"Haahh!~ It's finally over~"
Once the movie was over, we all head back outside the theater as Midori, Nicole as well as the transfer student all breathed a sigh of relief, with Midori still clinging onto the blanket.
"Man, it's so much better watching it in theaters."
"What? I thought you said you hadn't watched it?"
"Well, if I said that then you wouldn't have agreed to watch it with me, haha."
Nicole and her boyfriend seem to be at each other while Shin seems to be comforting the transfer student, who looks to be the one that was most affected by this whole experience. I've never heard a man scream like that before. I even thought that his screams were even girlier than Midori's at times.
"Ah- Luna. Here you go."
Saying that, Midori hands me back the blanket.
"Thank you, hehe."
"No. It's yours."
Her eyes widen in surprise as I deny the blanket from her hands and instead gently push the blanket in her hands back to her.
"I bought it for you. I have blankets at home, so just keep it."
"Huh?! Wait, but wasn't this expensive? It's quite high quality."
Is it? I just picked it out 'cause it looked nice and it was on sale. I didn't know that it was of high quality.
"It's fine. Think of it like a token for our... friendship."
Hearing me say that, Midori eyes somehow widened even more as her smile became more radiant that it's ever been.
"Wait, so we're friends now?!"
"Aren't you the one that keeps saying we are?"
"Y-yeah, but you always deny it! This is the first time that you... said that..."
"So then will you accept it?"
"O-of course!"
With that problem solved, I give a short and quick smile to her before walking off to throw away that trash that I held in my bag. With Midori saying that bringing food inside wasn't allowed, I figured I should throw away the trash outside rather than use the indoor ones just in case.
"Congrats, Midori! You finally befriended the ice queen as well, haha."
Overhearing our conversation, Shin breaks into the conversation, saying something completely ridiculous.
"As well? Don't push it. We hardly even know each other."
"Ehhh? But we've known each other far longer haven't we?"
It's true that I technically have known Shin longer than Midori, but it's not like we actively talk with one another, and I most certainly never saw him as a friend. But I guess after all of this, I guess it's fine. It's just a label so it's not like I need to treat him differently.
He thrusts his arm up in the air as if pulling a victory pose before moving back next to the transfer student.
Suddenly, Nicole's boyfriend groans in pain after Nicole elbowed his side. I was about to question what that was about, but it was then that Nicole glanced my way as her boyfriend ended up doing the same thing, and in the next moment, he came up to me followed by Nicole close behind him.
"Th-thanks for the uhm, sandwiches. They were really delicious."
"Thanks. I needed an excuse to cook the chicken anyways."
"Yeah, and uhm, I'm sorry again for the other night. I was an idiot and didn't realize what I said. But despite that, you even went out of your way to make me some sandwiches as well... Really, I'm sorry."
He scratches the back of his head before bowing his head to me as Nicole just beams a smile my way. I guess she's definately the one wearing the pants in their relationship. I said this before during that time that it was all fine. I overreacted and lashed out at him, but it seems like things aren't completely fine just yet.
"...Alright. I forgive you."
"Thank you!"
"But Nicole. Don't be too hard on him."
"Hmm?~ Ah, he's fine~ He's strong enough to handle something like that."
"You say that, but you elbowed me right between my ribs..."
"Oh please, like my elbow can fit between those."
With things seeming to be clearing up with the group, I finally feel like I'm breathing in fresh air. Thinking that, I take in a deep breath as I look up into the sky. There's a fair amount of clouds, but apart from that, it's a beautiful sunny day.
"Alright! What shall we all do next?"
Midori is the first to speak up to the group as I direct my gaze back to her. Seems like she's put the blanket inside her bag.
"Well the plan was to go have lunch, right?"
"Yeah... But I'm a bit full now from Luna's sandwiches."
Seems like I unintentionally spoiled some of the plans that Midori and Nicole had made.
"I could still go for some food."
"Me too!"
But the boys seem to have a second stomach as they're all still keen on the food idea.
"I guess I could go for a drink? But food might be pushing it for me."
"Then why don't we go to a café instead?"
"Perfect! Hey, Luna. What do you think?"
With Nicole voicing the plan, Midori turns to me as if seeking my approval, but to be honest, I'm just along for the ride to try and distract myself. That said-
"I've never been to one before."
"Fufu. Then it's decided."
With Nicole now taking the lead, we all begin walking together. The people passing by us do look my way, but I still don't really understand it. Before I would think that it was because of my hair color, but could it really just be because of what I'm wearing? Or maybe a combination of both? Both Midori and Nicole said that I looked nice in my clothes, so it's kind of opened up a new perspective for me.
Eventually, we finally arrive at the so-called café. However, nearly all the tables were packed with people as it seemed like business was booming. I guess it is 'cause it's lunch time, but I never knew cafes were this popular. With it being the weekend, I could see many different kinds of people, ranging from toddlers with their parents to people around our age, to even elderly. I can't help but wonder what it'd be like to work here, having to serve such a wide variety of people. With the library, everyone is typically silent and mainly just buy books and leave.
