Once we arrived at my apartment, Midori quickly sent a bunch of texts on her phone, most likely informing her parents. I do wonder what we would've done if we all hadn't split up, but I'm satisfied with how things are so far. I'm honestly surprised I even enjoyed my time out with everyone today, at least more so than I expected.
"Haah~ What a day."
Midori sighs as she sits down on the couch that she slept on the first night I met her.
"Nn. That frappe was really good."
"Right? I always get the caramel flavor when I go there."
"Even though you were cold? Maybe a warmer drink would've been better?"
"Mmmm~ I dunno. It's cold, but the caramel sort of warms up my body. It's weird, haha."
That makes zero sense in my head, but I digress. Instead I end up sitting down on the sofa next to her, but that was when I caught sight of the enveloped filled with money at my bedside table. Shit! Well, as long as Midori's facing this way it should be fine.
"Hehe. This brings me back to that night when you saved me."
"It was the last time when it was just us two, right?"
"Ah, yeah... It was."
Please don't notice the envelope, please don't notice, please don't notice.
"I was quite dumb back then. Sorry."
"It's fine."
"No, it's not. I shouldn't have worried you by taking your bunny. I just thought that it was cute but I didn't know how important it was to you."
"Yeah. It's was given to me by my parents on my first birthday."
I say as I stand back up before walking over to the bed to pick up the stuffed bunny plushie. I take the opportunity to break Midori's line of sight of the envelope with my body in order to stash it inside the drawer.
"...It's one of the few mementos I have."
"...I see. I figured."
Oh oh. I was worried about her seeing the envelope, but now I'm concerned about where this conversation is headed. Midori is even looking quite down now as she fiddles with her fingers.
"I can't imagine what it must feel like..."
"Ah- Sorry! I didn't meant to have you remember that!"
As if a switch was suddenly flipped, Midori quickly tries to reel back the conversation, but I don't really mind.
"It's okay. It's painful, but I've long since accepted that my parents are no longer around."
"I-I see..."
"It's more so my sister that I'm more focused on. Knowing that she's out there yet I can't reach her."
"Is that why you're working? To try and look for her?"
"Yeah... Wait. What?!"
How did she-?
"Pfft, hehehe. I saw the envelope of money on your desk."
"But how did you know I was working?"
She could've thought that maybe that's my allowance or something from my guardian. I do recall mentioning that to her before.
"I didn't~"
"It was just a guess. But your reaction gave it away, hehe."
"...You're pretty smart, sometimes."
"Ehh? Only sometimes?~ How cruel~ Haha."
Seriously, this girl... She picks up on things too easily. I didn't even see that she noticed it. Did she notice the envelope right as we walked in through the door and just kept it to herself until now? Did she wait for the perfect time to take me off guard?
"I was meant to actually deposit that money today."
"Oh? Well we could go back out if you like?"
"It's alright. I can do that tomorrow."
Defeated, I sit back down on the sofa to relax as Midori just shines a smile my way. Is it that much fun to feel victorious, huh? Giving up, I focus more on the bunny in my arms as I gently stroke it's head, being careful not to tear the partially damaged ear.
"It's a very cute bunny."
Come to think of it, Midori would be the first person outside my family that has seen this plushie, let alone seeing me holding it. Now thinking about it, it's a little embarrassing...
"Hey, you mind if I ask a question?"
"Hmm? Sure."
"You don't need to answer it though if you don't want to."
"It's fine."
"Okay. Well, uhm... Are you adopted perhaps?"
"E-eh? Wait, did I say something funny?"
"No. It's just been a while since I've been asked that."
Actually, this might be the first time that I actually laughed as well... At least since then.
"I just figured because you look so much different than your brother."
"Yeah, I get it. Growing up, my sister and I would get teased about that in elementary."
"Nn. It only bothered me for a bit until I got over it. So relax. I don't mind."
"I-I see."
At this point I may as well just show her, "that." Thinking so, I leave the bunny on the sofa before grabbing the family photo before sitting back down next to Midori. Holding the bunny in my arm again, I turn the family picture around so that Midori could see.
"Is that-?"
"Nn. It's my family."
I pay more attention to Midori's face rather than the picture itself. I've seen it countless times so I'm honestly more curious about what others would make of it. And so far, Midori's eyes seem to be glued on it, wide open as if she's trying to take in as much of the picture as possible. That said, her staying silent is making it a bit awkward.
"I didn't know your sister was your twin?"
"Nn. Her name's Reina."
"Wait, so which one is you?"
"Ah, right. This here is me."
