"Boyfriend troubles?"
"Hmm? Ah, no."
The part-timer, having noticed me on my phone ends up talking to me once more. Usually we'd keep to ourselves so I find this a bit odd.
"I've never seen you on your phone before. I honestly thought that maybe you just don't have one, haha."
"Nn. I didn't really have a use for it until recently- hmm?"
Just then, another message comes in on my phone as I quickly check.
Brother: "I forgot to ask! Where are you staying at the moment?"
I thought it would be Midori, but to get a text from my brother quickly puts me in a good mood as I quickly send him my address.
"Oh? Could 'that' be your boyfriend?"
"More like my brother."
After our break, we went back out when business started to pick back up. But once the sun set and the night sky was upon us, things were finally beginning to slow down. I didn't get to do that much studying as we were busy pretty much the entire time, but by this point, I feel pretty exhausted. My vocal chords feel like they're on their last legs from all the talking and greetings I've done today.
"Good work you two. Here's your payments for the week."
"Thanks boss!"
"Thank you."
Our manager hands us our paychecks, but immediately upon receiving it, I feel like it's a bit heavier than usual. I go to check inside and as I expected, it seems like the manager has overpaid us a bit.
"Don't worry. You two earnt it. I figured you two could treat yourselves this weekend so I threw in a little extra for you guys."
The manager however cut me off as I was about to question him about it. He says that we should treat ourselves, but as for me, I'll just be saving this just like I have done with all the rest. Hmmm.
Once it hit 9pm, we were finally released as I made my way back to my apartment to wash off my makeup. I'll find time to deposit this money tomorrow when I go out to the movies with Midori as I don't like the feeling of having money laying around. But maybe I could use some of this tomorrow. Midori did treat me to a lovely dinner yesterday, so maybe I could buy her lunch or something...
"Wait, what am I thinking?"
I mutter to myself as I put the money on my desk before heading into the bathroom to wash the makeup off.
It's stupid for me to think of wasting money like that. I'll just cook something up to take with me tomorrow instead of spending money on junk food. Every little bit of money will help, so I shouldn't afford to spend needlessly like that. Thinking that, I finish washing myself up and get ready for bed. My mind's been a total mess recently, so I'm hoping this trip to the movies tomorrow will help me clear my head
Wait... Normally if I go out in public, I wear my disguise... But if I'm meeting up with Midori and the others, then wouldn't I be forced to go out like this? If it was just Midori then there wouldn't be an issue, but I can't risk having more people know about that. Laying down on my bed, I think over what to do about it, but everything just leads to me just going out like I am.
I dismiss it as I close my eyes, clutching the stuffed bunny plushie in my arms like usual as I slowly drift off to sleep.
Morning soon came, and with it, I quickly got myself dressed after making some sandwiches. I figured something portable and easy to eat would be ideal, but I also didn't want to make it too plain looking, which led me to frying up some chicken that I was going to cook yesterday for it to go in the sandwiches. The chicken is getting close to it's expiry date so it would've been a waste otherwise.
As for what to wear, I went with a long sleeved black sweater with a long white skirt and black tights underneath. It's nothing too fancy, but it will keep me warm enough if we're to stay out for longer than I expected. And so, after touching up my hair with my black bunny hair pin, I walk out of my apartment to join up with the rest of them.
Checking my phone once more as I walk, I notice I have a few unread messages.
Shin: "Zhen and I'll be a bit late, but we'll make it!"
I'm guessing he sent that to everyone?
Midori: "Just arrived~ Nicole and I will be waiting inside the theater. It's a lot warmer, haha."
Luna: "Okay. I'm just heading over now."
I send a quick text back to Midori before stashing my phone into my bag. But I wonder if it's really all that cold outside. Right now, it doesn't feel all that bad to me. I'm only wearing this sweater just in case and already I'm feeling quite warm despite it almost being winter. I've heard that theaters can get quite cold as well, but the outside air feels more warm than it is cold. Could it be that Midori is more sensitive to the cold?
Thinking that, I make a small detour, going into one of the nearby stores to buy a small blanket just in case. I know I said I wouldn't spend money needlessly, but I feel like if I don't do this, we might just run into problems later on. Midori is clearly trying to include me and apologize for the trouble that she caused, but maybe by giving her something like this she can just relax and enjoy herself.
After buying a blanket and storing it in my bag, I continue along the street until I finally reach the theater. Waves of people were coming in and out of it the doors as many of their eyes looked my way, some even doing double takes, almost as if they've just seen a ghost. I don't let it bother me too much as I make my way through them until I'm finally inside.
"Ah- Luna~ Over here~"
It was hard for me to spot them, but after hearing Midori yell out to me, I quickly make my way over to them. I guess I do stand out amongst the crowd, huh.
"Not bad~"
Almost immediately as I arrived, Nicole begins to examine me, her eyes moving up and down like an elevator with a smile on her face.
"The ice queen has some style, haha."
"Nicole! I said don't call her that."
"It's okay. I don't mind it."
Midori was quick to defend me, but I let it slide as she just gives me a worried expression.