After a few moments of looking, we decide to take one of the last available tables as we squish everyone in, using the same seating arrangements like we had back at my place.
"Hehe. I'm glad it's just the six of us."
"Yeah... One more person and one of us would be forced to have someone sit on their lap."
"Oh? I wouldn't mind you sitting on my lap, Nicole."
"Yeah right. More like you sitting on my lap instead."
"That works!"
Everyone else ends up chuckling at the two of them, but I can't find it in me to do the same. I don't really understand why their relationship is like that. If they love each other, shouldn't they not be elbowing each other and putting them down like that? But I guess I've never really had a relationship like that before, so I can't really judge.
After some time, we finally placed our orders. Midori, Nicole and I went with drinks as I ended up ordering the same drink as Midori; a caramel frappe. The boys wound up ordering an assortment of cakes along with drinks as well.
"S-so, how did the two of you start going out?"
The transfer student is the first to speak, bringing up the topic of discussion. To be honest, I thought that he'd stay quiet but I guess he was too curious about those two's relationship.
"Hmmm~ Didn't it start when you walked me back home in the rain?"
"Yeah, you forgot your umbrella. I wasn't gonna just leave you stranded at school."
"Yeah yeah! You were the only one that helped me back then."
"But then you just wound up never bringing your umbrella..."
"Mmmm~ That's 'cause I knew you'd help me out. Plus, I helped you out with the finally exams as repayment."
"Ah, yeah... Thanks again for that, haha."
"You better. Otherwise you'd be redoing a year and we'd be in different classes."
I didn't actually picture Nicole to be the studious type. With her looks, I honestly thought of her as some sort of delinquent and that her boyfriend would be the one pulling her back in line, leading to their current dynamic.
"So then, who asked who out?"
Shin raises the next question to them, but the two of them simply looked at eachother for a few moments before they both turn to answer.
"We both did."
"Hehe. Yeah. Well technically I was the first one, but apparently Kai planned on confessing that same day on Christmas eve."
"Not 'apparently.' I was literally about to confess until you stopped me mid sentence."
"Fufu, sorry~ But yeah. We've been together since last Christmas."
I find it a bit odd that I'm actually listening in to all of this conversation. Normally I would just focus on eating and trying to get on with my day, not wanting to deal with all this mindless talk, but for some reason, I find myself drinking my drink slower, as if to savor both the drink and this atmosphere.
"Hmmm? So how far have you two gone?"
At Midori's question, both Nicole and her boyfriend shriek, pulling there mouths away from their food and drinks.
"Wait, don't tell me you two "still" haven't even kissed?"
"O-of course we have!"
"Hmmm? That reaction says otherwise~"
"W-well... It's hard to find the time. Plus, we haven't even met each other's parents yet."
As Nicole says this, she glares back at her boyfriend, prompting him to tense up once more.
"Hey. My parents are really strict! You know that."
"Yeah~ I know."
"That's why I always suggest for me to come to your place."
"And like I said, it wouldn't work. I have to take care of my little brother and sister on the days when my parents are at work."
Sister... I know Nicole didn't mean to, but the sudden mention of siblings immediately made me think about my own brother and sister. Of course now, I've finally reunited with my brother and we text on a daily basis, but the same can't be said for my sister, Reina. I find myself focusing more on my drink this time as the creaminess from the whipped cream inside does wonders at relaxing my shaky heart.
"Yo, Luna."
But just then, Shin attempts to pull me back in as I try to escape into the wonders of this caramel frappe.
"You said before that you don't have time for relationships like this, right?"
"Yeah? So?"
"I was just wondering why."
At his question, the table quieted down as all eyes were on me, with Midori glancing at me worriedly. I guess she maybe thinks that this is a bad topic? She really doesn't need to be concerned that much though.
"Well, if I ever had a boyfriend, that'd take up too much of my time. I don't have much as is so I don't even think I'd even be that good of a partner anyways."
"Don't say that~ I think if I was a boy, I'd have already fallen for you, hehe."
"Ah~ True. I do recall you saying that Luna rescued you from some guys, right?"
"Mhmm! It's still ingrained in my memory even now."
Midori falling for me? Is that all it takes? Then how would you explain all the love letters I get? It's not like I save people on a daily basis, I only did that back then because I thought Midori wouldn't recognise me. It was my first time even doing something as reckless as that.
"I just don't feel the need to have somebody like that right now. I have other priorities at the moment."
Midori's eyes soften my way before she goes back to drinking her frappe. She's the only one who knows that my current goal is to find my sister so she probably put two and two together. As for the others-
"Then how often do you get those love letters?"
"Like maybe one or two times a week? I've yet to get one on a Monday though."
Nicole shoots her gaze my way when I announce that, seeming to be quite shocked by it in comparison to the boys.
"I only get that much attention on like valentines day or something."