I forget that others probably wouldn't be able to tell. To me it's obvious which one is my sister, but there are easier ways to tell us apart if you know where to look.
"Our parents had us wear different colored hair pins for our hair. I'm wearing the black bunny one, and my sister has the white bunny one."
"Ah~ Wait, you mean the same hair pin you're wearing now?"
I move my head to the side for Midori to properly see. For as long as I remember, I've always worn this, sometimes even in my sleep if I'm tired enough.
"Ahhh~ This is so cool! I've never met twins before."
"Well, it's not like you've met Reina yet."
"That's true... What was she like? Was she like you?"
That's a bit hard to say... If we're talking back before all of this happened, before we were taken away from each other, before our parents death, I'd say we were practically identical, even personality wise. But Midori only knows the "current" me, which is far from what would be the "real" me.
"...Yeah. We were twins as much as twins could be."
"...Luna? You alright?"
"Huh? Oh-"
I hadn't noticed, but my eyes were already beginning to tear up after looking at the picture of my sister. I quickly wipe my eyes, turning my gaze away from the picture, passing it onto Midori instead as I hold the bunny plushie more tightly in my arms to calm me down.
"Sorry. Sometimes it just gets a bit too much."
"It's okay. I understand."
"Hehe. I'm a bit jealous though."
"You see, I'm an only child so I never got to experience what having a sister or a brother would be like."
"Your parents never tried to have another one?"
"No... Well, you see- wait, promise me to keep this a secret, okay?"
"Secret? Sure."
I'm a bit startled about the sudden declaration of a secret, but it's not like I have any issues with it.
"Well, my parents divorced not too long ago, so I don't think they'll be having another kid anytime soon..."
For a second I thought that her parents had also died, but to hear that they're just divorced calmed me down. That'd be too much of a coincidence if Midori's parents also died.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. If it had happened when I was little then maybe it would've affected me more. But a part of me knew that it was coming even back then. Constant arguments, fighting. It just seemed like the only thing keeping them together was me. Hehe, it was actually because of me that they ended up getting divorced."
"Because of you?"
"Yeah... One day I just snapped at them, telling them that if they hate each other so much then they should just go away... I still remember the look on their faces when I said that. They both cared for me and I love them both, but I just couldn't take it anymore seeing them like that any longer."
I'm beginning to see Midori in a whole new light now. I never would've expected Midori to be like that, saying that to her own parents. I understand where she's coming from, but just from what I've seen of her in school... I never would've thought that she was living like this.
"So then, who do you stay with now?"
"My mom at the moment, but next week I'll be with my dad. My mom's still working on her career at the moment, so sometimes I spend more time with my dad instead."
"How do you feel about it though?"
"Well, it does suck don't get me wrong. I wish I could see the both of them together, happy. But I've given up on that dream. Right now I'm happy just seeing them finally free. It's always nice seeing my mom smile when I visit. I don't think I regret my decision."
Midori says as she smiles at my family picture in her hands. I can tell it's a genuine smile, but her eyes do seem to have a hint of sadness mixed in there.
"But that's enough about me, hehe. So, do you have any idea where your sister would be?"
"She's staying with our grandparents up north. But I don't know where they're staying specifically."
"When was the last time you saw them?"
"Well... This Christmas will actually be a decade since I last saw her."
"A decade?!"
I'm honestly dreading my birthday that's coming up in a few months. It's probably why my sister's been on my mind so much recently. I feel like the closer I get to this birthday, the more I'll start legitimately seeing things. I think back to the times where I think I saw my sister walking down the street, but every time I check, there's not a single sign of her.
"...So then I'm guessing that the accident happened on Christmas?"
"Not exactly. It was the day after Christmas. On my sister and I's birthday."
"...Do you have someone to spend that day with?"
"No. I usually just go outside during that night and wander around. I hate being inside on that day."
"Hmmm. Then how about I hang out with you on that day?"
"I'll be busy, but I can try and make some time. I don't want you to feel like you're all alone."
"It's alright, thanks. But I think I prefer to be alone, sorry."
"That's okay. But do let me know, okay? If you change your mind."
"Nn... I will."
It was honestly tempting to accept her offer, but I don't want to delve too much deeper into our friendship. I don't want her to see me vulnerable like that. It's bad enough having her see me cry just before.
Without missing a beat, Midori gently reaches her hand out to put the family picture back on the bed side table before pulling out the blanket I had bought her earlier.
And in one motion, she flings the blanket over the both of us. It's not even that cold in here, if anything I was considering going to change out of this sweater of mine, but I guess I underestimated how "cold" Midori actually is.