"If I was being called that for a while, it'd be hard to break it. So feel free to call me what you like."
"Mmm~ Well, it's more like a title if anything. I wouldn't call you that to your face."
"But you literally just did that Nicole."
"Well I was more so talking to myself, haha."
"Hmmm~ But she's right! You look really good, Luna!"
I don't really get it though. Looking at these two, it's clear that they're familiar with fashion trends. Nicole, to put it bluntly, looks like the typical girl that would attract any guy. Low cut skirt, and a shirt that exposes her cleavage along with her belly. She exudes sex appeal. As for Midori, she's wearing more or less the same thing, but her vibe is completely different. She's wearing her clothes properly, not exposing too much skin. She gives off a lot more of a modest look than Nicole. She's also wearing quite a bit of jewelery as well which just screams that she's wealthy. Maybe those two guys back during that time were actually planning on robbing her rather than picking her up.
"Sorry we're late!"
Just then, Shin and the transfer student came running our way, with the transfer student seeming to look a bit out of breath.
"It's fine~ The movie doesn't start till another thirty minutes."
"Yeah. Besides, we're still waiting on my dumbass of a boyfriend."
"Are you sure you should be calling him that?"
"What? He is. Did you forget what he did to Luna last night?"
"Alright~ We're not here to talk about that. We're here to have fun and watch a movie, right?"
Midori was quick to butt into the conversation between Nicole and Shin. Thanks, Midori...
Eventually, Nicole's boyfriend did show up as we all quickly bought our tickets. Everyone bought their own, except for Midori as she bought my ticket as well as hers. I don't really mind it now as I do have a little something for her if the opportunity presents itself.
"...I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"Haha. This was your idea, Midori. Plus, the only real good movie currently airing is this one."
As we made our way to our seats, Midori seemed to be getting a bit nervous while Shin and
Nicole's boyfriend seems to be eager as they're the first one to take their seats.
The seating arrangements went similar to our dinner last night, with Midori sandwiched bewteen Nicole and I, with me on one end. Nicole sat next to her boyfriend who was sitting next to Shin, along with the transfer student on the other end of the aisle.
"So cold~ Maybe I should've worn another layer."
"You've never handled the cold that well, have you. This much is nothing."
And right on que, Midori ends up holding her arms together, trying to warm herself up. I do find it funny that Nicole seems to be wearing less while seeming to be having no problem with the cold. Seems like I was right to pick this up. So, I waste no time in bringing out the chicken sandwishes along with the blanket I had just bought.
"Eh? Luna?"
"You're cold, right? Here."
I pull the blanket over her before handing her the sandwiches that are still warm to the touch.
"W-what's this?"
"I figured you might get cold, so I bought a blanket."
"Wait, you 'bought' this?"
"You didn't need to do that. W-wait wait, more importantly! You're not supposed to bring food inside the theater!"
She spoke in a hushed yet loud tone, as if she's loudly whispering which I found to be quite funny.
"Well, if you don't want them then-"
"No! This is perfect... Thank you, hehe."
She says as she begins taking a bite of one of the sandwiches, a smile quickly growing on her face as she cuddles up with the blanket.
"Ah~ This just got ten times- no a hundred times better!"
"Be sure to pass them along."
"Hmm? Oh, right."
"Don't tell me you planned on eating all of that for yourself?"
"N-no~ Not really~"
"You totally did."
"Mmmm~ But this isn't fair. I was meant to be treating you!"
"And I'm simply returning the favor."
"Hah~ Okay, but as long as you also eat."
"Nn, of course."
"Mmmm~! Can't believe we're doing this, hehe."
And so, we all begin to eat the sandwiches as the intro to the movie soon started.
Things were going rather smoothly as the movie did wonders with taking my mind off of everything. I did lie when I said that I've never watched a movie before, but I just didn't want to talk about it. The last time I watched a movie would be with my family.
It wasn't in a cinema like this, just me and my family sitting together in the lounge, enjoying some home made popcorn, with my sister and I sharing a blanket between us. Looking back at those times, I can't help but smile as I sit down like this, watching the movie. I wonder what it'd be like to be here with Reina now?... We've never watched a horror movie before, and I can't say I'm overly frightened about it so far. I know my sister in and out, just as much as she knows me, but it's not like we're 100% identical.
For one, Reina always ate her popcorn with her left hand while I used my right hand. It could just be because of how we're always side by side with the popcorn in between us so she just naturally used her left hand, but it's because of that that she ended up left handed for most things, the only exception being writing. Also when she was ever anxious, she'd rub her thumb between her fingers while I typically scratched my palm. Little things like that was what made us stand out, and both of us knew all of those little details about each other. It's because of this that it seemed like we could read each other's minds at times. Which makes it a bit irritating for me to wonder what's going on inside Midori's head sometimes.
Just then, a sudden jump scare assaulted my ears, breaking me out of my thoughts as Midori and Nicole screamed along with some other people watching. I swear... If she's this scared then why did we do this? But I guess seeing Midori clutch the blanket I gave her makes for quite a cute scene as well.