Chapter 13: Resurgence

two-months later...

Sailing under the clear blue sky and soothing wind float the 'Lighting division'. The crew kept being hardworking no matter the day or situation. Working and standing guard.

At the front deck stood Sarah, leaned into the railing of the warship staring into the horizon. She could understand Solan's odd behavior sometimes. Just staring into a beautiful scenery would make you forget stress and the reality you lived in. Appreciating that your able to witness such scenery. 

"...What 'cha doing?" A young man's voice spoke. 

Sarah's face turned stoic to see the joker of the mission. 

"You sure are appreciating nature for once...". Katama approached beside her, leaving a big gap with his back turned to the railing. 

"What are you thinking on... Solan maybe?" He asked teasingly. 

Sarah turned back to the sea Infront of her telling him

"...Solan's doing in training and studies, I'm happy to know that he's doing work unless someone here". Her sentence hinted at Katama's routine, always lazing around and flirting with every woman he sees during a mission forgetting his tasks.

"...I feel attacked!". Katama said sarcastically clenching his chest. 

"...Yeah I hope so because i meant it".

"...You were lazing around in the motherland of Daimon, just until Lumine had us work together again...".

"Well, earth and lighting sure have a good combo to it right?" Katama said.

"...Combo my ass....".

Sarah's thoughts went back on Solan, thinking about what he was doing right now. Because no matter what she was always worried about him. Especially knowing that a certain someone was currently taking care of him. 


Walking through the crowded streets of Soldat, Solan and another person dressed in a hooded cloak walked beside him. The sky cloud-free and the sun shining down onto the main street overseeing the ports further down. 

"Hey Solan, why don't you try this~?" A soft voice spoke.

Under the hooded disguise was grandmaster Lumine herself. She had offered to show Solan around the city. Wanting to 'learn' him the history of Soldat while they were at it.

Lumine approached the vendor, and paid for sugar-coated apples. 

"...Here, Taste this...": She told Solan, handing one of them over.

Solan got a taste. It was sugary, too sugary for his taste. 


"...You don't like it? Its one of my favorite snacks, the way the sugar cracks around apple when you take a bit, it tastes delicious!". She said happily yet disappointed that Solan didn't like it. 

Solan turned to the crowd, everyone was hard working and kids were playing around like showing how safe the streets were. Every now and then guards were seen patrolling, engaging in conversation with the locals and even helping them out. 

"The reason we're here is because we're supposed to study... I don't really want to walk around the streets...". Solan said, he was getting bored just walking on the street. Yes, maybe the locals were kind and the town was beautiful but... in Solan's mind, man made structures.. didn't really intrigue him that much. 

Lumine sighed before saying "...Alright then... I thought kids loved being outside, its rare to find someone who insists on studying. Though I guess it make sense since Sarah's your master".

"..Follow me, we'll head to the research facility....".


Soon they stood Infront of the long wide building. It was a building merged into a mountain. Huge steam pipes at the top of the mountain and a rather eerie look to it. Entering it Lumine took off her hoodie before being greeted by many researchers. 

"...Ah, Master Lumine.. Your here...". A man approached smiling. 

It was the Leader himself, Trevon. 

"...And whose this kid?"

he asked curious looking around him like a curious child. He noticed the bracelets on his wrist, realizing who the boy was. 

"...Your Solan right? Sarah's disciple..:" he said with a knowing look.

"...How do you know my name...". He asked suspicious. 

"...Those bracelets, I made them as per request from admiral Sarah".

Solan was surprised. So this was the man he had heard about. Trevon the genius. A man who was thought to use black magic to create Leviathan-slayers. He was a man of mysteries no doubt, and his twisted smile made him not trustworthy at all.

"...I want to show Solan around here... After all this is one of the pillars for the entire marine...". She chuckled.

"I'll be your guide...". Trevon told them before walking.

Solan was showed around the research facility. The walls painted in a royal white and laced with gold schemes here and there. The facility used a lot of machinery of some kind, things that produced steam and made it easier to make Leviathan-slayers not needing the usual blacksmiths.

Solan was intrigued, for some reasons... he had seen this place before. It was obvious why, one of the past users of his vessel had been here. His vessel linked memories with Solan of the past... and the time he saw it, the flooring was covered in blood, dead people scattered everywhere.

"...Did you know Solan, this place used to be abandoned...". Lumine spoke upas they walked. 

Solan turned his attention to her, he was interested in this place. Maybe if he learnt more about this place, then maybe he could find out more about his vessel of resurgence. 

"There were records of some incidents here a century ago, A battle that left this place in no state of operation... It wasn't until the former research head opened this place up for opportunities many decades ago. Now this place serves as a pillar where us marines can request artifacts or leviathan slayers... if you have the money of course...". Lumine explained well and clear for Solan to understand.

Request anything? Solan was intrigued and took great interest in this place. 

After a while they continued walking further down a basement. Guarded by many armed soldiers holding rifles. 

"...You must wonder what's down here Solan...". Lumine said. 

"...This is where the treasures of the marines is, this is where we store artifacts and ancient leviathans parts... Since its your first time... I'll have you pick something out". 

Arriving Infront of a huge metal vault of some kind. It had weird symbolic engravings around it of some kind. Lumine stepped near the metal wall before placing her hand on a pillar. 

The pillar started shining in a blue color, and so did the engravings around the metal door too.

Solan was startled, he'd never seen technology such as this. 

The vault opened slowly, creating a heavy sound of a creak. It seemed it hadn't been opened for a time. 

Entering it, a gigantic room stood before them. There were Leviathan parts floating inside of different capsule of glasses. Weapons and armors that seemed almost out of this world.

"...Soldat has been alive for several centuries, during all of our expeditions and hunts this is where they placed everything they discovered...". 

Solan's bracelets started reacting, giving of a slight shine to the room and Trevon was the only one to notice the miniature-sparkle on the corner of his eyes. He didn't mention it but was curious.

The same tingling sensation from before hit Solan.

"....There's... Something here related to my vessel". Solan thought to himself. 

Solan went to look around, highly interested while Trevon and Lumine was having a chit-chat far behind. Solan looked everywhere, these armors and weapons were ancient, made with different mechanism then the Soldat's used. After stepping further into the room the tingling sensation hit him like a boulder. A shining gleam of a jade color through what is seemingly a wooden box, standing as tall as the older 

Solan's's echoes started peaking again. His mind feeling a high attitude of headaches in his coursing through his temple. 

"...What's wrong it all of you!" 

A voice that Solan was familiar with. From his last mission of the previous curse bearer who had lost his daughter. The voice was wrathful and forceful, yet held with much tragedy in it.

"This place is connected with the vessel" 

Was solan first thought. Approaching it while the other adults were watching from afar. 

Opening the wooden box standing maybe triple times his size. His eyes widened a bit... It was a crystallized jade spear. A clean layer around the handle. the spear head heavily crystalized in a more heavy coating of crystals. 

"...What is this?" Solan thought to himself

His curiosity got the better of him and he tried to lift it up before realizing his strength were failing him. Despite his constant training in his strength wasn't enough. It fell to the ground and Solan got his grip out, it made a crack on the floor making a loud sound. 