"Mmm~ This blanket's still so warm~"
"I'm not surprised. You warmed it up quite well during the movie."
"You really were a life saver there. I honestly would've darted out of there if I didn't have this to cuddle up with."
As if to follow along with her words, she buries herself up to her chin under the blanket with a massive grin on her face, with some strands of her hair cascading down along the surface of the blanket. As for me, I just keep my part of the blanket covering my legs, with my hands holding the bunny plushie over it, and even then I still feel like it's too warm.
"Mmmmm~ It's not even my birthday yet, but thank you again~"
"Hmm? When is your birthday?"
"November 14th. Not too long away."
"Doesn't that fall right after our end of year exams?"
"I know! It's so lame! I can't even skip a day of school to celebrate it~"
"Oh? I thought you said that you wanted to 'grow up' now that you're in high school?
"True~ But seriously. Why couldn't it be on the weekend..."
"You could see it as good luck? Maybe you'll do well 'because' it's your birthday."
"Haah~ I guess."
I find it quite relaxing learning all these things about Midori. It's such a new experience for me that I find myself drawn in to it more and more. But I do have to remember to keep my distance a bit. I can't back down on my goal.
"Wait, going back though. What is it that you do for work?"
Damn... I was honestly hoping that she wouldn't ask that question. It's my own fault for falling for her bait earlier, but I guess I can't risk it any further. If I don't tell her then I can totally see her trying to figure it out herself, maybe even bringing Nicole and the others as well.
"Ehh? Wait, the one not too far from here?"
"Hey, you know how I'm keeping your secret, right?"
"Don't tell anyone that I work there, please."
"Mhmm! Deal!"
Thank god... At least now I won't need to deal with anyone else finding out my disguise. But then again, would it even be that bad if Nicole or Shin found out?
"Oh! So 'that's' why you wear your disguise~"
"Hehe, it all makes sense now! So then that time when you saved me from those guys. You were coming back from work?"
"So cool~
We continue to chat about small things like that until we finally got up from the sofa. I made some coffee for us, but that was when I found out yet another thing about Midori.
"...This is the first time I've ever had coffee before."
"I've tried tea before and it was alright... But this looks... Intimidating."
I don't really understand what's so intimidating about it. Could it be the color of it? Maybe she'd like it if I added some milk to it?
"Hold on, give me a moment."
I take the cup of coffee back from Midori before she could take a sip before adding some milk to it along with a bit of sugar. If it's her first time, I don't want her to hate it. Personally I prefer milk with mine as well but I figured Midori might've liked it black.
"Alright, here you go."
"Thanks. Ohh!"
She looks at the new and improved cup of coffee in her hands as she takes a small whiff of it.
"Still smells the same."
"Well I only added milk to it, so I don't imagine that it'd smell any different."
"Th-then, thank you~"
She then takes her first sip of the coffee, however-
"Hnng! Bleaghh... So bitter!"
"Do you want me to add more sugar?"
"You can do that?"
What does she mean by that? She almost says it like it's an unheard of thing.
"Of course. Here."
Once again, I take the cup of coffee from her before adding more sugar to it. Judging from her reaction, I added two more sugar to it, making sure that it dissolves nicely before bringing it back to Midori.
"Mmmm. I-it's good."
Sure it is. I can tell from the look on her face that she's trying to hide the pain in her smile. She's probably concerned about having me walk back and forth like this and is instead putting up a front.
"You can be honest you know."
"N-no really, it's-"
"Come on. I don't mind. Here."
And just like that, I'm back in the kitchen, touching up her coffee once more. I guess at this point maybe Midori just isn't a coffee person, but I'm too invested in this to back out now.
This time, I top up the cup with more milk, filling it back up to the top before added another sugar to it. Hopefully with the added milk the bitterness can be drowned out a bit more, however, the coffee's now getting warm rather than hot. Oh well...
"Alright, try this."
"S-sorry, hehe."
Midori gingerly takes the coffee back in her hands as she immediately takes a sip of it.
"Mmmm! Okay this is good!"
"So just hot milk and sugar, got it."
"...That makes me sound like a baby."
"It's alright. The coffee taste is still there."
"Eh? Wait, you tasted this?"
"Nn. I wanted to make sure that it was 'still' coffee."
"S-so then..."
Her face grows red as she stares at the cup in her hands. What's going through her head? What is she so embarrassed about? Before I could ask though-
"That was an indirect kiss?"
"Y-you said that you tasted it!"
"Yeah, with a spoon."
In an instant, Midori's face returns to normal as she looks back at the coffee in her hands before taking another sip. Well that clears up that whole misunderstanding.