"Ah, yeah. I think I remember getting about ten or something on that day."
I had work that day too. I didn't even have time to get around to answering all of them.
"I'm not surprised~"
Midori is the only one that seems unbothered by everything I said as she just sips happily at her drink.
"Luna's amazing after all."
"And like I said, I'm not that great. Those guys at the time, they could've easily beaten me if I didn't take them by surprise."
"I'm not "just" talking about that. Just the way you carry yourself. Being able to cook your own food, even letting me stay over that one night after I troubled you. You even came prepared today and got me this blanket."
"That's 'cause I figured you'd be cold."
"Yes, and that's exactly what makes you great!"
Midori sure is one bundle of joy... Her smile's so radiant that I almost find myself smiling back at her.
"Oh? I see~ So Midori has a new best friend, huh?"
"Th-that's not it!"
"Sure~ You've been on and on about Luna lately. I see how it is."
"Mmmm! You're such a tease, Nicole! I can have more than just one best friend you know."
Wait... Has Midori just now pushed the benchmark of our friendship to that of best friends? She sees me as on the same level her Nicole? Well, I guess for me, she's the one I'm closest to at the moment so technically she would be my best friend, but it feels wrong for her to bring me up to that same level.
"Fufu. Well, it seems like Luna can handle you, so I don't mind."
"What do you mean 'handle' me?"
"Who knows~"
Nicole goes back to her drink with that before giving me a quick smirk. I take it that she approved of my friendship with Midori?
"What about you, Shin? You interested in anyone?"
"Hmmm... Not really. I just see you guys as friends."
"Is that meant to be a roundabout way of rejecting us?"
"Haha, nah. But I've only ever seen you as a friend, Midori."
"Wait, so you're saying that you're 'only' rejecting me?"
"So cruel!"
"Hey, it's not like you feel that way about me anyways."
"Mmm... I suppose."
I knew that the two of them were friends before. From the sounds of it, they seem to have been friends maybe all the way back in their early childhood. I kind of envy them a little... Growing up, I never had any friends, nor did my sister, which only made the two of us even closer as sisters. It's thanks to my sister that I never felt alone in the world... Unlike now.
"Wait, but Nicole is already taken, so then... You're interested in Luna?"
Hearing my name come out of Midori's mouth, I end up looking over to Shin who had his eyes on me as well.
"Well, I wouldn't say I wasn't. But after hearing all of that before, I don't see me having any chance, haha."
Wait... Shin is interested in me? I was so cold to him before though...
"...Don't tell me you're one those masochists."
"W-what? Of course not! I'm pure!"
"Yeah. I guess you just... I don't know. You always seem like you know what you're doing, making sure everything's perfect, as if you know exactly what to do. And when you always bring me back to reality, saying that I should focus on studying... How could I not be somewhat interested?"
So he took me being cold and distant to him as me being caring? I guess that explains why he just ignored my attempts at dismissing him this entire time until now.
"Well like I said, I'm not interested in that sort of thing."
"Woah... I never expected to have this whole conversation today!"
Before the awkwardness could even attempt to set in, Midori immediately lightens the mood back up with a bright smile on her face, bringing us all back in.
After we all finished our food and drinks, we decided to split up into groups after Nicole wanted to spend some alone time with her boyfriend. Apparently that whole love talk earlier kind of got to them, so they wanted to leave the rest of the plans to us and have some alone time. The same thing happened with Shin as he and the transfer student went back to his place. It seems like they've gotten quite close. Which leaves me with the last of the bunch; Midori.
"Did you have fun?"
"Nn. It's not something I've really done before."
We make small talk as we walk down the street.
"I'm glad that you made up with Kai though. I was a bit worried about it, but I'm glad it all turned out okay."
"It's not like there was anything to make up though."
"Hehe, I guess. Oh! But I never expected for Shin to just say that!"
"Hmm? Say what?"
"About how he had a crush on you!"
"I don't think that's the word he used though."
"Come on~ That was basically a confession, right?"
"I've dealt with confessions before you know. Shin's just always struck me as someone who's open."
"Ah, yeah. That's actually how we became friends originally. Hehe, when we were in middle school, he'd always do the most random things that no one asked for. Like how he came into our class with his zipper down, or when he came in covered in dirt. Normally it'd be embarrassing but when I pointed it out, trying to tease him in front of the class, he just casually did it back up, completely unfazed with everyone around him."
"I didn't take you as someone who'd do something like that."
"Hehe, well I was stupid back then. It's thanks to Shin that I realized how childish I was, so coming into high school I decided to have a fresh start."
She can still be a bit childish though... She barely even knows how to cook rice. I wouldn't really call that "growing up."
"Hey, you think I can come over to your place for a bit?"
"Eh? Sure. I wasn't planning on doing anything so-"
"Sweet~ Thanks!"
If it was everyone again, I'd be a bit more hesitant, but if it's just Midori, then I think that's fine...